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Rx330 Rear Window Dirt Accumalation


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Purchased a RX330 the end of May. With just over a month of driving, have noticed that dirt accumalates very rapidly on the back window. The rear spoiler is more for looks than being effective in keeping the back window clean. Previously I owned a 2001 RX300. The rear spoiler design allowed air to flow over the back window keeping it fairly clean. Additionally the rear wiper blade on the RX330 can only be lifted about an inch off the glass, which makes cleaning the back glass even harder.

The dealer has offered no suggestions, other than bringing the vehicle in frequently for a free

car wash. This is not very convienent or time efficient.

Any suggestions for addresing this problem would be appreciated.

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Basically thats a problem with all wagon style vehicle. I drove an Explorer for years (still have it in fact) before I got the Lexus, and the dirt accumulating back there was always a problem. I'm sure its a problem on RX300s without the rear wing also.

What I would do is try a product like Aquapel or RainX on the glass that makes the surface slicker, so there would be less accumulation of dirt and dust. Aside from trying to find a new rear wing that is more funtional, I dont know what else I can tell ya.

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the rain x and stuff may work but why not try

waxing the rear glass


or washing it with dishwashing soap

just on the glass to remove any waxy buildup

kind of either or alittle wax may help and none can also

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Wax wont accomplish anything that the RainX or Aquapel won't. Removing the buildup on the window using dawn, or even better a clay bar may work somewhat.

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