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Lambo Door Kit?

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where can i get the kit to put the lambo doors on my SC400? thanks guys

PLEASE DON"T do this. Pretty Please?:chairshot:

Why not? Looks cool to me. Why the plea not too?

Because its ULTRA Rice. And your Lexus is not a civic. The Sc is a classy coupe, and lambo doors just take it into the realm of hoaky. To each their own, but I just think its super rice.

You say Lambo doors I think this.



Barf. The doors open to the side and up, the shape of the opening that is left is just goofy looking.

I'm a fan of the it didn't look like it came from the factory I don't want it club. And the way the kits have to swing the doors out and up so they don't hit the fenders is just cheasy.

/rant off


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