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Hate My Dads Cheapness

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I got a 93 GS300 for my 16th bday cuz i just like the pimpness of it, the things pearle white and in damn nice condition. ive put 60,000 miles on it in the past few years. i can only get it up to about 130 but its still just a nice car to drive around on a cool summers night. but my dad wanted to avoid the $1100 tuneup lexus said i need. so he got it done for 250 by his friend who used to work at lexus. i got the timing belt done, tranny flush, water pump changed, all the belts and hoses changed. it took 2 weeks, yea a LONG time. but im away at college and didnt mind. but now the radiator leaks cuz its old. can you guys think of anything else i need done that might go out soon?

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Learn to do stuff yourself if you don't like waiting for others. Sparkplugs, wires, cap, rotor, power steering fluid, brake fluid, differentisl oil, o2 sensors, engine and tranny mounts. That should keep ya busy for awhile <_<

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Did you pay for it or did your dad?? Thumbs up for your dad for getting the job done, I assume correctly, at a much more resonable cost. Are you paying for your college education or your dad? If your dad is paying for all your bills, don't !Removed! because of a little delay in maintance..... If you have a job and are paying all the bills, I appologize and commend you for your efforts. Bottom line, get that education, its something no one can take away from you!!

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lol, it sounds like all the people that post here, are dads and pay for crap for their kids, lol, my dad pays mechincal and for tires and such, but i pay insurance, gas, everything else, college cellphone, and the other day, i got bitched at cuz my battery died, hmmm, would any of you !Removed! at your kids? he blamed it on my system. I had 2 12's and a 500 watt amp at the time, 3 weeks later, i have a 2000 watt amp and a DVC 10" 1400 max and 700 RMS perfect for amp cuz amp only runs 1400 and 700 at 2 ohms! but anyway, battery is still in my car. im bout to get a K&N air filter, my uncle told me to stick with the intake box, helps keep the air colder! turbo is only guy here that can talk *BLEEP*, ahah i dont think he is a dad

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Maybe dads think alike, because my dad doesnt want me doing any mods to my car. all i want are HIDs and subs. unless you guys can tell me the perfect combinations of the lil buttons for my stock sound system so that it sounds pretty nice. like where they should be turned to.

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Yes, I am a dad and I helped my son through college. But he had a part time job that covered all his car expenses and other fun stuff that he could afford. I have no problem with young men making mods to there car. I would much sooner see my son or some one elses son or daughter spend their extra hard earned money on car mods, like lights, speakers, tires, wheels etc, instead of on DRUGS!!!!!!! Do something constructive with your money that you can be proud of. By modding your car, you will have something to be proud of as well as learn alot at the same time. I offen admired my sons ability to learn while working on his car, after all you must learn electricty, mechanical, chemical, (oil etc) and the like. I do believe his knowledge and love of cars helped him land his first job out of college. He is now an engineer at NASA. Yep, I am a proud dad!!

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Maybe dads think alike, because my dad doesnt want me doing any mods to my car. all i want are HIDs and subs. unless you guys can tell me the perfect combinations of the lil buttons for my stock sound system so that it sounds pretty nice. like where they should be turned to.

Your dad doesn't want you doing any mods to your car because its not your car, its his car. If anything happens to it, it comes out of HIS pocket to repair it. People who don't do mods or understand mods don't get that something simple along those lines isn't going to affect the reliability of the car, but he pays the bills and he calls the shots. You may drive it, but that doesn't make it yours. Unfortunately thats how life works, dependence has downpoints and one of those is that it gives someone else control over your life and your affairs.

I agree with him, $1200 for maintenance on a 12 year old Lexus is not a smart business decision, thats more than 10% of what the car is worth. Theres nothing wrong with having an independent mechanic do the service as long as they know the car, your dad got an AMAZING deal with that service. He'd have been stupid to pay the dealer when he has that resource.

And no, I'm not a dad. I'm 23. When I was in college my dad paid my way too, paid for my car (An Explorer at the time), my tuition, etc. He's a great person and a great dad and he would do anything for me, but we have had a much better relationship since I've been financially independent. The only think he continued paying for after I started my business when I was a sophomore was my tuition because he felt it was his obligation.

The moral of the story is, be happy that you've got a dad that not only is willing to help you, but is capable of helping you. I know a lot of people whose college life was not what it could have been because they had to work their asses off every day to pay for it. I didn't have to do that, and niether do you so be happy.

If you think your dad is cheap because he didnt want to spend more than he had to to get your LEXUS serviced you're in for a rude awakening when life hits you in the face in a couple years. Most people your age have to graduate and WORK just to afford a Lexus, even a 12 year old one.

Count your blessings because one day you're going to graduate, dad's gonna say "I'm proud of you son, now go get em" and kick you out of the nest and you'll find out what its all about. Its not easy.

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I have a friend from high school. Now, I grew up in a very ritzy area, the town my parents live in is Potomac, MD the richest town in the United States. Not many poor or even middle class people around. His family isn't poor, but they're not partners in a law firm either and he has 9 brothers. So, they can't put all of them through college. Whenever he came home...he worked. Winter, spring breaks. All summer. Even for a weekend he'd always work at least a day because he had his tuition bill to pay. Be glad you don't have to do that.

Keggers are no fun when you've worked 40 hours AND gone to school AND done your work ;)

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