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Buzzing when inserting key 1998 LS400


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When I inset my key into my 1998 LS400 it makes a buzzing sound that stops when fully inserted.   I can turn the key and start car fine and no buzzing while turning the key.  I had the two keys made years ago and both now cause the buzz while being Inserted.  They are “plain keys” I had made at a key shop and not the ones with buttons that came with the car (…and the top part breaks away from the metal key part and are much more expensive to replace).  

 I had battery issues and we jumped the car and the buzzing started then.  We replaced the battery as it would not hold a charge.  All working good except the buzz still there while inserting key.  

I can live with the buzz if it is safe to do so.   I am in my 70s and just don’t want to get stranded if the car won’t start etc.  
Or is this reflective of an issue that needs addressing?   Thanks.  

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I would think that the buzzing noise is telling you that either you did not insert the key all the way, or reminding you to pull the key out before exiting the vehicle.

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Thanks Davefor your response!  After much searching, I found one person who said he had that problem and just put the key in and turned as fast as possible.  He had no other issues with it for years.      The odd thing is I have had this car for many years and never a "buzz".   It appears it happens as soon as it touches the inside right metal of the lock chamber.    thanks again!

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