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I Think I Screwed Up My Wheels

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Well, just spraying it on and letting it sit for 30 seconds doesn't actually do anything, so I sprayed some on a wheelbrush and scrubbed them a bit. I then hosed them off, but immeadiatley had to drive across town, which caused the wheels to be hot by the time I reached my destination. It may just be me being paranoid, but to me it looks like I screwed up the finish on my wheels pretty bad, although you wouldn't notice if I didn't tell you. How can I fix it?

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Well, just spraying it on and letting it sit for 30 seconds doesn't actually do anything, so I sprayed some on a wheelbrush and scrubbed them a bit. I then hosed them off, but immeadiatley had to drive across town, which caused the wheels to be hot by the time I reached my destination. It may just be me being paranoid, but to me it looks like I screwed up the finish on my wheels pretty bad, although you wouldn't notice if I didn't tell you. How can I fix it?

~One man’s opinion / observations~

Most modem automotive wheels have a painted aluminium base with two or three clear coats applied and are subjected to similar type contaminants as the paint film surface, including acid rain, airborne pollutants, alkaline water as well as road tar debris. Treat the finish of painted wheels as you would the paint finish of the vehicle

There are many owners that don't know what material their wheels are made of, more specifically wither the surface of the wheel is coated or un-coated bare metal. If these people use the wrong wheel cleaner, especially a strong chemical alkali and/or acid-based wheel cleaner, they can and often will stain or discolour their wheels.

You didn’t say what product you used but it sounds like something fairly strong aggravated by scrubbing with a (nylon?) bristled brush.

Is the wheel surface scratched or discolored? This is why we ask for a photograph, its far easier to analysis a problem by seeing it as opposed to guessing by from a worded description (plus we like to see photos of your car LOL)

~Hope this helps~

Knowledge unshared is experience wasted [each one / teach one]

justadumbarchitect / so I question everything/ JonM

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