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Posts posted by Blayd

  1. Like may of you know my LS400 has been in the shop for a whil, ordered a new ECM, replaced all electronics, fuel pump. Any way last night my mech calls me and says he has good news and bad news the bad news is bad, reall bad, my current engine is shot. Ruined. Pretty much anyway. Not sure about complete specifict but appearently I melted a seal, didn't know, kept running it, ruined the engine in the prosses. He said the good news is that he thinks he has someoe who may be interested in buying it. He worked on his car a while ack and he mentioned that he wanted to do an engine swap (his car is a suped up old toyota of some kind). So after giving the guy a call and listing the specifics and estimated repair cost (its better for me just to replace the engine, save money that way, I have a spare like I said in the 4-sale forum here long story there) So the guy offered 3000 for the ruined engine and the t/c, I said make it 3500, went back 2 sleep. This morning he called and said it was sold. So Im gunna wait until he puts the ther one in. The engine only has 80k so thats good. aybe Ill use the money so suep it back up (Im supposedly going from 575hp to 275hp). Maybe Ill use it on another project car. I dunno yet.

  2. Theres a difference between a high end suit, and a $330,000 suit.

    She didn't even realize that she would get heat for wearing a $330,000 suit...therein lies the problem. a $330,000 suit is something that 99.8% of Americans would never even contemplate being able to afford. In fact...I'd say 85% of Americans didn't even realize they made $330,000 suits. She didn't realize the symbolism...THATS the problem.

    I have no problem with people having money. I'm not poor, I make a good living. Its a question of people not understanding the stresses that "normal" Americans go through and are going through. The McCains do not. Their actions speak louder than their words. Cindy didn't know anyone would have a problem with her wearing a $330,000 suit. it has no more value to her than a $1500 suit. John thinks someone making $3,000,000 a year isn't rich. Their house and lifestyle were on the cover of Archetectual Digest...

    I'm not saying you shouldn't vote for him because of that (I DO think thats a problem with the current state of our economy, but that is my viewpoint), but don't be fooled by all this clever positioning into thinking these are normal people. They aren't. They don't know what gas costs, they don't know what food costs, they don't know what daycare costs. They have never had a day in their lives where they worried about money. They feel no strain because of the current economy.

    Bill Clinton for all his controvercy is a "normal person" (he may be wealthy now, but he wasn't until he left the presidency), so is Barack Obama (he made $4,000,000 last year [still middle class according to McCain!] but thats his book sales, he's the primary breadwinner in his family with a senate income of $158,000), so is Joe Biden (he co-signed a loan so his son could go to college and his largest asset is his house...just like NORMAL Americans), So is Sarah Palin (her husband is a commercial fisherman)! John and Cindy McCain are not.

    You're right, money doesn't make someone unlike you and me but what that money is to them does. If you and I had...$50,000,000. I bet we wouldn't buy $330,000 suits. Would we spend $30,000 to go to Japan and take a racing course? Sure. Would we forget what its like to NOT have money? No. The McCains have never experienced not having money...so they have no basis from which to forget. THATS why they aren't like us.

    If I had 50 mill I'd sure as heck wear a 330,000 dollar suit. Y not? And y should she not go ahead and spend it on whatever she wants all because of what people think?

  3. Sometimes when i start my car and put it on drive it don't go as fast,sometimes it drags then it picks up speed,can anyone tell me what this problem could be?

    It drags sometimes? Hey u should bring it to Jackson drag stip and we'll race :P

    No seriosly maybe the E brake is corroded or something.

  4. Ok im back. Having a hard time getting in touch with my friend who has my racing vids (I thought he was) see the prob there is that he was my sister boyfriend and they broke up so he's mad at her (and somehow me) so I can't get in touch with him. I have no doubt I can eventually though. And like I said in the garage part of this site I have no dea whats in it. My dad used to race and when he went to look at this car (it was a gift for my 17th b-day) it was posted as having a "racing modified engine" he was so impressed with it he paid the asking price of $9000. Far more than a 92 in perfect condition is worth. Anyway I went to my mechanics place to drop off the new computer for it and we were talking about ways to make it faster. He said there was NO WAY to do anything else exept switch it to a 6-speed manal. I asked about a turbocharger and he said "what to you think that is !Removed!?" pointing to something (hey I didn't know) he explined thats why the engine starts to get high pitched at high RPMs. And that the chasis (spelling) had been replaced with a completly different kind than is stock. Prob because the old one had been twistend on takeoff. So yea no doubts I have no clue about that kinda stuff I thought I did but I was dissalusioned :( But who cares? bought or built its still amazing. :D

  5. lol yes it is in the garage and there are bikes on the wal...hahahaha

    I have Supra TT seats and a front lip...lol.

    I bought the car from an old guy in Chicago who was the original owner and hit a deer with it the following morning. So I'm getting the front damage fixed and resprayed. Other than that its in great shape and runs very nicely.

    Hm. Im not proficient enough to notice that.

  6. Is there a taller rear gear available? A friggin' Corvette gets mid to low 30mpg highway due to its tall final gearing. 350 to 420 horsepower/torque with no regard for economy. Sure it only weighs around 3,000 lbs but it also only turns in the 1,700rpm range at a 75mph cruise in top gear. What does an LS turn at 75mph?

    Its more than tall final gearing. Its also very good aerodynamics. And it's very lightweight.

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