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Posts posted by GSsoldier

  1. We're on the verge of buying an '04 LS430.

    The gas prices have us reeling! We know that the specs say premium gas is necessary just like they did on our Lincoln Navigator. But people at the Lincoln dealer told us to use regular gas and we have for 3 years without problems.

    Does anyone operate the LS430 with lowest grade fuel?

    thats the topic guys... i knwo im not anything big here but instead of arguing amongst ourselfs about paper and computer brands lets help this guy out!!!

    gas is all up to u if u cant pay the prices or dont want to pay the prices then try with the regular u proably will spend more time in the shop then other LS but hey LS dont spend time in the shop much so your fine, but to be honest having premium gas or regular gas doesnt make the normal everyday driver feel a difference... but if u are one of those guys that can just tell something is the little bit off go with the premium other then that maybe just look into a different type of car most cars within the LS's range hinting towards BMW and Benz mostly require u use premium too.... so wouldnt u rather have a car that can last more then 10 years and go to the shop once a year or a car that needs to go more then once a year? its all u paul...


  2. i tend to get a shuddering in the LS when i apply the brakes why is that? does anyone else experience that in an 93 LS? if i can remember correctly it happens when im lowering my speeds from 60 to 40 on the highway or when im going normally and slow down at a light? it doesnt happen all the time but seems to happen at least once a day help give advice thanks everyone

  3. thanks for replying so quickly i have another question too

    is it considered a burn out if th tires spin with out traction when its rainning? will that mess up the car as oppose to burning out on dry land?

  4. i got a 93 LS and im wondering if i can burn out in a LS is it possible?

    if it is how?

    and also will anything like any parts break or catch on fire if i burn out?

    i have seen pictures people burning out and there tires catching on fire or some part of the wheel burning....

    i have heard if u put the car on netural and rev the engine hard and whiling reving throw the shifter into drive will cause a burn out but i havent tried it yet cus im afraid of problems

    please help and advise me on this thank u everyone...

    PS to whoever manges the accessories of this forum, thanks fo including a trucker hat to the hat/cap line up im planning to buy 2 or 3 of them


  5. i bought it today to try it...

    My review

    u can check out this product at this site autodry website

    my thoughts on it when i opened it it was like dam thats kinda cool a no hassle cleaning system... the box instructions everything that had to do with it was kinda cool, felt like a kid opening a xmas present...

    the package includes the gun, starter soap, starter filter which only last long enough for 3 washs or 2 washes if the car is bigger, i asume same witht he soap cus once i filled it into the gun the bottle seemed almost 1/3 of the soap was gone...

    after reading carefully i start to assemble the product... i put everything together which was simple until i got to installing the filter it doenst tell u which end facing front but its really ok cus u cant close it if u put it in wrong... well i after installing everyhing hooked up the hose and contiuned to read the instructions... the instructions also include a FAQ section which kinda answered some questions i had anyways so i read the instructions carefully 3 times and begins

    the rinsing on my LS400 was easy no hassle doesnt get some of the harder to clean grim off the car i had trouble removing some kind of sticky splash on the side of the car, so after the rinse i went over everything with a sponge before the soaping stage, for this stage the soap gets applied evenly though i dont feel it would be super effiective if i didnt go over with the sponge before hand, the instructions tell u to lather with sponge, so do that and the sponge turned a unusually darker color then i usually see, which makes me feel kinda good, as one of the FAQ's were why is there much more dirt and grim on my sponge as i lather the soap? they answered with a beacuase the soaps formula is cutting at the dirt deeper then other brands of carwash (this is a loose summarization ) and its seems like it did... the look of spraying the water on the car look beauitful though the water seems to look silky smooth on the car

    after the lathering of the soap i did a second rinse that was said to be the next step in the instructions, next step is autodry stage, the filter that was installed filters the hoses water and deionizes the water to provide a nice mineral free water to clean your car, it also adds some kind of formula (im too lazy to go find the name but it adds someting) that suppose to dry your car spot free and touch free, well i spray the car following instructions, top to bottom, and everything seems to go well, still looks good, yet when i was done spraying down the car from top to bottom with this formula, the instructions say watch as your car drys right infront of your eyes... so i wait 1 min...3 mins...5 mins....10 mins... 15 mins.... any change? maybe a lil but the water looked kinda beady.... i was kinda scared... so to be sure i did the whole process again... and same results soo i decide to just park it into my garage and leave it there to dry

    thinking it might dry when im gone.... i check the car just now and it looks pretty spot free... maybe the process is longer then right before your eyes.... but i will do a deeper checking for spots tommarrow morning to see if this is really a spot free system....

    in summary the product is easy to use the instructions are a lil vauge, the gun looked cool, install was easy, cleaning was not tiring, though not great at the tougher stains and grim that might get on your car i give it 3.5 stars out of 5

    this product might be good for quick clean before a show or something big event, it might not be 100% perfect for daily dirt and grim on the car, and drying time is longer then thought....

  6. i dont know what the selt belt laws are around the US, but whrere im from (sacramento, Ca) u get mad fines for not having seltbelts on, and additional passengers who arent wearing seltbelts....

    i think i have devised a perfect strategy to get others in your car to automaticly wear seltbelts, drive a constant speed for a while, and suddenly push the brakes hard enough for peopel to jerk forward a lil bit, and then go back to the constant speed agian, and then repeat process until they put on their seltbelts everytime they get into the car....

    also its nice to note that percentage of people wearing setlbelts have increase i guess the goverments propaganda on wearing seltbelts worked haha

    I pulled over to let him pass. Well he must have been hot, because he got right on it. As he disappeared down the road, I resumed my creeping slow pace and there was the cop with him pulled over.

    I gave a little courtesy toot and wave as I passed while LMAO.

    that is the best when u see someone getting pulled over for not having common sense to slow down when other slow around them, to give them a lil honk and a wave is just soo great hahah, something like that would just make my day

  7. i too am a younging compared to the people here, and i too am inlove with the GS line mostly the 430, and it proably is the age that makes me choose the GS though i bet since its a lexus the GS line up is lovable to any age group

  8. it happened yesterday during 3oclock traffic....

    driving in the fast lane on an average speed of 75 with the LS, it felt like heaven, so smooth that driving the LS without music, or the windows open will induce sleep...

    well as i drive the family home from a day of school and work, a HUGE F-1 million... or what ever they are called pull hard and manages to cut off the guy behind me to get into the fast lane, me being going on an average speed of 75 didnt worry about tail gating, not yet anyways, after a few mins i see only the trucks grill in my rearview mirror, and being where i live the fast lane is a car pool lane i speed up to see if there was anyone in the car besides the driver, there was no one, so i speed up a little bit and averaged out my speed agian as the truck went from huge to hotwheels size in my rearview mirror, after going a couple more miles, there is that grill in my mirror...

    i was being patience before but this guy in the truck started to *BLEEP* me off, so i slowed down when there were people in the other lanes next to me, this guy seeing me going slow cuts off the guy on the right hand lane and attempts to cut me off.... as i said attempts for as he switched lanes i floored it and i didnt see him agian....

    or so i thought maybe like 10 mins later there he is again, his grill all up in my rearview mirror and being that my exit was comming up within a few miles i finally just said forget it and switched to a different lane and saw this guy speed past me doing maybe 90 ish...

    well what did i see as i got up my exit ramp?? i see that truck pulled over... with a police officer parked right behind him.... proably getting a ticket for being in a carpool lane with out 2 or more people in the car... and for speeding.... seeing this makes my day... now if only i was taking a hottie as a passenge instead of my sleeping family in the car, that would have been perfect hahahah


    beauty of the lexus isnt just skin deep....

  9. when i plan to get a new deck installed this summer i dont feel like having just black plastic trim

    is there anyone that knows of a good place do do a custom wood trim around califorina preferably near sacramento for a decent price?

  10. 1) I recently got a real deal on brand new, still in the original packaging, OEM floormats for my LS430 on ebay; a full set (front and rear) for less than $40, including shipping. It is probably worth having a second set for spares.

    2) http://autopia-carcare.com/ is a discussion site for detailing fanatics (like me) and covers cleaning problems in great detail.

    great advice thanks imma going to check that website out, and im going to look into new mats/spares ones

  11. i relize that there might be a lot of simular cases of that im about to say so bare with me...

    is there a way to remove a sratch off the side of the a 93LS the scratch is located between the windows where the black part divides the rear window is there a simple way to fix that?

    btw there is a gum problem wiht my floor mats refer to the LS section of the forum to get story, i figure it might be helpful if i put it in 2 places just in case

    and there are minor scratchs here and there, specially at the very very bottom of the back bumper, its vertial scratchs, kinda resembling |||||||||||||

    does that mean my LS is scrapping hte ground? is there a cheap way to fix that?

    thanks to everyone's advice

  12. My idiot friend threw gum at me and being cheap gum it didnt stick to me which i would have been happier if it stuck to me but it didnt and it hit the ground somewhere and my friend said it was a gum wrapper...

    well to make long story short another friend found it by stepping on it and now there is much gum residue on my LS's floor mats is there a way remove gum off the mat? cus if there isnt im going to lexus-parts.com or where ever to buy new mats as soon as possible... and is there anyway to by whole sets of floor mats like floor mats and trunk mats and the whole bundle?

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