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Posts posted by GSsoldier

  1. i recently went through a rebirth, i was driving my lexus and i was a lil dozy and after a few mins i fell asleep at the wheel, i drove on to the sidewalk and thanks to god, i barely missed the huge light pole, and the big !Removed! bush, a jerk of the hand in both directions would cause my car to be totaled...

    anyways my question is does anyone do something to not cause sleepiness?

    my car going off the street onto a sidewalk and then going off it will that mess up my car in anyway?

    thanks a bunch guys

  2. if anyone gets the chance initial d verson 3 has an IS300 that u can use to drift with !!!!

    btw my school bless them for the few things they do right has brand new pavement, WITHOUT huge speed bumps, so it gave me an oppurtunite to do some 360 spins and maybe some doughnuts....

  3. have you guys seen the video on the infomercial that has people upside down on bikes, or cars doing a complete 180 on the highway and such..

    i'm clueless to what you are referring to. care to elaborate? i'm interested to hear exactly what this is.

    me too i would love to see it too

  4. uhh i think my dad uses diehard not sure...

    has anyone tried the new batterys at all?

    they are suppose to bring the wieght of the battery and bring up the like of the batteries too, im refering to the batteries that look like a bunch of cylinders put together with a yellow gray color design

  5. hey guys trying to get some answers sorry to bother anyone with this but im just trying to fullfill my dad's request...

    agian im just looking for basic info about the RX330 this that are bound to happen

    things that could prevent it from happening

    is the RX330 05 model worth the money instead of a 04 model

    any common advice will work too

    please help me a bit anything is useful thank u everyone

  6. hey i dont know much about laws and what not but if u still are persuiting a legal action witha lawyer this might be some help

    i just took econ this summer school session, there is a provision or a regulation i think its called regulation Z, it part of a disclosure law, stating that the seller must provide full and correct information of the product the seller is trying to sell, if not the sell is illegal and volation of federal law...

    well thats my 2 cents, i know there is a disclosure law, not sure of its name though well hoped to bring u some help


  7. i've been here for a couple months and i havent had time to check out all the forums since i have limited experience with cars, i've only checked out the LS forums but my father who's love for lexus has rubbed down to me has asked me to research about the RX330 and being a member i decided i should ask the very people who have them, anyone who reads these forums!!!!

    anything will be helpful he is set on the LX470 or the RX330, my father wants to know basics things, what should we watch out for when buying the RX330, what will eventually happen to the car, for example in the first gen LS the air suspention will be worthless at around 90k miles if not treated before hand, a lot of stuff i can get from kelly blue book, but it be nice to have first hand experiences from LOC members thanks to everyone in advance

  8. INITIAL D HAS ver.3 in the USA now maybe its old news but any drifty manics wanting to be DOWNHILL SPECIALIST try out the game if u cant get to ver3 ver2 and ver 1 are good too if anyone has 17000 to donate to me i will buy the arcade machine and open it free to all LOC members :D haha ye check it out best drift game out right now gt3 u have to fix the cars up to drift, initial d basiclly allows drift in every car

  9. drifting is possible... as i tried many many times on certain turns, also im a gt3 fan i have made as many as 5 cars drift types and boy they are fun i know nothing about spring rates or hieghts or what not but after maybe 3 hours of tuning and testing i got a wrx a trueno a old rx7 infinity mazda miata and ... i cant remember the last one anywho trying to drift with a lexus is great fun but i dont recomend doing any super runs or trying to be a down hill specialist!! haha cus it WILL mess up your car and U WILL feel differneces in the car after doing them, most of the time on dry land u can just fish tail it a bit, but if u can get to a turn thats very tight u can drift a lil bit by quick brake accelerate during turn adn maybe switch off between braking and acelerating and cutting into the turn early is a must....

    but please do not go out and find places just to do it the risks outnumber the benifits, u got a risk of hitting oppisote traffic, u might and proably need to realign, if u try way too much the wieght of the car might put way too much pressure to one side and cause tire blow out, and u will scare the f*** out of anyone behind u or in your car... that is unless your friends are drift manics like u and are hopped up on watching initial D everyone who is interested in drifting should watch that, its an anime all about drifting , i recommend using bit torrent to down load the episodes, but block buster has them in stock i think in light of this new car racing fad...

    anyways guys go buy a sh*tty car like a trueno or a used miata and go drift that starting like that gives u no fear cus those cars will be POS already and u wont have to ruin your beautiful LS

  10. My uncle just recently bought his teenage daughter a 1996 Mustang Convertible. It is a neat car. It is just a V6- which is plenty for a 16 year old. I would not buy a V8 model for a kid just starting to drive- but thats just what I think. I personally would have bought her a mid-sized, 4dr, 4-cylinder sedan. <_< , or a V8 car, only if it was a full-size car.

    kinda agreeing with u teen girls need the small weak kinda sporty cars, civic LX, eclpise or eclpise spyder, but contradicting what i just said is that dad gave me my LS for my first car, though its a V8 and its full size sedan, the car is like a panther yearning for some loving and some high speed freeway chases

    the mustangs emit THEE sexyiest engine music i have yet heard, there always the small racers with the weak turbo and the blow off vuavles thats like a novelity to hear, and every once and a while u heard the sweet sounds of a turbo charged turbo'ed WRX and thats on higher on the ricer scale but still on it but all the same sounding nice,, but even better then that the few corvettes and viper owners who rev their engine a bit just to show who rolling in the dough

    and then u have the nascar cars which i had the pleasure of hearing and seeing in person last saturday at an autoshow near by oh man thats sooo crazy how do the nascar people do it wouldnt they go deaf??

    oh man the hell did i write.. im basically tryign to express my love for the sweet music that Lexus who in good intentions had to make disappear in their V8's

    haha i dont even know why im talking about this but hey this is LOC i might be important to someone

  11. how many active members do we have??? members that have posted more then 5 and that had recently posted in the last 2 months? can the moderators find out?? i wonder if there are really 6812 people thats active and thats signed up before me just a thought

  12. installed an interior neon system in their LS? and has installed an after market stereo ? i've seen people do it on sounddomian.com but im not sure if its real, or what not...

    when installing the after market stereo will it be a pain in the butt to reinstall for when it comes time to sell?

    and if anyone has installed a neon system into the car can anyone show me how to do it? possibly one that has sound responsivtive

  13. it actually does if grandpa, to let u know u being in highschool should know that they had to revise the sats, the reason behind this, and this isnt somehting i just came up with while smoking a blunt, which i havent ever, anyways the reason behind the switch was that the test was wieghted so, males, of the asian and white population that take the sats do better when the people at ETS( company making the sats) calulate the scores together, since the scores are based on curve and how well everyone taking with u on the same date do, but its just said that if u are a male of asian or white race u do better then say a female, thats not all true but overall so im guess race does matter at a point, though here at LOC there is no race, its about LOVE for lexus making no race barriers!!!

    love to lexus

  14. for the record im 16, i go to a white orenented school, that have kids with lawyer parents or doctor parents, who are willing to buy them m3's saleens escalades and whatever they can manage to get, i rememeber some kid got to have a porshe for 1 month while his dad was looking for a new car for him...

    i love this group, i have already started about 2 or 3 post about loving this forum, haha the people hear are great, i ask questions and i receive the most honest informational replys any kid could ask for, no stupid "im older and a lot wiser from you guys so shut up" kind of bull

    oh btw i guess u guys cant guess my age AHHAHA

    and yes i wonder how many times u can quote a quote does anyone know if there is a limit? i mean besides of quoting til u are *BLEEP* bored

    and also i check out an import show this weekend recently and i have got to say the GS430 is soooooo beautiful i almost shat my pants, but sadly i took only one picture of it and it wont do it justice, i ended up taping and taking pictures of all the hot, hot, HOT models at the show so sorry for anyone who would like to see it im willing to post up model pictures but i prefer not cus i mean HEy this is LOC

    hmm i really forgot what the topic for this but hey i remember someone saying somethign about visiting this site 5 times a day... i do that a lot too since im a lexus freak, i only wish i had questions forevery time i went one, or i wish that i could remember all the posts i need to check out since i tend to have bad short term memory....

    i wish i was a pirate

    maybe then i'll be the first pirate driving a LS

    what was the name of the gold 2 tone paint theme of the old LS400 93'

    i love the calling the color chamepane, it sounds sooo lust and exotic hahaha ok guys enough with this endless chatter i can do this for hours at a time but i dont htink anyone will have the power to read all the things i could write

    man i need to puncuate and learn to spell haha NIGHT GUYS

  15. ok imma check my tires, they dont squeal in slow turns but taking sharp turns at 50 and 60 is when they do that i think one time they even smoked hmmm i'll check that and now that im typing this i realized taking turns that fast is kind dumb... haha man bad habits are hard to lose though hahah... thanks for the help 1UZ-FE and everyone else

  16. Put a penny upside down in the tread, if you can see Abe Lincoln's head you need new tires.

    Your dad says tires NEVER have to be replaced or those tires are fine?

    As for the ER33s from what I've read they're a good smooth touring tire.

    i tried that yesterday and his head is more then half visiable is that bad?

    i drive hard and take turns hard, i hear mad squealing noises...

    is that bad? should i lay off til i get new tires??

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