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  • Lexus Model
    sc 300

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  1. Honestly, if your asking "how", you would probally be better off spending 100 bucks and buying one :)
  2. Yepper, you can get or make o2 sims to plug in.
  3. you mentioned the TT wont fit, so the logical thing my mind thought of, is you were trying to boost your car.
  4. what part of Pa are you in? You can turbo you sc300 with the proper parts. I am north of pittsburgh, and currently putting a t4 on my sc300.
  5. Yes, it should. It is an OBD2 system, reads before and after the cat.
  6. Slightly over or underfilling your car will do it no harm. They are designed to operate inside a parameter of oil. One court low, or one court high, generally shouldnt be any probs on a good car.
  7. Its an automatic. It doesnt launch harder because you are using a lower gear. People tend to manually shift their autos to get a few more RPM's, and likely more power, BEFORE it shifts into second or third etc. If you want to shift, get rid of the slush box :D
  8. Yes, take it ALL apart, line all of your timing marks up, on the cams, crank etc, then reinstall :D Trust me, once you get it right, it will have been worth all the trouble it is to learn and do B)
  9. Very possible they stretched the ABS Sensor wires going into the wheels, if it had not been removed before the strut was taken off. They have a tendency to bounce down, and if it is there, that wire is what stops it......DONT ask how I know this B)
  10. Putting together my 92 sc 300 with a t4 turbo and intercooler. Since I know I am not the first to do this, what are some of the engine management ecm's are you guys using?
  11. Nice Nice Nice! :D Cant wait to get mine done.
  12. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...showtopic=45452 That is a huge learing curve for me.
  13. Well, could be a hundred things. Have you checked for compression? Is the timing correct? Is there simply something not plugged in? Compression check it, tell ya lots again B) i will check compression i was thinking that yesterday,but if i dont have compression should i just get rid of it instead of keep wasting money on it? ' If you dont have compression, *chances are* your timing marks are off. And, if you can take the head off and on yourself, by all means dont give up B) Trial and Error is a powerful learning tool :D
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