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Everything posted by silvercorvette

  1. I did a search and found this thread http://www.clublexus.com/forums/showthread...ht=speed+sensor It looks like I am stuck because I have an 07 400, The wire cut and fix does work on the 06 but not the 07. Someone mentioned that maybe someone at the Lexus factory may have read the Internet threads and changed the set up in the 07s in order to stop us for getting the NAV lock out disabled
  2. If you disconect the speed sensor, the NAV WILL work (presuming your peeved about not being able to input 'on the fly'?) even when the car is running . . . but I didn't tell you that B) Thanks I was aware something could be done with the speed sensor but I wasn't sure how to do it. The reason I haven't tried was I thought it would mess some stuff up. I know it will mess up the dead reckoning on the NAV but I can live with that, I am just worried it will mess some other stuff up. I guess I'll do a search for speed sensor disconnect and see what comes up. If I am not happy or I discover it doesn't work I can always reconnect it. I am a bit perturbed that we as owners have to do all this stuff to turn off the DRL disconnecting sensors get our cars to work the way we want them to but if I fix this I will consider my car to be perfect.
  3. Open the lid that covers the jack and tools. On the right corner you will see a triangle shape with a cover on the side Take off thc cover and you will see the DVD player There is a slide switch to open the dust cover, push the slide to open the dust cover and remover the DVD PS I forgot to mention to turn on the key when you push the slide to open the dust cover PPS don't forget to let me know if you don't want the old DVD
  4. I'll check on the location for you and get back to you soon , but I want to know if you are intrested in selling the old one at a reasonable price?
  5. It might be even nicer to have a way to disable the "electrics" entirely when on the freeway driving along at a reasonably constant speed. I am not sure what you mean by disable the electrics. A lot of the hybrid's accessories are run by the electric system. The Power steering is run via an electric pump and air conditioner is also run by the electrics. The car had to be designed that way because when the ICE engine shuts off at a traffic light or on a downgrade the engine would turn off and no power would be provided to the A/C or the power steering. So if the electrics where turned off there would be no A/C or power steering. So I don't understand how these problems of providing constant A/C and P/S could be solved with the electrics turned off, so how would it be a benefit to be able to turn off the electrics? I thought of so other stuff. Being able to turn off the ICE (maybe the switch could be on some kind of timer to prevent the battery from running down), if a someone in the family worked a late shift they could start the car and drive down the street without waking up the family. And if the garage is attached to the house the ICE won't dump it's exhaust into the garage so the fumes won't work their way into the living area of the house. You could also turn off the ICE in a enclosed parking garage while you search for a space to spare yourself and others from smelling the exhaust fumes. There are probably a lot more uses for an ICE disable switch and probably the the longer you own the car the more situations will come up where you will find a use for it.
  6. You are correct, GM is promising the VOLT but the way GM has followed through on it's promises in the past makes me very skeptical that the VOLT will be out by Oct of 09. If Lexus still has the best hybrid vehicle 2 1/2 years from now I will be forced into another Lexus but this time I will get one without a NAV and add an aftermarket NAV that works when the car is moving.PS I just drove my car to the post office, I tried starting the car with my foot off the brake and I wasn't able to duplicate the problem I had last Oct. The ready light came on with my foot off the brake then I had to press the brake to get it out of "P". When I moved it into "R" it worked fine.
  7. I was thinking of this the other day when I had to move my car around. Turning on the engine for a minute or two without letting it warm up can be harmful to the engine. I think it would be nice to have a button to push that would disable the ice for maybe 3 or 5 minutes. It would come in handy if you had to move the car to get a lawn mower out, or maybe if your car was blocking another car in the drive way and you want to move it so the other car can get out.. It isn't a matter of the pennies it cost to start the ice, I just don't like to start up the engine without letting it warm up. With a normal engine there was no way around it but a hybrid could be moved without turning on the ice so why not offer this feature in the hybrids?
  8. I have been busy with other thins but I got it done yesterday. The hardest part was getting the wire out of the clip. I didn't want cut the wire and I was afraid to dammage the fixture that held the wire so it slowed me dow a bit. But I did get the wire out with only a little bit of dammage to the plug. The important thing is that it can be reversed when I turn in the lease.
  9. That symptom can happen simply by not having your foot on the brake, when you turn the primitave key ignition switch 'on' . . . or by not having your foot on the brake far enough so the system will recognize that the brake is being depressed. Hopefully the rx-400h will get away from the "key" (50 year old technology from a car manufacturer that prides itself on being on the cutting edg? shaking head) ignition ... and will incorporate the smart ignition system soon. You can't help but know your ignition is "ON" when you hear that distinctive electronic whine (presuming your radio aint blasting). Thanks I'll see if i can reproduce the problem by taking my foot off the brake. The GS450H has the smart access so it is just a matter of time for the 400 to get it, but I would rather have a NAV system that works when the car is moving then the smart key. I expect to see a lot of changes by Oct of 09 when my lease ends. If Lexus does not give me a NAV that works I am sure there will be other companies that have hybrids as good as or better than Lexus.
  10. I did have something weird happen to me twice when I first got the car. It probably had about 200 miles on it and it was parked in my garage the both times it happened. I turned the key, all the lights on the dash lit up like they normally do but the car was dead, nothing worked. I called Lexus roadside but the guy they sent was from a local gas station and he was clueless when it came to hybrids. Fortunately for me the car fixed itself in the time it took him to get to my house, the car computer must have rebooted itself. It happened one more time just before I was getting ready to hop in the car and drive it from NY to TX. The car has been fine and there were no problems on my trip to TX or my trip back. The car has been trouble free since last Oct, no surge, rattles or other problems. I still have two complaints with Lexus. I hate the day time running lights, but I was able to disconnect them a few hours ago. The other thing I hate is you can’t use all the functions of the NAV with the car moving. If I get this fixed the car will be perfect.
  11. I am aware of that, I tought that the headlights came on when the wipers were on. A few of my cars have this feature and I thought the lights came on withthe wipers. I just got my DRLs turned off this morning so now I have to remember to turn on the lights when it rains
  12. Funny that you ask because although I got the car in mid Oct of 06 it wound up sitting in the garage of a house I own in Texas collecting dust. The car has a little bit over 5,000 miles on it and most of that is the miles I drove from LI NY to Conroe TX and then back o NY again. I just drove it back from Texas last Easter but don't drive the car that much. I am retired and don't drive the car every day. I haven't put gas in the car for two weeks and when I filled up yesterday it only took 4 1/2 gallons. When I got the car I sat in a room with a woman and she asked me a long list of questions, I could swear that one of those questions she asked last Oct was if I want the light to come on. Back to the wiper thing. I am a bit surprised that they don't come on automatically. My Jeep has the feature and a few other cars I have owned or rented while on vacation also had the feature.
  13. My Jeep and I am petty sure the Lexus is programed to have the lights come on when the wipers are turned on. The only thing the DRL did is waste my time taking the car apart to disconnect the DRL. By the way there is no conclusive evidence that DRLs present any real safety advantages http://www.lightsout.org/story.html As far as the lawyers at Lexus go I am sick of them making the decision as to what is best for me. On my last trip from TX to NY I had my Garmin on the dash board. It helped a lot to be able to use it while driving. I used the Garmin to look up motels on the route back to NY and use the cell phone to reserve a room ahead of time. If I didn't have the Garmin I would have had to pull over to a rest stop or exit to look up motels and lost a lot of time. The I agree warning we have to push every time we start the car should be enough to please the lawyers. Also at the very least Lexus should allow the passenger to use the NAV while the driver is driving the car. PS I love the RX400H and if Lexus didn't have the NAV block out the car would be perfect
  14. You are wrong about traveling 50% less because you would need to spread out the longer time over several hours. He did say when he traveled for several hours. However the guy does seem to be quite rude and lacks common sense. Anyone the ties up a long line for cars and refuses to move from the left lane while the toot horns without moving over to the side to allow them to pass is rude. and someone that refuses to keep up with the flow of traffic lacks common sense.. He could be a Lexus hater or there could be other problems with his personality. By the way this is my first lexus and there is a good chance this may be my last one. The car is perfect. no surge, no rattles. good mileage, almost zero complaints. But the fact that Lexus has made a decision in the way they set up their NAV and radio to prevent me from using the full all the function of the NAAV really bothers me to the point where I probably won't get another Lexus. By the way who's stupid idea was it to no allow you to see radio messages on the NAV screen while the car is moving but it is OK to have them displayed on the radio. It would be nice to see the name of the song displayed on the NAV while the car is moving PS there should be a shut switch off for the day time running light so we don't have to take the car apart to turn them off.
  15. I just re-read your post and one thing that struck me was your comment about cars tooting horns and flashing lights. Didn't that give you a clue that you may have been holding up traffic. I am a retired cop and I believe that most cops will not bother you if you go with the flow of traffic. On the other hand if someone is driving in the left lane holding up traffic with a long line of cars behind them they they are sure to get noticed. It may have been a good idea to be courteous and let other cars pass. If I am driving slowly because I am looking for a specific location I usually pull off to the shoulder to allow cars to pass, it is just the courteous thing to do reguardless of what the speedometer says it is still wise to use common sense and allow faster moving cars to pass.
  16. I don't think it is the Lexus, maybe your old car was wrong, maybe other cars like to drive over the limit (I push it by about 5 over) and you were slowing them down by doing the exact speed that was posted. I have a Garmin GPS that I use it in my Lexus because I can't get the darn Lexus to work while the car is moving. The Garmin has a GPS readout that tells you your exact speed and altitude by calculating your GPS reading and the Lexus agrees with the speed posted on the Garmin.
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  18. I love my RX400H and I was planning on getting another one when my lease ended but it looks like I will wind up with another car 2 1/2 years from now. I hear that GM is coming out with a car called the VOLT. If is is available 2 1/2 years from now I will get it. Right now Lexus owns the hybrid market but it won't take long for other makers to catch up, if Lexus doesn't give us a NAV that works I am sure that there are others that feel the same way I do and they will get a different make. There was one other poster on this thread that seems happy to let Lexus decide what is best for him and when he should be allowed to use his NAV. I prefer to think for myself and not be prevented from using all the functions of the NAV while moving.
  19. i guess, but you hear stories all the time about 2wd cars being brilliant in the snow with just snow tires. two extra tires that have power is just an advantage. My point is, and I have done this myself, you can have a driver get hopelessly stuck in the snow and another driver can get into that car and drive it out of whatever it is stuck in. I am a retired cop and have driven 2 wheel drive police cars through some deep stuff with out chains. I have come upon drivers stuck in snow who thought they would need a wrecker to get out. I got into their car and got the car un-stuck in a matter of minutes. Some people will get stuck in 4 wheel drive vehicles with snow tires because they just don't know how to drive. I was a cop for 20 years and from my experience people get stuck because they are poor drivers. And when poor drivers get stuck they usually blame the car. 4 wheel drive is helpful in snow but the skill of the drive is most important. I am not saying 4WD isn't helpful because I have owned 4WD vehicles for almost 30 years, they do give you an edge but you can have 2 different drivers in the same vehicles with the same equipment and one will get stuck while the other won't. There may be a situation where both drivers get stuck but the main factor is the driver. And in your twenty years did your municipality even stick you with FWD patrol cars or front torque biased AWD..? Red Lodge MT did and after a few were totalled they had to revise their wintertime driving procedures as a result. I retired back in 1990 so I don't know for sure but I am pretty sure they are stillusing RWD vehicles. My depatment did have 4WD vehicles but my guess is they were less than 5% of the total fleet. On very rare ocasions when there was a pediction of an unuasually large storm theyhad us report in to get chains put on our cars.
  20. You are right, a lot of the stuff they pushon you is not really needed.Cabin air filter? I am one of those nuts you see that drive around in the summer with the windows open when it is 90 degrees. I like fresh air and keep my windows open unless it is cold out and In have the heat on, or sometimes I roll up the windows in the summer if I don't want stuff blown all over the car and out the window at 60 MPH so I don't care about a cabin air filter. PS I hope I am not forced into buying one because some kind of dirty filter alarm goes off and disables my climate control.
  21. I tried this but had trouble getting the bottom part apart I gave up on it till I have more time to muck around with it. I considered buying a relay and cut off the proper contact but relays cost $45 so I will wait until I have time ti get it apart and unplug the wire. http://www.clublexus.com/forums/showthread.php?t=219418
  22. I thought my mirrors wern't working right, they didn't tilt when I backed up. I discovered that the switch has to be in the left or right position and not in he center. I also thought that using the "B" position would add to the electrical breaqking and recover more energy, but I found out it does just the opisite. None of the power is recovered in "B". For max imun fuel meconomy avoid using "B".
  23. i guess, but you hear stories all the time about 2wd cars being brilliant in the snow with just snow tires. two extra tires that have power is just an advantage. My point is, and I have done this myself, you can have a driver get hopelessly stuck in the snow and another driver can get into that car and drive it out of whatever it is stuck in. I am a retired cop and have driven 2 wheel drive police cars through some deep stuff with out chains. I have come upon drivers stuck in snow who thought they would need a wrecker to get out. I got into their car and got the car un-stuck in a matter of minutes. Some people will get stuck in 4 wheel drive vehicles with snow tires because they just don't know how to drive. I was a cop for 20 years and from my experience people get stuck because they are poor drivers. And when poor drivers get stuck they usually blame the car. 4 wheel drive is helpful in snow but the skill of the drive is most important. I am not saying 4WD isn't helpful because I have owned 4WD vehicles for almost 30 years, they do give you an edge but you can have 2 different drivers in the same vehicles with the same equipment and one will get stuck while the other won't. There may be a situation where both drivers get stuck but the main factor is the driver.
  24. I disagree, it is all about the drive. some drivers can do better with 2 wheel drive and regular tires than other drivers can do with 4 wheel with snow tires. Some drivers idea of getting un-stuck in snow is to floor it while others rock themselves out.
  25. Electronics are sometimes fragile when you jump them. Not saying you did anything wrong but--you're under warranty so just let the dealer fix it all, and let him know you had to jump it. You might get a new battery under warranty and they'll sort out the gauge. The battery was jumped last Jan an everything has been perfect since then expect for the gas gauge glitch that seemed to have fixed itself. The semi dead battery was taken care of by Lexus roadside. The battery had some juice left in it but not enough to get the car going. The funny part of the whole thing is the guy that Lexus roadside sent was totally clueless and didn't even know what a hybrid was. The guy didn't even have any way to jump start the car so he used the portable emergency battery I keep in my car. So I doubt if jumping the car from an emergency portable battery can cause any dammage. But when I called Lexus roadside I expected to get a hybrid expert that had special tools to diagonise any hybrid problems but all I got was the guy from the closest local gas station. When I brought the car in fto Lexus or it's 5,000 mile oil change I asked him if there were any trouble codes stored in the computer, he said there were none.
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