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Everything posted by CanadaCraig

  1. Thanks for the help. I appreciate it. Yesterday - I took 'Lenny' for a long drive!! lol [that's right - 'Lenny the Lexus'] The odd thing about 'Lenny' is that 'he' feels surprisingly secure and safe when driven rather hard on a narrow winding country road. [and I really pushed it yesterday] There are no odd noises and the car simply handles each tight curve like a pro. [and the road I was on has one tight curve after another] It's only when I'm driving on a straight highway or freeway [at speeds above 50 mph or so] does my car feels insecure. [and have the problems I described in my first message] I'm puzzled by this. [and have been - since the day I bought my car - just over a year ago] Part of me thinks that if there is a problem - shouldn't it be MORE obvious ON a winding country road than on the highway? [is that not true?] I'm confused. I'm also having a problem with acceleration. My car is quicker if I DON'T push the 'pedal to the metal' from a dead stop. Burying the gas pedal - as it were - causes the car to sort of bog down. And no matter what I do with the pedal - the car can't get to 60 mph any quicker than 12 seconds. [usually it take about 14 seconds] I find that annoying. I mean - isn't the LS supposed to be an 8 second to 60 mph car?! I never really noticed how slow my LS was until I raced a 4 cylinder automatic Chevy Malibu. [the previous style] The Chevy WON!! I was NOT very happy about that. I mean what's the point in having a multi-valved V8 if it can't beat a 4 cylinder Malibu from Budget Rent-a-car?! lol Thanks again, Craig!! :)
  2. Hi Guys!! :) COULD struts need to be replaced even IF 'they' seem to pass the 'bounce-test'?? My '93 LS400 is going in for 'service' on Tuesday. I'd like to get it fixed - once and for all. Trouble is - I don't really know what the problem is. I keep thinking that it might need new struts. But when I do the old 'bounce test' it seems to be OK. So what could it be? One or more of the bushings? OR perhaps something with the steering? When I've driven for awhile - the car seems to become a little more 'jiggly' and I start to lose confidence in it. The car isn't that easy to keep in it's lane. I'm always correcting it. [nothing overly dramatic - but annoying non-the-less] The car has had a 4-wheel wheel alignment. The tires are still very good AND the air pressure is often checked. I keep reading how good the LS is at maintaining a straight line - but mine isn't. My LS has the original struts - but the car only has 68,000 miles or so. Any ideas?! Thanks, Craig!! :)
  3. Hi Guys!! :) Someone at the Autoweek.com forums has suggested that the two photo's below might be the next LS. Do you think that's possible? I'm not 100% convinced - but - who knows. I've been wrong before!! [no really - I have been!! lol] Craig!! :)
  4. I apologize. I honestly thought this was a true story. But... having double [and triple] checked - it turns out to be a HOAX. From the... museum of hoaxes.com site comes the following... "Is Indiana Congressman John Hostettler really introducing legislation to change the name of Interstate 69 to Interstate 63, because religious groups feel that I-69 is too risque whereas I-63 is more 'moral sounding'? Of course not. But the story has spread pretty far by now. When I first saw the headline linked to on Blogdex, I assumed it was real after glancing at it quickly. I should have known better. After all, the story comes from the Hoosier Gazette, which is becoming well known as a source of news hoaxes. Check out this article at Indystar.com about Josh Whicker, the creator of the Hoosier Gazette. He's already scored three successful hoaxes before this one. There was the one claiming that a five-year study at Indiana University had discovered that new parents often experience a sudden loss in IQ (that fooled MSNBC). There was the one claiming that Purdue University had given a basketball scholarship to the wrong Jason Smith (to a 5'6" Jason Smith computer geek, not 6'6" Jason Smith point guard). And then there was one about a guy who won the lottery two days after his divorce was final. As for the I-69 name change thing, it's already been picked up as real news by the Sierra Times, and reportedly, according to the Courier Press (requires registration), Hostettler's congressional office has been fielding outraged calls about the issue all day from people who don't realize the story was a joke." I'm feeling kinda silly for being fooled. [and for - unknowingly - trying to fool all of you] Then again - didn't John Ashcroft spend thousands of U.S. tax payer's dollars to have an exposed breast on a statue covered up?! Craig!!
  5. Hi Guys!! :) Interstate 69. Runs North/South through the state of Indiana. The number '69' is filthy, disgusting and morally corrupt. [well... some people think so] Click this to read the story!! Craig!! :) ps please be careful. I'm a 'Christian' - so please don't lump me in with the freaks of the world who also claim to believe. 'Christian Conservatives? MY !Removed!!! More like 'Christian RADICALS'!! [or just plain RADICALS!!] :)
  6. Hi Guys!! :) With all due respect - I have to laugh whenever I 'hear' guys go on about how this car looks just like that car. You mean there is a grill in the middle with headlights on either side? You could probably put 90% of the cars made side-by-side and make the same 'look-alike' argument. And then these same guys [not sure if anyone here fits into this catagory] will complain that the new Audi's or the new Chrysler 300C [or whatever] are too 'unusual'. Well.. you can't have it both ways. Sorry. Either a car is going to look a lot like some other car or it isn't. I've driven the new RL. [which should have been called the 'Legend' - as it is in Japan and in Europe] It's very nice. The interior - as some have already noted - is especially nice. One of the nicest I've ever seen - in fact. The outside is nice too. Conservative - but that appeals to the well-to-do's. It was VERY quiet and everything about the car screamed 'luxury'. [from the soft leather to how the gears shifted] The DVD-audio was also very impressive. Although - to be honest - I wasn't immediately left with the impression that it was any better than the Nakamichi in my '93 LS. [but it's hard to tell for sure. You need to live with a stereo for awhile to truly appreciate it] For me - the interior of a car is what matters most. [because that's what I'm living with] If you could take the interior of the new RL and put it into the new 300C - you would create what I believe would be one of the most beautiful cars in the world. As for the new RL having 300 h.p. - I'm not sure what happened to about 50 of them. The RL just didn't feel all that quick. But then - the one I test drove only had about 500 miles on it. Maybe it would become faster in time. The only 'thing' that will keep the new RL off of my 'wish list' - is the price. In Canada - the RL's MSRP is $69,500. That's WAY too much. I can buy a brand new TL with the NAV package for $44,000. [or very close to it] The new RL is NOT worth nearly $25,000 more than a TL. [no matter how you look at it] I can buy a new top-o-the-line TL AND a new Acura EL [available only in Canada] for the same price as buying just an RL. Acura does make mistakes. And the mistake this time - is the price. Too bad. Because the RL is a very nice car. Make it $59,500 - and I'll put the RL back on my 'wish-list'. Craig!! :)
  7. Hi Everyone!! :) Many say that the Second World War officially began when Germany invaded Poland on September 1st, 1939. But the madness began well before then. Adolf Hitler became Germany's 'Chancellor' [leader] on January 30th, 1933. By the time the war ended - 6 years later [in 1945] 55,000,000 lives were lost. Young men [for the most part] full of promise - filled with dreams - had their lives cut short all because of the insanity of man. It is - in my humble opinion - not only shameful to forget the sacrifices made by those who came before us - but a disgrace. We must never forget what OTHERS have gone through [in ALL wars] in order to afford all of US the relatively peaceful existence we often take for granted. November 11th is 'Remembrance Day' in Canada and 'Veterans Day' in the United States. [if this day is recognized in other countries - please let me know] All Canadians AND American's should make SURE that they pay their respects by BUYING and WEARING a poppy. November 11th was the day chosen to remember [although we should 'remember' EVERY day] because it was the END of the FIRST World War. [which ended on November 11th, 1918] In Flanders Field In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved, and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. The Second World War http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/2WW.htm Veterans Affairs Canada http://www.vac-acc.gc.ca/general/sub.cfm?s.../other/remember Veterans Day - United States http://www1.va.gov/vetsday/ The history of the 'In Flanders Fields' poem http://www.geocities.com/~worldwar1/default-poppies.html Be nice to the old folks. Be respectful. Be thankful. And always remember. Craig!! :)
  8. Thanks Guys!! :) Hi 93LSOwner, The top speed of the NSX is 168 mph. The fastest that I ... um... I mean... the fastest that a 'complete stranger' has driven my car [!!] is 148 mph. That is scary fast. But the 'complete stranger' tells me it was fine - although the front end was starting to feel a bit 'light'. Craig!! :D ps support your local police!!
  9. Hi Guys!! :) I recently bought a digital camera. [my first] AND am having some fun with it. One thing I did was make several videos of my LS gauges WHILE gunning it from a stop. After having seen those little video's - I realized that my impression of my LS being particulary SLOW was not just in my head. After repeated attempts - the quickest my LS can get to 60 mph is 13 seconds. A few times - it has taken 15 seconds. From everything I've read - my LS should be much quicker than that. Lexus suggest that it should only take 7.9 seconds to get to 60. My car runs fine. Doesn't seem to stutter or spurt of anything unusal. But is IS a DOG off the line. So much so - it's annoying. Any ideas what could be causing that? Everything has been checked - so says my Lexus dealer. AND lots of 'things' have been replaced. [spark plugs, spark wires, fuel filter, etc.] Even the valves have been adjusted. How quickly does YOUR first generation LS get to 60? Do you know? Craig!! :)
  10. Thanks for the kind words!! :P I've now changed the links found at the bottom of each [and everyone] of my messages. You can now click to see my LS400 and/or my NSX - on every message I post. Isn't that exciting?! Craig!! :)
  11. Hi Guys!! :) I hope everyone is feeling dandy!! lol I've just created a new CarDomain page and would love for you to see it. Please click on the link. My CarDomain page!! Thanks, Craig!! :)
  12. Hi Guys!! :) I'll admit - I still don't know too much about 'this' - but I'm already fascinated. Take a look.... Not a Bose Stereo - but it sure SOUNDS interesting!! The Bose Suspension System Take note of the test vehicle!! [and SEE the car in action by clicking on the little movies found on the right hand side of the page] Craig!! :)
  13. Hi Guys!! :) I hope everyone is OK. Click on the link to see just how much a 2005 Lexus will cost you. Lexus Announces Prices on Select 2005 Models Craig!! :)
  14. Hi Guys!! :) Thought some of you might enjoy seeing photo's [via a link] of the Pebble Beach Edition Lexus SC430. I have to admit - I've always liked red leather seats!! Pebble Beach Edition Lexus SC430 Craig!! :)
  15. Hi Guys!! :) Not too long ago - I threw together [so to speak] a web page with links to 4 funny [as in 'odd' - in some cases] foreign car commercials. Take a look - if you like. Four Funny Foreign Car Commercials Let me know which one you liked best. Craig!! :)
  16. Hi Guys!! :) Ok - I know - everyone seems to like HID headlights - but I don't. I find them annoying. Sure - they're super bright and light up the road better - but at what cost? My mom's Acura TL Type S has them and she wishes it didn't. Every single time she's out at night - a few people will flash their headlights trying to get my mom to turn off her highbeams. [even though they're not on] Same thing happens to me every time I drive a car with HID's. Yes - I think it's neat to watch them flicker on - but given a choice - I would buy a car without them. What do you think of HID's?! Craig!! :)
  17. Hi VMF!! :) I believe the sporty Intrepid was called the SXT. I've driven the SRT-4 Neon. A lot of fun - that's for sure. And surprisingly quick. But those SEATS!! YIKES!! For someone MY size - it's a lot like trying to squeeze a size 12 foot into a size 4 shoe!! I like the fact that I love ALL cars!! I can get excited about a Hyundai!! [well... after a few drinks!!] Craig!! :)
  18. Hi Guys!! :) The power of the 300C not quite impressive enough? Then click on the link and see [as in 'read'] what Chrysler is getting ready to unleash. Chrysler 300C SRT-8 Time will tell when it comes to reliability. But for now - it's pretty darn impressive. Craig!! :)
  19. Hi VBdenny!! :) In Canada - the fuel economy of a vehicle is rated as to how many litres are used per 100 kilometres. Apparently - this makes sense to SOME Canadians. I'm just not one of them!! Oddly enough - when it comes to speed... I think in metric up to 100 kph [which is about 62 mph] and in 'standard measurement' [mph] after that. I find easier to relate to 100 mph than I do 160 kph. [for some reason] Maybe it's because I'm not 'up there' that often. But what REALLY throws me is when metric is used to describe things like trunk space. For an example - click on the link below to see the specs for a 2004 Acura EL. [which is only available in Canada - by the way. It's a fancy-fied Honda Civic] At one time - only metric measurements were used on that site. [and in their magazine] But obviously I wasn't the ONLY one who wrote them to complain - because they now list both. I mean really - how is an old guy like me supposed to know what 365 litres of trunk space is?! 2004 Acura EL Craig!! :)
  20. Hi Guys!! :) Both Honda and Toyota want for all of us [as in you 'Americans' - in this case] to stop thinking in terms of MPG [miles per gallon] and think in terms of GPM. [gallons per mile] What do YOU think? It actually makes sense - if you ask me. Autoweek Story Craig!! :)
  21. My pleasure DobieG!! :) Thanks SW03ES!! :) I found the '05 version in the Galleries. [thanks to you] Very nice. To be honest - I'm feeling a bit out of it. I've never heard of the 'Windom' name before. Is that new? AND will that car become a 'Lexus' when the Lexus brand is introduced in Japan? Craig!! :)
  22. Hi Guys!! :) I usually keep to my corner of this club [the LS corner] but came across something that perhaps some of you ES fans will find interesting. Ah... who am I kidding. I love hearing news on ANY Lexus!! About the 2005 ES300 - apparently directly FROM Lexus Take care of yourselves!! Craig!! :)
  23. Hi skperformance!! :) I find it a little hard to believe that the NHTSA [let alone anyone else] would propose to have something installed beginning on September 1, 2008 IF such a thing has already been installed - as you say - since 1997. Obviously there is more to it than that. Craig!! :)
  24. Hi Everyone!! :) Be afraid. VERY AFRAID. You can click on the link to read the whole story - but I've posted what I believe to be the most important part. First... the link. thecarconnection.com article And now the most important part... "Now the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (the NHTSA) has proposed regulations to take effect September 1, 2008, for Electronic Data Recorders (EDR), the more socially acceptable term for black boxes. The Feds are NOT proposing mandatory installation of these devices but instead setting out minimum standards for those being installed voluntarily by the 18 light-vehicle manufacturers supplying the U.S. market. Importantly, the proposal also is NOT directed at settling arguments among crash participants, but actually facilitating potential major advances in highway safety. I make these two points right up front to deflect the panic of civil rightists from both left and right who've been obsessed with visions of Big Brother or black helicopters arising from EDRs." Sounds innocent enough - doesn't it? Did you know that if you put a frog into boiling water it will immediately try to jump out? AND did you know that if you put that same frog into cold water - you can increase the temperature of that water until it starts to boil - and the frog won't move. He will be boiled to death. THAT is EXACTLY how the increase in the invasion of OUR privacy works. Most of us have no idea what's going on. We're totally oblivious to the fact that we're about to be boiled. Can you even begin to imagine how someone like Hitler would have LOVED to be able to track our every move. Keeping the governments nose out of your private business - is the ONLY power you have OVER the government. Once that's gone - your 'rights' and 'freedoms' will soon vanish. You can bet on it. Craig!!
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