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Posts posted by LinuxFan

  1. Well you sure got my attention... pretty low down tricking us like this but since it is a project for school we will let you slide.

    Hopefully you will not make it a habit of crying wolf -- never a good thing.

    Also, be careful lest you grow up and become a business manager or go into product advertising and be caught using the bait and switch. A man has to take their integrity serious, after all that is all you have when you come out of your LS.

    Anyway, had to say that since I want to make sure you know those things.

    On a more different note, I thought she was leaving you and you would have to seel your car -- after all, I am looking for some parts. :) ahaha aah haa ha

    And as integrity goes -- put that under the selfish column. :D

    Wish you the best fellow member -- be sure to let us know what grade you got and if you care, what you have learned as well.


  2. Mmm?

    Well I think we need to find out what model years they actually do. When I went, all they told me was they only did "service engine" notifications and not if the ABS light or some other light comes on.

    Anyway, so we don't end up doling out bad info, we should contact them in our specific areas and find out what model years they actually will check.

  3. Yeah -- new seats are in my future as well, but more on that later... when I fid some.

    Anyway, thanks for the pics. Everything looks nice -- you should be proud. Heck, I am proud.;-)

    What I like best is the wood finish near that shifter. Oh my gosh! The wood in that thing looks lovely (for lack of a better word). Is there some story on that because it sure looks boasful, and that is a good thing. :cheers:

  4. I did a closeup look (big image) of image number 1 and all I see is work... and work and more work.

    Dude, you are gonna have a heck of a job cleaning em things

    Can you tell I don't like manual work? Well I imagine you might not either.

    I might be wrong, and I hope I am unless you enjoy cleaning your rims, but I can see the brake disks in that image and the brake rotor as well and when you think of dust, them two combined are the perfect culprit.

    Yeah! Never thought of that did you :D

    I have the original rims on my 91 and I am grateful for them everytime I clean that car, which is more often than my wife would have me do it. Anyway, I really appreciate that plastic, or whatever material it is, that keeps the dust off the outside of the rim... just thought you might as well.

    Anyway, best to you -- no doubt you will have long and lasting enjoyment from the choice you have made. Now I know how 18s look on an LS400 -- nice (drooling).

    The tires are beautiful too -- I just love the treads on them shoes. :D

  5. Hi there..

    I am not one of the gurus here, but I spend enough time here and read the site often enough that I can say with great correctness what the gurus most of the time will need to help decifer a problem.

    Sorry to hear about your plight.

    With that said, you are more apt to get better response if you get a diagonostic done and get the code or codes that the system says is being shown then post them here. The Lexus surgeons will be better able to diagnose and give good feedback on your issue.

    In this case the Autozone option does apply. So if you can find a close one (hopefully avoiding the freeway) take it to them, and for free, they will diagnose your "Check Engine" code.

    best to you

  6. So far, and I am still new at this Lexus stuff, I have found a good gauge for price on our vehicles is at Ebay.com. There might be more, and no doubt someone else will point you to it. But check that site, just enter Lexus LS400 in the serch field and sit back and browse to your hearts content. You might want to choose completed auctions to see what the hardware you are looking for has sold for.

    best to you :D

  7. Thanks guys, that did it.

    I could not just remove the rubber and get to the switch which is really simple device.

    I had to remove the screw then the switch because the screw holds down the switch and the rubber is between the back of the switch and the metal of the vehicle.

    I used the trusty WD40 and now it is like new -- no more sticking.

    one down... ? more to go :D

  8. Yeah... makes me feel a little better now. I thought maybe I was just being picky, thanks for proving I am not.

    xa, I sure will and you do the same also.

    I am asking around at different little shops and each time I mention Lexus, I see the dollar sign in their twinkling eyes so I run the opposite direction. So far no luck though, but I will keep looking.

    As for the dealer, next year or whenever my wife hits the lottery I will be looking for a 96 or 98 LS -- that will be the last dealer I go to. :P

  9. Good advise guys, thanks a lot.

    So far I have had very bad luck with the Lexus dealer. I had the oil changed there once and it will always be once. I went for the big splurge and spent 99 bucks for an oil change, tire rotation and brakes check.

    Well, much to my dismay -- they did not even check the air filter nor my fluids... got me really po too. Am I expecting too much here? I don't think so. At a minimum, even if they did not replace the filter, I think they should have mentioned it and gave me the option to change it there or not. They did not and now I am looking for a closer shop when I must go to the dealer in the Detroit area.

    I did call the rep and told him -- I don't know what became of it, they did not even extend some sort of olive branch to say let us make it up to you. Maybe I am expecting too much.

    you thinks?

  10. I have a 91 also... no manuals for the phone though but I will check.

    The phone has been removed since I bought it so I cannot say if that will fix the problem or not. It seems easy enough to remove the phone though. My handset is installed in the center console and from what I can tell it only takes the removal of two screws, then unplug it. That might help your phone/radio problems.

    best to you............ :D

  11. Let me add, my experience with Autozone in this regard was less than productive. Maybe it only happens to those in my area -- it is not a do all solution, whatever that means.

    Anyway, what they told me is that they only diagnose the vehicle if the check engine light is on, so take that into consideration before you go that route. Many on here blurt out that option and it gives the impression that they will just hook up the hardware no matter what. That has not been my experience, however. :D

  12. A specific source I could not say, but this is a very popular issue on this site so do a search for antenna and you are sure to find something that can be of some help to you.

    I have to ask... are your sure the antenna itself is dead or is it possible that something else might be the culprit? I ask this because this is one very expensive part -- simple, but expensive especially if you get it from the dealer. They want $360 here where I live.:-(

  13. I travel often and is not always able to access the site while I wait at one place or another and would love to have be able to access the info contained here either on CD or on DVD Rom.

    Is this possible -- I don't know, but it seems a good thing to me and I am willing to pay for it and is sure there are others.

    So how about it you smart Lexus, moderator gurus? Can you do this? :unsure:

  14. youngdoog, maybe you can just replace tha antanna mast alone. That might fix your problem if it is the mast.

    just a thought.

    Hey denny, I use AM radio for local weather and traffic... it is priceless for those reasons. I agree on the whining and complaining stuff, but usually weather and traffica are on the money as they update it every 10 minutes or so and with the advent of cell phones and those cameras they have on the freeways now a days, it is usually right on.

    I don't listen constantly like some people -- just on and off when I get into the vehicle in the am (no pun intended) and the FM -- oops, I meant PM. :D

  15. Makes it more stable you say?


    I wonder if this is the reason I get batted around in high wind like I do. Any thoughts on this? I am not talking about 40-50MPH wind, I am talking about like 15-20MPH wind and it drives me nuts. :wacko:

  16. Maybe my 91 is just special or something like that. :D

    But I was having the same issues with my system after I put it together. I dreadded it, but I checked and that was the problem. The antenna cable had slipped out of the connection hole on the antenna assembly. I pushed it back in and that solved the problem.

    That is an easy thing to try, unlike the connection at the radio itself -- so open the trunk, pull the carpetting back and have a look-see. If all is well there then you have more trouble than I am capable of helping you with -- sorry to say.

    good hunting

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