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Posts posted by LinuxFan

  1. Mmm... interisting.

    You need an amber lense as yours is cracked and I got a set I want to get rid of. Wow!

    Yes, that is what I just changed, the side markers which were amber -- I think it gives a cleaner look and it seems Lexus agrees since I think the years after are devoid of any amber marker lense.

  2. :lol: Oh sorry dude... meant to help, not curse you.

    Still this is funny as heck I tell you.

    Anyway, so it goes. I know that look -- I hate it too. Thanks on the cartridge but I was kidding, watching Ebay now for one and just got a set of those clear front turn signal lights. I hate that amber to death so I got rid of it.

    Anyone interested in some amber lights for a 98 front? PM me... :whistles:

    I got the Sirius in yesterday, will show some pics soon and might get the tint and hood shock done this weekend. Oh, no more need to grind anything, they have shocks now that fit and won't cost you 100 bucks, but if you want to go the OEM route goto www.lexus-parts.com as they have it for a few bucks less or compare it to your closest dealer.

    hey, congrats again :cheers:

  3. Yeah... got another, my first was a 91 and after a week I declared to my wife that I will never drive another car since from now on all I do is work to drive a Lexus. You can imagine her response.

    Got the 98 a few weeks ago and all it took for her to see why was one use of the Nav system for her purpose. Now she agrees, it is Lexus from here on out for us.

    I am kind of low-key on it so no big anouncement, plus I did not have the windows tinted yet -- still waiting on the guy.

    Most of the fluid flush/maintenance, the dealer should do, but if they do not then do the full flush in all regards as you will know where it is. You can start a maintenance schedule as though it just came from the assembly line. Just do it like you have so far, make a list then organize them in order of importance and tackle it as you are able. I got everything done in one shot and now I am just working on cosmetic stuff like tinting, getting doors to lock when I put it in (D)rive, proper placement of my Sirius radio device, another CD cartridge (wanna sell yours?) :-) and those blasted hood shocks. That will be it for me.

    You know, and it pains my heart about it, I did check those shocks before I signed for the car and cannot imagine what could have gone bad with them after I got it home a week later....... it really burns me I tell you, but I will let them have that one, if they purposely and deliberately wrecked it after I bough the car.

  4. If you asked the dealer, they will tell you it is a service that will run you about 900-1500 bucks as they change the timing belt and other stuff, but you don't need to do that yet, wait until 90K.

    Yes, just a few fluids, and maybe flush the brake and power steering as well.

  5. Congrats... and welcome to your new 98LS400, of which I have one too -- going into my 3rd week with here and is loving it.

    You got NAV? Got to be the best feature on the car for me. Mines is that beautiful white that makes other LS owners droooool. Oh dude, you gonna love it.

    I will keep an eye out for your posts, if you encounter any problems.

    On the NAV, if you have it -- check to see if it has the updated info. My system still shows 99, I think -- a 2003 version is available I think. Dude, I don't even have the street I live on in there.

    Hey, be sure to have the dealer change a few things like the inside air filter, and check to make sure you don't need the hood shocks replaced. Weird thing for me -- when I test drove my car, I opened the hood and all was well, I left the car for them to finish some things and when I got it home a week later, the shocks were shot to hell, bleeding all over the engine and will not stay up... not sure what happend there so I just left it alone and leave just leave them to Karma.

    congrats me fren... sounds like an awesome deal

  6. Checked the fuse? The box is under the hood near the batter. Use your vehicle manual to see which one it is that controls those lights.

    I am not sure which one it is or if they are using the same fuse or not, but that is a start.

    let us know what happend... also, welcome to the site.

  7. Yeah... I won't trade remote for one of these keys, but I am leaning towards it for the valet key or the key I give to the service guys or something like that, but not the master key. I want my remote and I like having only one key instead of having a key and then the remote fob.

  8. Remember whom you bought it from?

    I would really like one and hopefully they have made it more sturdy.

    I am pondering if I could be happy without my remote key as well, but still has not decided either way.

    Who cut the key for you? Must it be the dealer or can any keysmith cut it?

    As you can see, I am digging it.

  9. OK my friend and with these things you know what happens -- we won't get anywhere but just keep going over the same thing again and again. I get where you are coming from and I think you see where I am coming from.

    I still hold to what I say because they are the ones I see and they are the ones I end up interracting with if/when I do get a ticket and so to me, THEY (ticket writing law enforcers) WILL ALWAYS BE CHARACTERIZED AS LEACHES as a result of their action. I don't see the politions but I vote every time so that end is covered. Maybe I should call them thieves?

    No harm done still... you hold to what you believe, and I shall certainly do the same.


  10. :chairshot: Not hardly...:lol:

    Do you lock your doors now? I imagine you do, but I could be wrong -- anyway, in Troy we do not need to but it is an old habit so I do it even though I do not need to especially if my wife is in the car. She is my co-pilot/safety advocate/security officer; she never forgets seatbelt, and the lock door button.

    The best way I can help you understand it is to put it in computer terms, using an example the CEO of one Linux operating system company used a few months ago.

    It had to do with the need to have an antivirus software on your computer system. I do not have an antivirus software on any of my computers, and I have 5 in our home. Why? Because we practice good computer ettiquette. We don't open attachments from people we don't know, don't open attachments if they are .exe files even though the OS we use do not support it, and we use Linux -- so anything that asks for the ROOT USER password that we did not initiate we simply ignore.

    The same can be said for good driver actions while on the road... don't pick up people you do not know, be aware of your surroundings, don't go down dark alley, and I am sure you can add a few more as well and include always lock your door -- I think it is just common sense. And I believe most people (not all, but MOST) lock the doors to their vehicles no matter where they live... just to be sure, and nothing is wrong with that.

    Me, I just want it automated.

    I will have it too, just takes a little figuring out. B)

  11. Say for me (meaning you).

    But for me I feel more comfortable with that feature since I forget almost everytime. All it takes is one time and who knows what will happen. I have a sticky to remind me to do so before I leave the garage, and that looks tacky...:lol: got it? tacky sticky? :)

  12. True in all respects.

    But my thinking is that maybe someone is listening/watching (I am paranoid like that) and my comment on the current rendition might give them some cause to change direction so I post my thoughts comparing what I have now with what they have.

    Nothing wrong with that, I don't think.

  13. What have you done?

    Well, you starting to spoil her thats what. Soon you will be in the 300 and she will be sporting the 98 LS400 and looking like a million bucks. That's what you done....:lol:

    I know you got to love that 98 LS -- for me, it gets no better than that.

    It was in service and the dealer gave me an ES300 first, then a 330 -- I tell you, I could hardly wait to get my LS400 back, it was just not the same. No offence, but I would rather drive a 1990 LS400 any day as opposed to a 2005 ES330 with all the gadgets.

    Still, you got a good deal it seems. I wish you much success with them and long life to all of yous:)

  14. Well unfortunately you got the powers to dictate thus.,.. but I don't take it back, so do what you might oh mighty moderator.

    That is my opinion -- this is your place, you don't like it; then do what you must.

    If I were a sensitive kind of guy I would have to take it personally your choice of word (ignorant), but I am not so I will excuse you for that and take this opportunity to teach you/learn you? how to moderate, if you want to learn that is.

    What I said was not ignorant but since you have the power, you can call it what you may and that will make it so. If I was a moderator, then I could do the same, but would not since I know better.

    Anyway -- like I said, and we can nit-pick it if you wish and delve into how the ticket goes on my/your record, and how the insurance company gets your record and how the cost to insure my fancy, schmancy Lexus LS400 ends up costing me more. It is your call if you want to, makes me no never mind. Excuse them as much as you wish, it is a choice they make... they want that position of power whether or not you want to accept it.

    Still, go look up what ignorant means and see who fits that best -- you or me?

    Next time you want to moderate, send me a private message instead of posting and using that kind of a term and trying to excuse it with stealth -- iron sharpens iron my friend so consider that next time.

    If you want to defend careers, get an alter ego/username so we can be on the same level, otherwise -- you send me a private message to let me know you take offense with my post or think I am full of crap or whatever -- it is more professional, more considerate, and more becoming of someone who is other than ignorant. Not to mention that I am deserving of it -- I have been a member for however long and have had no diciplinary issues and the first sign of blunder (in your opinion), you rush to label me ignorant; even though you use the preface it with "that." My word is me my friend -- are yours you?

    Your apology, though deserving, is not accepted. You should know better as a result of your position so I (we) expect more of you and that includes not being able to call other people derogotory names (no matter how you put it) for any reason publicly.


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