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  • Lexus Model
    2006 RX330

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  1. We had one of our lamps replaced under warranty ('06 RX330). Moisture got in and once the HID lamp got hot drop of water apparently hit the lamp and it shattered. Based on that experience I would try drying it out as described but would be very hesitant about drilling a vent hole. Not sure of the cost but the lamps are $$$.
  2. I haven't tried any of them but there are a number of car kits available that interface to your car radio. Motorola has this one: http://www.motorola.com/automotive/solution_blnc.html . Also, some other options: http://www.crutchfield.com/S-isu6GaygQBR/c...pvs=T&g=770 . I'm sure any reputable stereo shop could install one for you without a lot of problem.
  3. It never happened to me. The headlamp washers only come on when I specifically push the washer button on the console.
  4. Yes, During the last snow in the NE. Entering a highway, the on-ramp still had snow on it. As soon as the back end started to slip it kicked in and straightened up immediately. Light "with the car on squiggly lines" came on.
  5. For $10.00 you can get a one day subscripton and look up service manuals for all Toyota, Scion, and Lexus vehicles sold in the US. You should be able to find diagrams of body components. Toyota USA Technical Information System site: http://techinfo.lexus.com/
  6. As a follow up to my post on Bluetooth in the RX 330 dropping calls when Call Waiting is activated. Motorola passed the issue to Cingular, who said they will not look into it as they deem it an " accessory" issue, rather than a problem with the network or handset. Lexus Customer Service was extremely helpful but the end result is they don't have a fix and have determined that their Bluetooth Handsfree will not support Call Waiting in most phones. They have referred it for review for a possible update in the future. The only work arounds for now are: 1. Disable call waiting on the Motorola Razr handset. The second call will go directly to Voice Mail if you are on a call. 2. Use the handset, # button, to switch between calls. Not ideal if you're driving but it works so that you don't loose both calls.
  7. I've noticed that my wife's RX330 with 18 inch wheels requires a lot more steering correction than other cars we've owned. Not that it tracks erratically, or consistently pulls to one side, just that it tends to follow the crown of the road more than I'm used to. We got adjusted to it quickly so I haven't spoken to the dealer.
  8. We've had the same experience on our '06 RX330. Until roughly 2000 miles the smell was nauseating at times. Our dealer claimed it was undercoating that had to bake off. He also said that they bought a vehicle back from a woman once who couldn’t stand the smell. Cosmolene is used as a rust preventative so it could be that’s what it is, or that it’s a component of some coating that they apply. In the survey that Lexus sends out I noted it as one of the only negatives we had.
  9. After an hour on the line with Cingular I got what I expected. " It's not a network issue you have to call Motorola or Lexus." The Cingular technician (and I use that term loosely) would not even open a trouble ticket on Motorola equipment that they sell. I work in what is left of the telecommunications industry and I am so *BLEEP*ed off about the lack of intelligent customer support in this business. The Lexus dealer said, " yup we know it's an issue with some phones and we don't know how to fix it". I will start trying to get a response from Motorola but it doesn't look like this one is going to get fixed right away.
  10. My carrier is Cingular as well. I'll check with them. Did your Treo only do it with the Lexus Handsfree or with any Bluetooth device?
  11. Has anyone encountered this issue? The navigation system with bluetooth on my wife's '06 RX330 will drop the call in process when a second call comes in and then goes to voice mail. The condition is she is talking on her cell phone which is connected through the navigation system handsfree (bluetooth). A second call comes in. You hear beeps indicating an in coming call. She igornes the second call and lets it go to voice mail. As soon as the second call transfers over to voice mail the call in process drops. A message is displayed on the nav screen indicating that the call was dropped by the network. We've tried it on two different Motorola Razr V3 phones connected to the handsfree and both did the same thing. Neither do it when connected to a Motorola handsfree headset (bluetooth also). It appears to be an error in the handsfree function of the Lexus.
  12. I'm curious why you don't drop the pan and replace the filter as well. Is it not recommended by Lexus?
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