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Posts posted by piggyncsu

  1. o man, a pregnant guppy!! :lol: i must agree, i sure do love the 2001 es, being as i have a 92, the newer ones are what i would want (similar looking but updated and attractive)

    the headlights on the new es 300 remind me of those new sunglasses that go OVER the head....*shiver* i hate it so.

    and if i could afford a new Lexus, i would get a GS i think.....i just want to kiss it..so purdy,so purdy. then again, if i could afford a Lexus, id probably just buy 2 jeeps instead and keep the old one ;) why get new when u can spruce up the old? (unless the old is a FREAKING LEMON AHH!)

    too emotion in my posts eh :blink:

  2. i havent seen anything in the glove box, but ill go look in a second.

    as for the LAME ski hole thing, i think i just have that LAME box cover in the back (looks like an amp covered :wacko: )

    i am SOOOO gonna lock my trunk if i can....bleeps keep breaking into cars int he neighborhood and i dont want my car being a victim.... *sniff*

  3. apparently it is a common problem for 92-94 es300 with over 110,000 miles...thats what my car is doing. just take it to the dealer and have them run it cold....they'll test it with some sort of "black box" kinda thing......same thing i said in the other thread (cold start sensor)

    it shows up int he computer as a sensor problem..but it's a bad part that they have to do the above to in order to find out whats going on.

    that damn thing is why i've had more money put into the car than ever expected.....

    95-96 haven't been known to do it as much..... :chairshot: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh

  4. HEY!!! thats what my car does..

    mark, how many miles does your car have???? my car goes, hits 2000 rpm, the rpm's drop, pedal dies and car eventually SHOOTS into the next gear and has some trouble until it's fully started..

    and SK, sitting doesnt help mine, my car still messes up all the way down the road.......

  5. that's a WHOLE nother topic right there :D

    if my camry WAS human, im sure id love her just as much ;)

    and Eze too, im gonna miss that car.... dunno when i'll see him again *sniff* we'll find out this week exactly what's wrong with him (hopefully, if the dealership can't figure it out im gonna break something....)

    what cars do they use as loaners anyways???? how old are they usually?

  6. as in, i can't really lock the trunk..i can shut it but i cant lock it. (so that the button on the inside of the car can't open it..ie, if someoen broke into the car they couldnt get into the trunk, or if you went to the shop the mechanic couldnt get in unless he had a master key (which reminds me, all 3 of my keys are master keys.... no valet type key.)

  7. yeh what the heck is up with that middle hole in the trunk.

    OH YEH! i hate my trunk can't be double locked. and i hate i dont have a button for it..... im guessing the double lock thing is my personal problem though.... i wish my back seats would go down so i could easily put in an amp...and the two-tone car idea... you'd think they woulda changed that after the 94's. and the fact that the issue with my car is common for 92-94 over 100,000 miles.... COMMON! the accuator or the throttle switch breaking is COMMON....i know it's not a safety issue, but come on, it's a LEXUS. *Growl* not that anyone would know until then, but still...just erks me.

  8. i just need to learn how to drive stick, and then i could drive the eclipse or the jeep. my parents were yelling about the car last night, saying they should never have bought a luxury car. i was just like, IT'S USED...IT'S NOT THE TYPE OF CAR, IT ISN'T HIS FAULT and i went on about how they didn't research it or have it checked out or anything..etcetc..

    the first car i ever drove was a 81 benz which is a POS. unless this car ends up with more SERIOUS issues, im gonna keep him til he dies on me. i don't disown a car just cuz it has some issues..

    im gonna spend the $700+ next year depending on the condition of the car....

    let's just hope it is the switch and that it's cheap.

    this is just tearing me up inside. too damn stressful.

  9. the old car...

    and update, the issue with the acceleration fumbles in the morning is either due to the throttle switch or the achuator (spelling)..basically the last part is like $700+..my parents said that if the next part is over $100 at all we arent fixing it.

    this is how i feel and what i want to do: :chairshot:

    this is what i wish i felt : :cheers:

    i cant take anymore..and we arent even getting another car...im stuck.

  10. hey Aus, do you have walmart there?????or anything like it. go into the bike section there and look. id tell you to go to a bike store (the one i worked at carried them) but i don't know if they would carry them either...

    when in doubt, take off the front wheel (and if u know how the back), put an eggcrate mattress on your roof (used for beds)mayb more, and rope the bikes down.....just make sure it's on it's left side (none crankset side- is that it? the gear shifters on the rear tire shouldl be in the air....) then if you have more bikes, put an eggcrate between them :)

    i figure that could work?

  11. i didnt mean it like that, it's just everyone around is here joking bout that cuz i have a lexus, and well....duh, lexus are nICE.

    parents said hell no to the white and gold lexus and also to the truck i saw.............appointment for my present car is at 1, and everyone is anxious to know the answer...i just hope it's something simple and cheap, just so i feel like we got something good outta this car.

    sk, i will be 20 in september.

  12. was driving down the road today and saw a white 94 es 300 for sale in a lot...it is solid white, someone painted it and it has gold rims...gonna find out the price..it looks hot!.....sure would be a pimpin' car if i had it ;)

  13. hey there...um...ive had so many things replaced for that problem.

    what exactly does your car do?

    mine just hated changing gears and didn't want to accelerate AT ALL first time in the morning...it's going into the shop again this wednesday...just give me kinda a description of what happens with your car.

  14. im fighting to keep the car right now.....if they decide to sell it, i dunno. my parents would probably try to sell it around here....they don't really understand the theory of selling over the internet. it's in their name so it's up to them. im just the loyal "owner".

    if they decide to sell it, ill let you know.....rather have it go to someone who gives a damn than someone who would let him die..

    still planning to take him to the shop wednesday, and i actually got my dad insterested in the hose.. he wants me to bring the car home so he can see it. (he gave up fighting about the advice i get from here...)

    can't tell if the crack is all the way through or not on the hose, but im going home today, and the car is sitll going to the shop. ill know by thursday if they want to ditch him (depending on the cost...i tried to tell my dad ill spend all the money in the world....)

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