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Posts posted by piggyncsu

  1. so, i called...the lady said my paint code is 03k, but i cannot find that code ANYWHERE on either sites for a 92 es 300.....

    i might end up having to buy the darn jar o paint from lexus....

    im on hold now........ what's wrong with my car that something this simple cuold be so totally messed up *Sigh*

    should have expected this shouldn't i?

  2. just pick one name darnit :D i kinda figured who it was ;)

    anyways, i want to be a state trooper, and matt wants to live in australia, so um.... maybe ill do the highway patrol thing there :D

    ill go look around for more info, and um..id have to say, i do love the NC highway patrol cherokee's a bit more than the one's pictured above, but who cares....i wouldn't get to pick what i get...

    as for the images i found, everything else was well..yeh...REAL OLD. just thought id find something decently new to "match" what is out now....

    and as for food....it's nasty.....so nasty....and i know it's not the same thing..just like most foreign foods here, none really match what is there..if that makes sense...


  3. spray paint just never works right...and you get it everywhere, in spots u didnt want it.....even if you make a "shield" for it...

    im sure id spray the darn window if i was trying to touch up the car....and my hand shakes, more detail with a pen or paint brush than a can o color.......

  4. hehe yeh well i call it expensive food that makes me sick ;)

    how can a crown be cheaper..and as for navigation..if they had it 88, why didnt they put it inthe lexus in the US sooner?

    im sure the us market would have been perfect, seeing as how people spend so much on their cars here.i mean come on, dvd players and ps-2 in cars....not even just in family vehicles, but single people with NO kids...


  5. yeh right now my car sits outside, at least it's not in the ghetto anymore (like i said earlier, some loser stole my plate..i mean come on..thats just sad). matt's jeep and eclipse get the garage...so in rebellion, my car leaks oil everywhere..nothing like oil stains to change a man's mind :)

    im such a sucker for cars....really..i am....you wont find a woman more interested in them than me..ok you probably could..but i mean, come on....*Sigh*.....if i had the body, id be one of those sexy girls all up on some guy's cars (sk's fotos from the show)...*another sigh*

    and i looked at the choices for the es's online..and i think that or the silver is the best bet... (im more of a maroon/burgundy gal...so thats more what im looking for, a little too dark...but dark is another "turn on" in my world of cars....mmm...one day ill get the money and paint mine all one color.....mmmmmmm...oh, sorry.. im being a :snoooorrrtttt: head.

  6. i saw the water oneyesterday, where they are testing it in all sorts of dif conditions.... i loved it..i wanted one so bad....just wanna see some other lexus commercials ;)

    i had trouble going through a foot of water the other day (thunderstorm and lots of rain do not mix with road construction....whole highway from the house to cisco systems was flooded.....fishtailed when i first got in, drove in 2nd gear forever.....i hate rain.....

    so when i saw that commercial, and that beautiful es zip through the water, it caught my eye and i want it..i want it bad...

  7. on a side note, i am trying to get new tires for the car...if i get new rims and tires do i still follow mr. manual or should i follow the tires?

    dunno what to get either, so throw ideas at me if u got any ;)

    and my tires now rest at 28-31 psi...28 for one, 29 for another and so on...it was my first time, hehe oh well.. they still look low the punks....

  8. ok im gonna do a search for this toyota crown thing...wish they'd sell those things here.....im sure it would spark just like that darn H2 thing....but much cooler ;)

    and about the taxi thing, i'd love to live in germany, nothing like a benz for a taxi ;) id die to be a taxi driver there.....id do anything just to live there actually...*big sigh*

    found a image of one...from a magazine online..it's yellow, kinda ugly in that color, and i dont like the symbol thing on the grill in the pic...looks messed up

    here is the best one i found so far :


    found a toyota crown as a cop car:


    ok well, i have to go get um japanese food for dinner...obviously american japanese food..but still....had a craving.....what can i say ;)

  9. did you check the date under the hood for the timing belt replacement.... mine was around 86,000 miles so i have a few more to go...as for the 150k tranny, im only at 133, so we'll find out..who wants to bet mine conks on me....blasted parts..

    and lexus dealerships stink. there is only one here in nc i think...and it's down the road...my car will not be going back if i can help it. and the whole chunk of change spent on your car WW, i must agree..aint no one getting my car anytime soon...gonna get my money's worth out of that thing....

    :chairshot: frustration is a __ :chairshot:

  10. i was told to follow the car requirements for the tires (26-32) not the 44 psi on the tires themselves.......too high can do the same damage as too low :( but that was for factory sized tires....

    did you have the alignment when it was lower or at this present state of 38? wait...

    so what are your tires now...when u got the tires, what did the info that came with them say..anything about pressure?

    id say try 40..i just dont want your tires to get messed up either way....

    dunno why rubber is so darn expensive....

  11. the lights look purdy with that color......and the color..well i already stated i loved it... the hood/grill design reminds me of some older LS's i saw .....gives the car some unquie style and the lower part of the grill i love it! a hint of the older ES's but alot more "modern" or up to date with the times ;)

    as for the area you took the photo in, maybe you should have swept first ;)

    i love the background, but would worry about things falling on the car (leaves, pine needles and cones, baby squirrels learning to jump from limb to limb or baby birds, especially any bird up in the tree who needs to use the restroom...and of couse, a tree itself...mayb you should invest in a movable car port, or if you have a garage, clean it out and put all the junk outside under a tarp and the car in the garage ;)

    hide it from the dangers of life, be an overprotective parent!

    even if a squirrel did fall on the hood of your car, i love the location of the photo and the car in it......it gives more of a "when your driving look" at least, where i live... ;)

    sorry, im babbling.... i just want your car :D

  12. that would make sense for them to be able to get here....i heard "lexus" were taxis (spelling?) in japan...is that true, if so, i hope i can go with the bf next time he goes on business :D

    do the toyotas have the same name as um....toyotas?....i guess so....i wouldn't mind having a toyota Aristo or Soarer if i was there ;)

    hey Aus, would that cousin know anything about the importation of the vehicles here to the US????

    oh and steve, i tried to get the bf to buy a lexus, but he's looking at a darn maxima or bmw... *sigh* some people....

    and the code isnt even in the engine area, bf checked last night...my car is a freak.

  13. sorry about last night..its just frustrating.... i just got so excited about fixing the paint (only thing i can fix on my car..) andthen not being able to find the number really upset me....*Sigh* im gonna call lexus and get them to help me.

    and as for checking on the door, i listed all the numbers on the door, nothing in them helped me.....i hit a hard hard dead end with the door...i guess i can check the engine thingy....whatever it is..whever it is...why cant they have a smiley with it sobbing...

    Aus, what exactly is different about yours from ours (minus the whole steering wheel thing)? and what is a windom..i guess is what im asking ;)

  14. paintscratch.com gave me the best so far...had to look hard and think about it.. what yall think?


    under the Two Tone Color Combination

    Light Grayish Rose Pearl Clearcoat 3K7

    Dark Gray Purple Metallic Clearcoat (Cladding) UA47


    i htink i might buy both of those...i need more than just a pen for the skirt though ;)

    OMG..... paintscratch.com is talking about clear coats and primers..OMG..wtf...

  15. awww thank you guys :blushing:

    im going right now to the site...stupid pen takes 2 weeks to get here...*groan*

    and yeh, i checked the carfax and another vin check and it didnt have the paint..and the dealership had grey/grey for the listing wtf...

  16. so i did a search on the paint code, and i heard door jam...so i checked the door jam.... where the heck is the code located!!

    i need to know soon cuz i have to order the paint pen soon.... i found all sorts of code numbers..but i dont know how to read the code AROUND it..so i dunno what im reading....

    i have no clue what to do...

    im ready to bash some skulls.

  17. speed humps here are the worst for my car.....they bottom out everytime you go over one....stupid camry hits hard and it sounds like the car is going to spilt....the lexus isnt so bad..but i mean....those things are death traps.....

    the thing i hate is parallel parking. im ok at it....i just hit the curb sometimes.....thats why i like the new house, there aren't any curbs, just a little incline of concrete from the yard to the road...but it makes it hard not to end up with one tire in the yard :(

    im not a good judge when it comes to how far (any) curb is away from me....i used to drive til i hit something....now with this car, i park as far away as i can...

    oh yeh, someone hit the car today, almost took off my side view mirror..thank goodness for the pivoting base.....

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