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Posts posted by piggyncsu

  1. i never messed with the switch though, that's the thing. I never changed it from winter to summer or summer to winter. So it should still be sliding under the hood, it did until i replaced the wipers. I know the switch you're talking about though. Can i still align it that back even if i didn't change the setting?

  2. i know i've been gone for some time, but i just met a guy out this way with a 96 coach edition es300. he was helping me find the correct wiperblades for my 92.

    i was just wondering if any of yall had noticed an issue with your wipers not fitting correctly. mine are 21" and 19" but they don't fit right. The passenger wiper rests on the lip and the driver side wipes all the way off the edge of the windshield (just the blade, not the whole arm). for this reason, it wore out my wipers EXTREMELY fast.

    We went to look at the guy's blades, and they were doing the exact same thing..just wondering if any others have this issue and if so, how you resolved it?

    i ended up with a 20 on the driver side and a 16 on the passenger...It sure looks funny but at least it works now! Just wanted to let yall know, cuz i think it messed up the alignment of the arms, they don't seem to go under the hood anymore due to the stress.. BUT I CAN SEE NOW! w00t!

    wow..i'm still a babbler ;)

  3. for me, the light came on and it's a brake light (big one on the top right)

    <-92 es... and the light is on as soon as i turn on my car until i turn it off. that light never goes off (just like that darn check engine light). what i did to figure out which light is turn my car on, and pile a bunch of textbooks onto the brake, found out which light it was (i was alone so i had no choice..if you can, get a friend to tell you ;) )

  4. i cant remember what all was done to the car...i know we checked that tube which is normally cracked and it was ok...im getting a little better gas milage so who knows what's going on. i've been thinking it's the transmission since the newest problem of dropping rpm's. it's getting checked monday, mechanic didn't have time friday. as for codes, i haven't read it yet, but i assume it's another O2 sensor code. which means we start all over again., becuase that was the first thing to go wrong. im just kind of hoping it's the transmission so i can say "w00t! Let's just get a new car!" i mean, a tranny is like $800 or more rightt? my car isnt' even worth 2000 anymore. and something else will go wrong (even have a tail-light out now.have to fix the BIG break light on the top of the tail-lights)

    (copied from old post)

    1) mass air flow sensor

    2) some other sensor (one of the 0xygen ones) due to check engine light code

    3)cold start sensor

    4)coolant sensor timing switch *** thats the one that fixed my car for about one week.

    i've been doing the school thing (i really don't want to go anymore), grandma died so im having to go through all her stuff and figure out what to keep or throw away/sell. and i just got my first ticket yesterday. i never really cared much about friday the 13th until now. stupid stupid terrible no good very bad day. 20MPH over the speed limit. obviously wasn't driving my car, if i had *Coughcough* lexus *coughcough*. so i have to go to court now, and i don't know what to tell my parents. my address on my license is still my parents address so they will be getting a ton of stuff about it.just don't know what to say. wont tell them until my uncle talks to the assistant DA..thank god for my uncle.

  5. ok so about 2 months ago i got my car's acceleration freeze fixed!

    my car had begun to stall out when i would try to start it and i so i took it back to my mechanic (they got a new guy there who has worked on lexus for a LONG TIME) anyways, they decided to change a timing switch (ill think of the name later) which only cost me $127 (amazingly cheap part for the ~ $1000 on other parts that didn't help).

    the car was fixed! it accelerated PUUURRRFECTLY! until a week later ;)

    it went back to it's daily freeze of gears, but i dont even mind that anymore.

    it stalled when coming to a light the other day (happened once a long time ago..at the exact same spot ;) ) and now it's starting to freeze at 2000 rpm's every morning for longer than ever before.

    so if anyone ever had issues with something like that, and it wasnt your vacuum, this might be it ;)

    new issue now ;) : not freezing, dropping from 3000 rpm's to 500 with the pedal to the floor..took it 30 seconds to kick back into accelerating... was wondering if anyone had this issue :(

    my check engine light is on, havent had that checked out..but im getting better gas milege than before it was on... ;)


    the car is going to the mechanic tomorrow hopefully, so we'll see.

    just wanted to know if people had this issue and if anyone knew a darn thing about that timing switch (will add name tonight when i find the receipt).maybe somewhere down the LONG LONG road, my car issues will help someone.

    and im terriblely sorry i havent been around; school is kicking my butt.

  6. that's AWESOME how it worked out for ya SW03ES. what made you decide to do it yourself?i mean, more along the lines of how'd you come to the conclusion that you'd do it on your own rather than the shop? minus the whole money saving thing :P so that guy didn't do too much paint damage????like, seriously ripping off chunks of it? i visualized this huge section missing on your car ;)

    what got rid of his paint on it???(i thought it had paint from him)...

    is that what the DACP got rid of?

    and how does this pen work? i bought primer and the paint and the clear coat....general waiting time?

    and what is this here "yellow cutting pad" for?

    as for the hurricane, let's hope it doesn't hurt the car now that it's fixed.....

  7. i have to talk to the parents about that job.........i just feel bad that i dont know a darn thing about cars...i don't know how much i will get paid though, but thats ok, i don't really need money. and i don't know if he still wants to hire me. as for the dealership idea, there are a ton around, so that would be a GREAT job! not to mention i wouldn't have to fix anything you know......i would be around the selling and the service area, but just watching.

    and alot of the dealerships are on the way to school so it wouldn't be too far.

    it's just i don't have the hours because of classes. i have the weirdest times for classes so it doesnt really work out that well...

    i really need to think about this, since i jump onto too many things at once. um, as in, i take too much on i guess, and i don't think hard before i do something.

  8. i went shopping for the mounting kit or just something to stick in the exposed bumper holes...i was told i had to buy a whole new mounting kit from the dealer, or buy some sort of anchoring kit at a hardware store...

    have yall seen the washer lights some cars have now? well, i found some for the back license plate, they are screws but the heads have lights on them. i figured i could try and hook them up in the front of the bumper instead of plugging up the holes...

    i just need some guidence on the electrical part..

    the instructions say to attach it to the 12v electrical something by the license plate (ie reverse lights or something else..)

    i was wondering if there is anything up front i can wire it to? im not an electrician, or anything of that sort.. so i have no idea what i am doing... just thought it would be a good alternative.

    in addition to the shopping, i was offered a job at the car parts store by the manager... the highlight of my day...slightly sad but oh well....

  9. went to school..saw this CRAZY BMW.....never seen this model before....did a double take....

    some kid ripped off the nissan (or something like that) badges and all that jazz and replaced it with bmw ones....weirdest thing in the world...

    how many cars do yall know of that get this treatment..i mean, i know people switch out toyota for lexus, but um...theres no dif there (least to me)...

    and i know that people put those blue/red honda or acura's on there...... just never thought....

    maybe i should make mine a mercedes :lol:

  10. i get *BLEEP*ed before they even touch the car.... i was waxing the car today (OMG the front seats are DESTROYED from the previous owner, obviously one of those people who just don't care for their cars..) and some guy shut my door...i was like..woah hands off the door. found new mysterious gashes in the car....the cladding was dented a long time ago *SIgh*..then on the way home from the rents house...i heard a loud crack on the windshield..a rock.... so goes the tale of the lexus lemon...what can i say, lexus are magnets for destruction... and to lex3486, i was lucky..they just stole the whole plate ;)

    i think if i had to choice between the two shops, i would have picked the couple......and i know it woulda probably been the wrong one.....im just too kind when it comes to people..im a sucker......cant explain it..instant trust i guess...even though, i shouldnt...

  11. NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY WHY I SAY! i would so track them down and beat their !Removed!....or take a bat to THEIR car....

    shoulda parked it in the yard :D or under the trees like in the picture.....

    i hope the paint matches up...when u go to check the shops, find out how the would paint it (ie, if they would do the process where it would match or not)....good luck....if not i'd beat the painter's !Removed! too...i'm just posessive and they'd wish they never touched the car..sorry..

    if its criminal, can u get the cops involved so they look for another busted car with the paint match????

    too bad im not a state trooper, i'd help ya out :D even though that's mostly highway traffic ordeals, but i'd make an exception...

    hope the whole painting thing works out....and if u find that the shop you hired did a good job, you best let us know incase this bozo (or his cousins, or anyone he knows) decides to hit one of our cars.......

    take care!!!!! (wow im such a girl today)

  12. i totally agree with everyone..i wanna sell the car..it's too much worrying and money to deal with....and everyone's comments to this INSANE ordeal really mean alot to me.... *sniff* it helps me remember im not the crazy one :lol:

    and can i take that 2c and put it into a jar..its the "buy addie a new car" fund :D

    accelerating is a big deal...i love to zip outta lights, up the street, onto the highway and speed all the way home...

    on a side note, i put premium gas in the car for the first time...im hoping it does something somewhere in the car...dont really care about the $25 hole in my pocket now...i mean....thats not much in comparison to um..yeh..

    the car goes to the shop for an oil change, im gonna ask if they checked all that vacuum stuff that people have been talking about...

    and then im going to cry..

    i want a genie so i can *poof* my car into perfectness or just another vehicle...

  13. i know how much money i spent..i got screwed...and yeh, lemon laws..but i dont think they cover used...im going to call the office today about it....it's near the parents house...

    as for the selling, it wont happen. im not allowed to ditch it..stuck with it...*shrug*

    and ive gone shoppin for replacement cars...even tried to take my dad to look at the truck...but no.

    im stuck with a busted car....they keep saying cars cant be perfect..but cars can and need to be safe and reliable...*Shrug*

    also, in driving my car....it is having the issue of accelerating at lights, so maybe i can get that looked at....other than that...he's ok.....nothing serious enough that he'll die on the side of the road...

    just maybe run off the road in rain ;)

    he's slow going....but once he goes, he dont wanna stop..thats my baby..... he's got some truck in him :D

    i gave up trying to fight for a new car long ago....right now im just trying to get from point A to point B without dying.

  14. i woulda left this car on the side of the road a LONNGGGGG time ago. long long time ago...parents are just trying to fix this problem...in the worst way possible....they feel bad they got me a car i hated....it's either i drive this car and keep it in one piece (but broken, taped pieces ;) ) or my mom drives it and destroys it.....and trust me....i'd drive this car any day over the camry...i just cant take that car anymore...*Sigh*

    and the car isn't worth the money, i know...but at the same time...it is....just not really..

    im trying to be a responsible adult and take what life threw at me...a lemon car...

    been trying to get them to buy something else...

    what they saw in this car, a GREAT DEAL ($7k...yeh right) and a safe car (dead tires, and um..dead everything else..yeh right)

    it was either this or the 94 camry they found that was definately a "branded title"

    they came (to the dealership), they saw( the car) and they fell for the dealer's bs....and didn't listen when i said i wanted the warrenty...my conclusion: :snoooorrrtttt:

    "in nothing we trust"

    this car will not be going ANY TIME SOON. fix it, sell it for a ton later..and bam....new car for addie.....

  15. this is good info for when i am shopping around for my own insurance....by then ill be married and outta college and all that jazz......til then ill be rockin mom n dad's insurance......

    all i know of for insurance is state farm..and duh...the geiko fella..annoying little bugger...though i do like the commercial with the action figures....

    oh, and about stealing from the company and all that stuff, life isnt fair,wish it was..but it aint....everyone is trying to get ahead of everyone else..just except and whoop some booty :D

    im used to the judging and um..whats that word..discrimination...i assume someone is going to try and (pardon my language) screw me over, so why not be one step ahead of them...

    im sure no one would give me insurance just by looking at me..im a danger to every living thing on this planet, thats what they'd think...

    and bam, id be rejected...

    im not a business person, i dont even have a job...im just someone trying to get the most of the system....

    all bark and no bite, sometimes.....

  16. the thing is...they wont get rid of it..they hate all thats going wrong with it and just wont do anymore..they said they would fix anything safety wise..and thats what theyve been trying to do...

    they wont spend more than $200 on the car now..they wont sell the car to anyone because it is a lemon and they wont get another car...so im stuck...so might as well make it worth my while...i love this car...even if it is a lemon...it's the first car i could semi call my own..and um...if i cant get a new one, so be it...this one is gonna last me darnit.. i gave up on the sensor/computer whatever it is..as long as that car warms up in the morning..it wont DIE on me..just has issues accelerating at lights..and everywhere else..cant mention that now either..too many things wrong..

    tires are easy to fix :) so thats ok... and if thats what the bf got me...no worries on my parents part..and i know they want the best and safest for me..so do i....

    and i love my dad and dont want him to feel more like crap each time something goes wrong..my car my problem...

    im driving this lemon til it's really dead....and then..i'm gonna gut it and make it a bed....that thing is staying with me...im gonna get my money out of that thing..(and all i wanted was a 84 pickup or jeep.. something simple to fix and work on....they didnt listen...but oh well..)

    this car just makes people want to kill eachother..thats why no one is doing anything major about it...trust me...it's a sore sore topic at the house....

    my parents may have threatened to toss it, but it was only in frustration of what they bought, they cant get rid of it now....cuz of the money we put into it..they dont want some sap ending up with the issues im having now...

    i have no soul, im fine with selling it to an innocent...sorta..kinda..just dont want anyone else sitting in my baby...he's mine to love and to charish and um..til death do us part kinda stuff...

    he grew on me...*Sniffle* and we're sticking it out together...

    oh yeh, and on a less depressing note...

    tomatoe : tomato :: toyota windom : lexus es


  17. she told me wrong :)

    3k7 and ua47 for the cladding :)

    i bought um...

    1/2 ounce pen of the 3k7, clear coat and primer...PLUS the ua47 with its clear coat and primer....unless well.the clear coat and such is all the same..but eh..just means ill have it ofr next time...


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