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Everything posted by nc211

  1. Just my own personal comments on this one, nothing more, nothing less...... I would vomit in my Cheerios once a month if I had to spend $750 on a single car! I have two excellent cars that cost me less that 75% of that amount.
  2. I agree with SW on the negotiating on payment mistake. Too many variables at play to make that a wise move. That being said, I always finance my cars through USAA bank, which I know you're a member of too. And I "size" my buy based on a $300 +/- payment ceiling, so I back into my purchase amount, similiar to what you're doing. But, I do it before I go to the dealer via USAA "cash buyer" program. I know the rate, I know the term, I know the amount, which leaves but just one question, the car. I may pay an extra .125% more in rate, but the ability to walk into a dealership with a USAA Bank Cashier's check in my pocket, has always given me the advantage to negotiate heavier on price, which makes up for that rate difference. I buy used, finance for 6 years. Used on the 6 year run, keeps the value in-check with the balance. I'm not a big believer in having equity in a depreciating asset though. Only vehicle I've ever seen to create equity for me is our 4runner. But this ONLY works on used cars. Financing 6 years on a new car, and you're almost certain to be flipped-over for the first couple of years. You're a "car guy". You love cars, and I get the feeling you get the itch every three or so years. I strongly suggest ditching the new car avenue, and go for the CPO route instead. You get a car that has been reconditioned in many areas back to new, you get the new car warranty coverage (depending on brand), and you avoid that new car depreciation hit. But, I'm not telling you anything that hasn't been debated on here several times before....you know what you're doing! That being said: I wouldn't shy away from VW. You mentioned you love the GTI's, and you need AWD. The Tiquan is both. It's built on the Golf platform. Basically, a GTI with a lift and monster tires. I have to say, in all unbiased honesty, I absolutely love my GTI. The CPO warranty has been fantastic when needed. Nothing has "broken", but a window motor was making a funny noise, so they replaced it. The stereo knob had a nasty deep scratch in it...didn't think they would do anything about it....but they replaced the entire radio. Stuff like that. It's held up to these roads extremely well (minus a bent rim or two from pot holes, user error). I wouldn't worry too much about the engine in the Tiguan either. It has the new TSI engine, which has replaced the FSI engine that has been used for the past 5 years across the VW/Audi platform. Basically, VW/Audi took the wildly popular FSI engine, and just made a few key improvements that were needed. For instance, moved the air filter to a more user friendly area to change. Updated a part called a cam-follower in the high-pressure fuel pump. Upgraded the pison rings, the pcv value, stuff like that. Folks were complaining about these areas. But, what I've found, is the majority of folks who've complained about these parts, are the ones who have "chipped" their engines, and messed with the exhaust, and suspension. 200hp out of a 2.0 engine is strung high enough, in my opinion. Putting in a "chip" to get 260hp, is just asking for trouble. Their so light anyway, that on a damp morning, I can't put my foot down beyond 50% until 3rd gear, otherwise the tires spin and trac control kicks in. Great MPG, fantastically fun turbo, super sexy exhaust note, and just an overall champ performer. The car below, beyond what you can see in the pictures, most likely also has an ipod connector in the arm rest, a/c cooled glove box, xion headlights, and I can't tell, but if it has paddle shifters on the steering wheel, then it has their awesome DSG transmission. If not, it still has the triptronic on the lever, just not the dual clutch gear box. I believe it also as the blue-tooth as well, with the mic around the sunroof control. Seriously....before buying, just go check one out. I think you'll be impressed. http://www.cars.com/go/search/detail.jsp?tracktype=usedcc&csDlId=&csDgId=&listingId=50713286&listingRecNum=4&criteria=sf1Dir%3DDESC%26mkId%3D20089%26stkTyp%3DU%26mdId%3D22265%26rd%3D500%26crSrtFlds%3DstkTypId-feedSegId-mkId-mdId%26zc%3D98107%26rn%3D0%26PMmt%3D1-1-0%26stkTypId%3D28881%26sf2Dir%3DASC%26sf1Nm%3Dprice%26sf2Nm%3Dmiles%26rpp%3D50%26feedSegId%3D28705&aff=national
  3. Actually, nevermind, I got all the right answers last night. Life is lookin' pretty good to SWO
  4. I know we've got some business folks here, thought I'd ask for some opinions. There appears to be about a 90% chance that I'll be able to add an "n" and "e" to Chitcago soon...as in Chitcagone! Heading to keep my word to you victims of SWO to pester him to buy that LS he's been threatening about for all of these years. SWO is helping me out off the boards here as well. It's been a few years since I've poked around the residential mortgage markets, not sure how the platform works these days. Some of my normal sources in the past still have their heads down in the sand. But, I know some don't. So, my question is: Anyone applied for a mortgage lately? Are the 28/36% debt balance ratios still the guide for conforming loans? Process making the dentist look like Disney Land?
  5. Josh, if you were here, I'd kiss my fine military brother! And that'd be before the free Ruth Chris steak dinner with open bar for you and the Mrs! You, young man, are one of the many reasons why I get to lay here with my son sleeping next to me, my wife and daughter on the other side, in peace and harmony! Outside of my children being born, I don't think anything has ever had such an impact on me like 9/11. I am so thrilled that we got that coward! I literally have goose bumps of joy! I believe I heard Obama's second term victory speech tonight!
  6. Oh hell yeah! We nailed that sack of *BLEEP*!!! Never forget... Let's roll!!! USA!!
  7. God Bless you Josh! Safe travels my friend, and keep that eye on the 6 24/7 over there. And if you do happen to stumble across the SOB that caused all of this, put an extra cap in his candy-a$$ for the boys and girls who love ya' here on LOC!
  8. Three responses: First, Yes, Lawyers are ruining our country. They say they're "protecting" our liberties. Funny, I don't see in the Constitution or any of it's numerous amendments that says our liberties are to be protected by means of profit, at the tune of $200+ an hour. Several years ago I was on the edge of entering law school back in NC. Only two days a month do I sometimes wish I had gone. This isn't one of those days. I absolultely HATE lawyer speak with a vengence. Can they not speak english? Can they not, withthou forththou amendthou heretobebythou, just speak in clear english. My dad once told me when I was a child, that I could do anything this world has to offer, and create opportunities that have not yet been created, by simply understanding the language those opportunities speak. If our elected representatives of this country can't even decode the CRAP they write, after they've written it.....well....see a connection to how lawyers are ruining this country? Second, might as well include unions to this list as well. You want $50 an hour with benefits? Go to college. Take the gamble on student debt, invest in yourself to provide for yourself. Don't hijack the economic life of a nation by forming a GANG. You simply don't deserve $50 an hour to put a fender on a car, or a steering wheel that falls off at 70mph. You deserve a tick or two above min wage. If I were an american auto maker...I wouldn't have a plant in the USA if it meant I had to deal with the UAW, period. You want me to be proud of an American product? Than produce one that honestly and truly competes with others. Don't expect me to think your product is the best simply because I'm an American. Prove it. Need an example? My 05' 4runner with 90k very hard miles, rattle free, problem free. Show me ANY American SUV that can say that? I know I'm not alone in that example either. If I lived in Detroit, I'd be furious at the unions, and ashamed to be in one. They simply killed Detroit, period. An now the lawyers and politicians are stealing what's left. I go to Detroit, we have three investments that will ultimately become our only foreclosures. $120,000,000 to be lost. I drive down the road and see bumber stickers on the back of cars that say "proud to be union". I say to myself "that sticker is worth more than that pos car it's on." Literally, Bubba is heading to the unemployment office in his 1993 Ford Escort that's spewing blue smoke out the pipe, with a union sticker on the back of his car. Third, probably a good thing you didn't buy your tires from that store. I doubt they'll be in business for too much longer with that STUPID sales pitch. A tire shop, who only installs tires on 50% of a car? Sounds like an ice-cream store that only sells cones and cups.
  9. I know who Lexirx330 is! Shake N' Bake, !Removed!!
  10. Well....they could be worse...say....Government Motors 2.0....where one of the new Tax Payer Bailout "options" is a nifty little trick that results in the friggin' steering wheel falling off as you're driving down the highway at 70mph! "Dang it, I just can't get enough leg room in this fancy new Cruze"..."here, Bill, just turn the steering wheel to the left and it'll come off...there, see, lots of leg room now!" Unbelievable. I assume you guys have seen this in the news? A funky computer is one thing..an abs sensor acting up is bad...a susposed stuck gas peddle is really bad.....BUT the friggin' steering wheel falling off in your hands? That takes the cake!! Way to go, GM! Only you could make Yugo look like a Honda....Good to see you spent that bailout money on some new manuals on how to build a car! Geezzzz I need a drink...and it's only 9:45 in the morning!
  11. Oh, I agree Lexus came on the scene in similiar fashion. But, they first showed up with a similiar competitor and eventually evolved away from it, except the LS400 and the MB. They came out of the gate day one like that. Hyundai has been around since the 80's (if memory serves correct). I don't really see the GS series ever trying to mimic others, just competing. Same with the IS and ES. To me, they've all had their "own" design identities that have set them apart from others. If anything though, lately I think they've all gotten a little to close to eachother within the same brand. I kind of see the sedans as "small. medium, large" now. I know they're all entirely different cars throughout, but there's just enough similiarity to blur that line, in my own eyes. I think there are enough styling differences in any Lexus car, either the 90' LS or current, that unmistakenly have always said "Lexus". When I see a Hyundai Genesis coming towards me, I honestly think it's a MB at first. I just see so many other existing cars wooven into the Hyundai design, that it leaves me with a feeling of it being a "knock off". But, I know it's not! It's their version of the 90' LS400...similar in many ways, but different. We'll see where they evolve to now though. Since they've come through design phase 1, I'm curious to see what direction they take in the future.
  12. ....but be weary of these types....they tend to have hidden "triggers".
  13. What you need to do, is take the money you'll spend on software and go getcha' one of these instead!
  14. My problem with Hyundai, is the clear lack of creativity in their designs. They just seem to say "ok, let's build a big luxury sedan. Bill, you go rent a MB, Frank you go get the Lexus, and I'll go get a Jag, and we'll all meet at the design studio. We'll make the front look like the MB, the sides look like the Lexus, and rear like the Jag, and we'll build it in Korea so we can sell it for half price and still make money". I don't have a problem with them building it in Korea. You don't sell something unless you want to make a profit. I drive a car that was built in Mexico. But, I don't like the fact that they "and KIA...which by the way, stands for Killed In Accident" simply seem to just rip-off design cues from others who spent the money to design a fresh car, and bet big that it would sell. Personally, I think most of the Asian cars are starting to "blend" together too much. Acura had a unique design with the previous TL, but now, it looks like a Transformer doll barfed on a Buick. The Camry is a solid car, so much so that I would be hard pressed to spend the extra premium for a Lexus vs a fully loaded Camry (used of course, I'm too cheap to buy new ;-). Nissan..they lost me in 2004 with the Maxima, and haven't grabbed me since. Infinity, I flirted with the G35 sedan once, and only once. Lexus though, with the late model LS430, has always had me a "hello". That, is my favorite Lexus car. But, that's about it for me. Although, my latest fasination for smaller pocket-rockets has my eye caught by this new CT they've got. Hubba Hubba, I like the interior dash! This is one of the main reasons why I've become a German fan, specifically VW/Audi. I think their designs are unique and fresh, and not very expensive to buy (VW), or own (warranty). Plus, they're simply a riot to drive and put together a lot better than I believe they're given credit for, so long as you don't go "tweaking" them, and realize they're not a Toyota and you need to maintain them as instructed in the manual. My wife, who made fun of me for buying the GTI initially, has now asked me about the Jetta Tdi sportwagons as a possible 3rd car when the 4runner gets paid off and bumped to the family "back-up". She simply loves driving our VW. To be honest, I've come to the conclusion that with internet boards such as this one, any car is "managable" to own in a relatively cheap format. About the only car maker that I'm still scared of would be Land Rover. My wife and I simply love the Discovery SUV, and would love to try one, but not quite there yet in trusting it. An example of this is in the 2.0t engine so widely used in VW and Audi. When you hear folks talk about their engine being ruined by a failed part, it's usually a $40 part that literally takes a screw driver, a small wrench, and 20 minutes to replace every 45k miles or so, on some of the cars. It's called a cam-follower in the high-pressure fuel pump. Some wear out, especially on those who've "tweaked" their engines with chips and such (200hp bumped to 260hp). 260hp from a 2.0 liter turbo 4banger, and you don't think you'll break something? Get real. Personally, I think the Passat sedan is one of the sexiest sedans on the road for under $20k. I know RXNC would agree, with his experiences with his used Jag. Buyer demographics aside, I'm of the personal opinion that Hyundai is missing a winning design that is uniquely theirs, that identifies them as a car "designer" over a car "maker". Once they've done that succesfully, then they can head into the higher altitude price-points. But, again, that's being said with buyer demographic (and budgets) aside. Dollars speak louder than opinions!
  15. SWO, it's the way the company handled the expenses of the sale. Instead of paying the listing fees directly, they paid me to reimburse the agent. I protested up the left and down the right to our idiotic HR department about this, as it was the wrong way to do it. Once I touched the money, it got taxed at the "bonus" level, which flowed onto the equation of the sale. IRS basically took my profit margin on the house, approximate $6k, in those taxes. They're simply confused at what they're looking at. I assure you, our idiots in HR have been made aware of this by me! Just another day......
  16. Walled through the Mac store last weekend on Mich Ave, with an itchin for a new toy. With a desktop, netbook, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch, and a black berry already, I came to the sad conclusion that....I've peaked ;-( We walked around and looked at everything, all of it beautiful and neat, but just couldn't justify the cost vs need. I suppose I should be happy about this, as it shows I've been successful in getting all the toys that satisfy me. But, I categorize this sense of pleasure with the comment that one should be happy to pay taxes, as it represents an income level to warrant it. You think I'm smiling when I write that check? You ever have a vescetomy or a colonoscopy? With that said, Having played with my moms iPad earlier in the day, I can see the buzz about the second one's screen. Pretty nice! I'll buy when they make that little laptop they have out into a hybrid of both! Show me a laptop that can flip it's screen and act like an iPad, then flip back around and be a full computer, and I'll show you the money ;-)
  17. I think some of this has to do with the CPO market as well, especially in a recessionary economy. For me, I don't ever see me buying a brand new car again, not when I can buy a used one with the same financing mechanics as the new ones, same warranty coverage, all at the "market" level of value instead of the manufacturers definition, which we all know how that value holds up once you "title" the car for the first time. The financing part is key though for this to work for me. In a nutshell, buying used cpo then financing for 6 year terms, which is what I do, is basically like leasing the car, without the "turn in" hurdle. I have yet to ever come close to being "flipped over" with this strategy, with the only requirement being that I keep the car for 12 months. After that, the value and loan balance begin to spread out, giving me enough equity room to trade it for another. Only vehicle that I would personally consider buying new, would be a Toyota V8 SUV. For my family, that vehicle represents the vehicle you buy with the idea and need to keep it forever. We bought our 05 in 07 wit 53k miles. Has 90k now, and will have that vehicle for a long long long time. In my eyes, these types of vehicles are family "tools", not driving preferences.
  18. Let's just hope I don't get a call from the FBI or the Dept. Of Justice....yep...did those buildings as well. Only one I haven't done is the ATF....so i guess i need to grab a bottle of Jack, call Mr. Marllboro, and hang out on the corner of Smith and Weson! Working on a new one specifically for Homeland Security. I'm sure after they read this thread, I'll be getting a call from them too! Hope they bring the bomb squad, because I'm a *BLEEP*ed off tax payer with two Diaper Genie bombed trashcans just waiting for a target to throw them at!! You wanna know what biological terrorism looks like, just ask the poor *BLEEP* who has to empty my trash cans every Monday morning!! Hey, IRS, wanna audit someone? How about Congress for approving the obscene leasing rates these agencies are paying for their fancy new digs! Talk about an accounting "trick"!
  19. Death, taxes, and the IRS!! I can't freaking wait to tell this accounting twerp what I do for a living! And the fact that his boss is sitting in a fancy new office in a fancy new office building in DC....that has a mortgage on it that I presented to my committee and got approved years ago!!! I'm serious here! Four signatures are on the 50 page investment package, that yours truly, wrote from scratch three years ago to finance the construction and permanent debt on the building the friggin IRS operates from in DC....and I'm being audited over the honest and legitimate sale of my home back in NC when we moved to ChiTcago!!! Talk about irony!
  20. Oh....I've got you all beat, by a country mile!!! Wanna know how my Monday went this week? Ok, try this little puppy on for size..... Who here bought a house in 2006/2007? Lots of us... Who here paid top market price for their house at that time? Lots of us... Who here had to sell their house in 2009? Lots of us.... But who here actually sold for more than they paid for it? Well, according to the f'n IRS, only me....and on Monday, I was notified that I'm being audited over it! Trade you!!!
  21. Ezz, one of the issues that these cars call for the ps fluid is due to the ability around the speed sensitive aspect of the system. Light steering at parking lot speeds, and a tightening at highway speeds. This is controlled by a solenoid in the system that opens and closed to restrict flow of the fluid. In the case of the LS400, the cleaning of this solenoid is a little trick to easy the parking lot steering and prevent leaks in the rack. There are little screens in these parts that when clogged and dirty, hinder the solenoids abilities. I'm not sure if this is still the case on the newer models, as I assume some are electronically assisted now, but if a car has a fluid system in general, it's a safe bet somewhere in there are these tiny little screens...
  22. Heels... Not heals...this freaking auto correct drives me insane!!
  23. I agree with TX on this one as well. I think the mindset of expectations is crucial. Look at me, I went from a GS430 to a friggin VW GTI, and remain just as happy today as I did when I did the trade last August. I had a 94 Jimmy SLT back in the late 90's, and while I grew to hate the mechanical nightmare it became (even though I abused the living crap out of it, first 4x4 I had owned), to this day, I have not found a driving position I like more than in a chevy. Even my former LS400 didn't quite "get there", but was darn close! I'm not really surprised to hear that Buick is nipping at the heals of Lexus though. One automaker has been under the gun to produce results, and one has been under the gun to protect results. The one required to produce, usually makes bigger attempts at grabbing attention, while the other usually is a bit timid to stray too far from what works. Eventually, the producer will catch up to a point to either force the protector to react, or step aside.
  24. I'm southern, I gets me a free pass, y'all
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