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Posts posted by jgr7

  1. If it has never had any major problems it sounds like a no brainer go for it. Don't worry about the grade of fuel it's not a problem, I always put 87 in mine. 70-30% town to hwy and average 18.8MPG. The small scratches and dings on a kids first car are a plus, almost every kid will have a small altercation with something and a perfect car will really get the parents upset when this happens. My kids would have given their eye teeth for a car that nice. They got a 92 Caviler wagon with 100K miles, it made it through 3 kids and a few minor altercations. LOL The RX is a very safe car for a young girl and she will be proud to own it. The Nav install will cost more to install than you will want to spend. If you must have it I would buy this car and keep looking for one from a dealer and then trade it in. Tell the Aunt she loved the car but kept getting lost so you upgraded. LOL Good luck.


  2. Here is a good link to learn about fixing your V710 to get more functions out of the blue tooth, A SEEM update will allow you to transfer like it was made to before Vorizon disabled the file transfer features so you would have to use there pay services.


    In the main menu on the left read the message boards and the V710 item. All you need to make the blue tooth right is the usb cord to hook it to your computer and the motorola phone tools software, then down load and install the seem hack from this web site and your phone should work just fine.


  3. I use the motorola v710 and HS850 headset, my RX 300 doesn't have blue tooth but this phone is great. voice dialing that is intelligent and doesn't have to learn your voice to work. With the bluetooth headset you push the button on the headset and the phone ask for a command, name dial or digit dial. It will recognize any name you have programed to a number just using the spelling of the name. If the phone is not sure what you said it will ask did you say, and then it repeats what it thinks you said, if it is right you say yes, if wrong you say no, and it will prompt you to say the name again. In digit dial you just say the number with no pauses and it will repeat it and dial, if it is not sure it will ask did you say, and repeat the number it thought it heard. Very nice for hands free in the car or when you need to write down information. The company I work for bought the phone and headset for me as they have a hands free policy and I couldn't stand those ear buds.


  4. If your able I would pull a cam cover and check to see if it is sludge or just the area under the filler cap. You can't see the sludge that will cause a problem with out pulling cam covers. That is what a dealer will do if they are trying to find the sludge. Any one that tells you you can see it with out pulling a cam cover is IMHO not doing his job.


  5. Oil drains back very fast, if it took 5 min to drain back, your pan would run dry with engine running. It is very close after a very short amout of time but 5 min is more than enough time. Are you sure the stick was all the way in the first time you checked?


  6. Use the dip stick. After a drive of 15-20 min. park on level ground with engine running pull the dip stick wipe off and reinsert, pull out and hold it horizontal in good light and read the fluid level. It should be in the hot range between the two hash marks. If it is low just add a little at a time to get into the hot range. Not sure if the 99 has the positive battery terminal right next to the tranny dip stick, but watch out if it does and the batt terminal is not covered good. The first time I checked mine the dip stick bent half way in and hit the pos term and made some sparks and put a gouge in the dip stick.


  7. I have to say on the bad cop thing that I have never got a ticket when I wasn't speeding!!! I never got *BLEEP*ed at the cop for doing his job. I havn't had a ticket since I started using my detector.


  8. I was in a pretty bad wreck a few years ago and my air bag as well as the seat belt saved me. My belt was a little loose on my lap and my knees hit the dash but my face was stopped by the air bag from hitting the steering wheel. Bruised knees a scuff mark on my face and bruises on my chest and lap where the seat belt caught me. I know always put on the seat belt and then pull it tight to get rid of all the slack from your clothes holding it off your lap.

    In my wreck a guy made a u-turn in front of my on a two lane hwy. I was doing 50mph hit him broadside right between the wheels dead center. His car was a chevy lumina mine a toyota Prieva. I pushed his passenger side doors almost to the drivers seat and rolled him over, just lucky he had no passenger of there would have been death that night.


  9. I've been using detectors for around 10 years and (knock on wood) have avoided the ticket guys because of it and most of the tips above. I was told by an officer one time at a safety meeting that when he asks a speeder if he knows how fast he was going and the speeder says no he always gets the ticket. The reason is he is lying or stupid for not knowing how fast he is going and that makes him a dangerous speeder.

    I've found that the detector makes me more aware of my speed and I drive slower than I used to before I started using one. Tip no 1 on the hwy is your best friend.

    Just remember driving is a participation sport, if your speeding leave the cell phone alone as well as the cd player and big mac hamburger.


  10. Just saw on the news that Mt St Helens went off again today, not sure just where you are in the Pac NW but they said that you could see the plum of smoke and ash From Portland Oregan. They also showed a lava flow after it was dark. Better keep the cars under wraps till all that acid smoke and ash move on. :)


  11. It appears your theory is working in slow motion, the output of the pump I'm sure is many times greater than any opperations the transmission might require. You can't really believe that the R&D guys didn't think of everything that you have, can you? I know that you have put alot of time and thought into this, but unless Toyota/Lexus is willing to admit a flaw no service dept in the world is going to give anything you say any weight. Have fun with your research it makes one think about these complex machines.


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