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Purchased The 1991 Ls400


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Well, I went ahead and purchased my neighbor's 91 LS400. I am already in love with this car (driven it one day), and nobody who sees it can believe it's 13 years old!

There are a few minor issues I'd like to take care of, and I'm looking for tips/tricks/advice:

1. Steering wheel is worn. Best place to find replacement? How tough to replace DIY?

2. Gear shift handle is worn. Best place to find replacement? How tough to replace DIY?

3. Climate Control LCD. I haven't seen the definitive answer on the Jim Walker vs. Mikado debate. Price is about the same if you use Mikado thru Ebay auction. Does Jim's quality outweigh the non-standard lettering on the LCD?

4. Some button lights on the stereo are out. Best place to find replacement? How tough to replace DIY (I'll already have the stereo out of the dash when replacing the climate control LCD).

5. Rear-view mirror LCD. Best place to find replacement? How tough to replace DIY?

6. Remote key. Any place besides the dealer to get one?

7. The cloth speaker grill has come loose on one of the corners. Any way to stuff it back into place without removing the door panel?

Thanks to all who replied to my earlier thread and pushed me over the edge to purchase this vehicle. I have a feeling I'm purchasing Lexus' from here on out so I look forward to getting more involved here at LOC.



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Dude: you need to find a good boneyard. The items you mentioned I haven't seen on Ebay yet. www.car-part.com they have places with Lexus in the card. You might have to call the different salavage yards because the probably won't list the parts you are looking for.

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