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Is 2007 Wont Start, Electrical Issues Noted.

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As of about a week ago the head lights started acting funny, some would turn on some wont, all of a sudden they would turn on. then it became an issue with them on top of that turning off by themselves. id have to turn them off and on and they would come on. sometimes they'd stay stuck on high beam other times they would work normally, and not always all on. Then today i went t the super market, about 1miles from home, after leaving the super market and turning the car on the steering wheel was really really REALLY hard, all lights on dash board indicating all problems were all on, nav/radio off and unable to it back turn on. Since it was late i drove straight home and parked the car in my driveway. A few hours later after doing a little research on this very helpful site i decided to go down and check on the fuse box. Before doing so however I opened the car and attempted* to turn it on.
~ The car wont start, head lights come on, the dash board seems to think is on because when i got out it beeped and displayed the key is not near message. it just clicks and makes a few weird noises but the engine doesnt turn.. Please help!! I should mention live in Dominican Republic, so a dealership is not an option and going to a mechanic not knowing myself whats wrong is like asking for them to take my money and possibly make things worst. i purchased this car about 2 months ago and everything was fine until last week. please help!!
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