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Just Saw Furious 7


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I know, I know. Fake fake fake. I mean really, how many women (or men for that matter) would back a car out of an airplane? I can't help it though. I love those movies. Beautiful cars and hunky fellas.

Well, the point of my post. They do an awesome tribute to Paul Walker at the end. It is the first time I left a F&F movie in tears. His brother did a great job of standing in for him. It was hard to tell when the switch happened.

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"Beautiful cars and hunky fellas"

Well that certainly makes me want to run out and see the movie.

While I do sometimes go to a theatre with my wife, I just don't think she has enough of Becki's appreciation for cars to outweigh the hinky fellas. SO, that pretty much means that when it comes to either Amazon Prime, Netflix, or HBO go, I'll see it then. I like movies at home better because I have beer and theatres just mostly don't. Oh yeah, with beer, the PAUSE button is also very handy.

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I frankly can't see how anyone can watch commercial television with all of the NO advertisement shows are available, Better yet, these shows are not restricted by FCC rules which leaves much more room for interesting shows. While sitting around with my broken leg I watched the entire series of The Wire, House of Cards, Generation Kill, The Red Road plus a lot of singular movies.

My wife watches crap like Chicago Fire which I consider to be one of the most pathetic shows every aired. Starts out with big social drama in the supply room as they all stand around like facebook groupies. THEN, there is a huge massive explosion in which everyone is in danger until they save the day. Then, all blackened and rough looking, they head back to the storeroom to resume the social drama. Completely predicable and a complete waste of time.

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I'm like that too, not much of tv person or not much tv watching on regular basis. I prefer sports (Tennis Channel 24/7), but I do enjoy Gotham show when I have time.

What they need is some kind of weekly car show. That could get me hooked....

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