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Flapping Noise

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Hi Y'all, It's been driving me nuts. I've been hearing this high speed noise like a kid with a baloon in the spokes of his bike. Looked under the car a few times and found nothing. I got the bright idea of turning the leaf blower on the undercarriage from the front of car and walla a small split in the plastic cowling under the motor and trans opened a wee bit. Stuck some foam and held it with duct tape till I get back to the dealer, They probably would have charged me for 6 or 7 hours of diagnostics and not found n e thing n e way



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Hi Stephan, I experienced the same thing one while driving down the road. It turned out to be the rubber inset on the roof running just above the doors and immediately below the roof rack. The rubber had come loose toward the back and was flapping in the wind. I pressed it firmly back in and have had it happen one other time but pressed it back firmly in place and it has been fine since.

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