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Gs350 Windshield Visibility Issue

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I beg to differ with you SW03ES on the "rare issue" statement. This issue is in my car some others that have commented and not to mention another car on the dealer lot that I got in. I would bet that if I get in to several others it will be the same. This is obviously being down played by Lexus without a doubt. The fact remains, until someone actually dies form this safety hazard they will continue to ignore the issue.

Rhetorical Question To This Group: Where was the quality process broken? How could these vehicles not been tested at night. In fact, lets not down play this issue to only night time driving because I can see it in the daylight but it is just not as much of a distraction but at night driving in the city with all the city lights (cars, street lights, traffic lights) it is a HAZZARD!

So God forbid should someone die due to this hazard, I hope Lexus gets what they deserve because for me this car was the largest purchase in my life time not counting a home so it is a big disappointment for me. Hell, I owned Chevy's most of my life and now I am kicking myself in the behind for not staying true to what worked for me for the greater part--considering they didn't cost $20K more than a Lexus!!! Basically, I am hurt and disappointed since I thought spending more coincided with better quality! Dam, tricked again!

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I have been posting on Lexus forums for over a decade, and I have never heard of this issue until now, so I would classify that as rare. I've driven several 2013 GS's and have one myself, no issues.

If you're so worried about it, trade the car.

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My take is that some of the people insisting that there is NO PROBLEM with the screen have to experience something other than a Lexus. By their own admission some of these good folks have had Lexus vehicles for the past decade or so. Maybe they have forgotten what a NORMAL night time viewing experience is. :)

I used to drive an Audi Q7 before my Lexus. The windscreen on that vehicle had no such issue. Neither did the Q5 I had before it nor does my Dad's VW Passat. I am sure you guys get my point.

Now about this being a rare issue. Well I am in Canada I have experienced it, most of the other effected parties on this thread are in the States. So by default just this thread has made it a North America wide issue. Lexus certainly knows about it and are playing it down for obvious reasons.

I agree with Tom on ALL counts and yes the problem is there even in day time but only visible to the keen eye and not at all as much troublesome as it is at night.


Thank you for the kind words of support. I totally agree, all the effected parties must exchange notes to gain from the experience of each other and try to achieve an amicable compensation. Notice how I didn't say solution, as I believe this problem can not be solved unless Lexus develops a brand new windscreen and replaces the faulty ones with that. Untill that happens (highly unlikely) we will all have to be content with some sort of a compensation.

All said and done warranty or no warranty, Lexus developed a hazardous product and either they should replace it or compensate for it in a way that it pacifies the effected customer and addresses their safety concern. This windscreen is not a faulty valve that stopped working, this part NEVER worked. In fact it endangered the occupants of the vehicle and jeapordized their lives. In any half decent consumer society there has to be a consequence to something grave like this.

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You just triggered an additional point when you mentioned North America! I was told my the Lexus Customer Support that my car was manufactured outside the States which she clearly stated the windshield was as well and the Windshield that replaced the original would be from the States since they do not transport windshields as they are likely to be damaged in the process. That came straight out of the mouth of Lexus Customer Support!

I suggest, posting to Lexus Facebook page as well. They need a flood of unhappy customers to even begin to take this seriously or like I said, an unfortunate casualty due to the crazy double light/glare that this windshield is producing.

And if there solution is that the noise reduction film is the issue and we have to accept a windshield without then so be it if that resolves the hazard; however, Lexus will need to reimburse the difference of that cost to down-grade because I paid for it at the dealership!

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Trade the car you say SW03E5--you must be rich with that attitude! Oh, wait you say that as it would be my money lost not yours! I don't mean to be abrupt how about you pay for the loss of the trade in when the dealer low balls me on it! :)

Since this is a forum as respect everyone's opinion; however, it sure seems like some have a bias or invested opinion. If you have not experienced the issue then great, you have nothing to take personally or squabble about; however, for those that are experiencing it and paid hard earned money they expect a sound satisfied resolution that provides as good or better view out their windshield as you are experiencing. If you can't respect that then you obviously have an invested agenda!

I am not sure if you think people are here to lie or bash Lexus but I am not! I am personally experiencing this issue, it is real and it needs to be resolved if as they say the noises wheel gets the most oil. That that is all that most of us are doing, making noise in hopes something gets done.

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I'm not saying you and the others are not having the issue, I'm just saying that if it were a common issue, we would have heard about it. Between here and the other forum there are hundreds of thousands of Lexus owners registered, if this were a common problem you'd hear a lot about it, and we have heard nothing until now. It's obviously uncommon, doesn't make it not real.

You have every right to be concerned and have your concerns dealt with, but we are a community of Lexus enthusiasts, you're damn right we have a bias towards the brand. If you think we're going to put up with people coming in here calling our longtime members dealership schills and somehow accusing us of being some part of your issue you've got another thing coming.

Voice your concerns, discuss your issue, but leave the paranoia at the door. This is an enthusiast website with membership at will, it is not your personal vehicle to further your own agenda. Nobody is trying to "subvert" you, and nobody has any agenda other than to enjoy talking about the Lexus brand.

In terms of the windshield. If you are under warranty, if you remain calm and firm they will replace the glass under warranty at least once, I've seen them do it for lesser issues. If you are out of warranty, unless there is some sort of NHTSA action, which I don't think there are enough complaints to warrant, you are going to be out of luck.

Lexus does not make glass, the company that manufactures the glass in every Japan built Lexus is a company called Aashi Glass Corporation. If you are convinced that the OEM Lexus windshield has this...whatever you describe, you can always pay $300 or so and have the windshield replaced with an aftermarket windshield from a different manufacturer like PPG or Pilkington. Thats a solution for the member who's parents' ES is out of warranty, and a solution for someone who has a replacement already from Lexus and has the same issue.

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I agree that this is a rare and unfortunate issue. There seems to be three members here reporting the issue. One each in Ontario, Washington and Maryland. Since it seems that each dealership hasn't acknowledged a problem it might be best to pursue other solutions. The suggestion of windshield replacement sounds feasible, especially for cars that are out of warranty. You could take your cars to an automotive glass shop and get their opinion. My guess is that they'd be happy to replace your windshield.

I also frequent another Lexus forum and haven't seen this issue raised over there. Effected owners might Google the issue to see what comes up.

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Hello all,

The service department manager at the local Lexus dealership contacted me last night and expressed concern about the windshield problem. He indicated that Lexus would fix the problem. We took the car into the dealership today and he took a look at the windshield and noticed a ripple in the surface that would cause blurriness and night holograms/halos. His initial thought is that is might be caused by a problem with a special windshield coating that was applied to protect it from rock chips. I mentioned this (online) conversation and told him that at least one Lexus owner thought it might have something to do with the acoustic system. He said he would check with the headquarters office to see if they had dealt with this issue before and could give him any advice. He said he would call me within the next couple days with any answers. If anyone has any suggestions/ideas that we could present at this time, please let me know.

Thanks! (By the way, I have never participated in an online conversation. I really appreciate your thoughtful and insightful comments.)

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Without going through a childish back and forth pointless !Removed! match--I feel ya!. I would react in a similar way concerning Harley Davidson.

So getting back to the issue at hand: I spoke with the Lexus customer service rep that has been working with me and she said that the replacement windshield came from the Asahi Glass Company straight from Japan. My car is from Japan and therefore, the original glass most likely was from the same glass company.

I was asked what I want Lexus to do and I said fix it and she said they did by replacing the windshield and I said that did not fix it and she said then what would you like us to do. CRAZY!!!

I said then I want to go to Lexus dealers and find the exact same year/model/color/options and if that car does not have a windshield issue then I want Lexus to make an even exchange, no charge to me!

My case is being escalated to the internal Lexus Dispute and Resolution department and I was told to contact the external agency, National Dispute Settlement (NCDS) at 866-272-4872.

This is the end of the road if no resolution occurs that is unless a recall is born. I hope this helps any one else that is having this unfortunate issue.

Unless anyone has a direct question to me -- I am out of these conversation as it is getting old. Should anything change for the better I will be back to post an update.

Lexus Be Happy!!! :)

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Good luck and please keep us posted.


Take a deep breath and try to regain your dignity. You talk about paranoia, subversion, shills and hidden agendas is a little scary.

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Good luck and please keep us posted.


Take a deep breath and try to regain your dignity. You talk about paranoia, subversion, shills and hidden agendas is a little scary.

I can't speak for Steve, but I think this line in your post might be what he was referring to:

"Actually, you sound like the Bellevue dealership's representative. Rather than discussing here, please return my emails/phone calls so we can work towards resolution"

In any case. good luck to you guys towards getting a resolution to the issue.

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Without going through a childish back and forth pointless !Removed! match--I feel ya!. I would react in a similar way concerning Harley Davidson.

I'm glad you understand my point...

As to your other issue, at this point if the replacement didn't solve the problem I might ask them to replace it with an aftermarket windshield and see if that helps. If they won't, then I might just go and do it myself.

The service department manager at the local Lexus dealership contacted me last night and expressed concern about the windshield problem. He indicated that Lexus would fix the problem

I'm glad, hopefully it works out. In general they want to make their customers happy.


Take a deep breath and try to regain your dignity. You talk about paranoia, subversion, shills and hidden agendas is a little scary.

I'm not the one that accused LEX-SV of being the dealership rep that had been ducking their calls when he asked a very reasonable question about why the car had never been looked at by the dealer during the warranty.

As this is your first online exchange as you said, Imagine you are a member of a club, and you all sit in your club and talk about your shared interest in a certain topic. Lets say one day some random person off the street wandered into your club, and said they were having some issue with the product that is the focus of your club. When you tried to ask questions and offer guidance to the person, they accuse you of being somebody else and tell you that you're just trying to hamper their efforts to get their problem addressed. When you then point out to that person that your club is just a group of people who enjoy talking about your shared interests, and that you did not appreciate them barging in and making accusations of you...they then tell you that you should calm down and regain your "dignity".

Would you not think that person rude? Would you have any interest in helping that person after they behaved towards you in that way after coming into your club uninvited and making demands of you? Personal interactions online are just like interactions in person. Your post to LEX-SV was rude, as was your post towards me...and seeing that we are all trying to give you guidance when it isn't necessary for us to do so and nobody has been anything but completely kind and respectful towards you even in response to communication from you that is not that way... its not going to be tolerated.

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Without going through a childish back and forth pointless !Removed! match--I feel ya!. I would react in a similar way concerning Harley Davidson.

So getting back to the issue at hand: I spoke with the Lexus customer service rep that has been working with me and she said that the replacement windshield came from the Asahi Glass Company straight from Japan. My car is from Japan and therefore, the original glass most likely was from the same glass company.

I was asked what I want Lexus to do and I said fix it and she said they did by replacing the windshield and I said that did not fix it and she said then what would you like us to do. CRAZY!!!

I said then I want to go to Lexus dealers and find the exact same year/model/color/options and if that car does not have a windshield issue then I want Lexus to make an even exchange, no charge to me!

My case is being escalated to the internal Lexus Dispute and Resolution department and I was told to contact the external agency, National Dispute Settlement (NCDS) at 866-272-4872.

This is the end of the road if no resolution occurs that is unless a recall is born. I hope this helps any one else that is having this unfortunate issue.

Unless anyone has a direct question to me -- I am out of these conversation as it is getting old. Should anything change for the better I will be back to post an update.

Lexus Be Happy!!! :)

Unfortunatly, once again your way off course in your response to sw03ES. Your posting has provided information on a not to be known problem that is worthy of attention. The remainder of your posts are mostly rants on how bad Lexus is and how devious they are. Steve has posted over 13,000 times and has more knowledge in his little finger than I have in my whole body. However, he does not allow member to member bashing or tirades against anyone. None of us work for or have any relationship with Lexus. All of us have had issues with our Lexus from time to time and have gone to one of the forums for advice.

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  • 7 years later...

I test drove a 2021 ES300H and noticed optical problems looking thru the windshield. I told the sales rep and he said maybe glass was dirty.  I highly doubt that

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