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Seattle Area Sc400 Owners?

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I was hoping to pay someone to show me the in's and out's of the 400, so that I know what to look closely at when purchasing a car. I've never seen the inside of one and would like to discuss the car in more technical detail than what I've read on the forum without the pressure of a salesman or a seller. Let me know what your time is worth.

I hope this isn't against the rules to ask such a question.

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I don't see any why that would be against the rules.

You could also check out the gallery to see the insides of the SC3 and 4. Depending on which year you buy will judge the engine compartment. The early 90s--91-94 doesn't come with a dashmount cupholder.

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I live near Mill Creek and would be delighted to show you my '96 SC400. I just bought it from a seller in Arizona abut unfortunately I won't be getting delivery for another 2 to 3 weeks. If interested contact me then. I probably won't be able to help you with the technical stuff, but that can easily be found on the internet or through this Forum.


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I live near Mill Creek and would be delighted to show you my '96 SC400. I just bought it from a seller in Arizona abut unfortunately I won't be getting delivery for another 2 to 3 weeks. If interested contact me then. I probably won't be able to help you with the technical stuff, but that can easily be found on the internet or through this Forum.

Thanks for the offer, Don. I just might take you up on that offer. It looks like you noticed the same thing I have- local sellers are asking too much for sub-par cars. It's too bad we don't live in the Southwest or Florida. Those cars look pristine!

If you care to share your buying experience as far getting the car checked out or any other aspect, I'm all ears.

UFC3- I actually meant that I hadn't seen the insides of an SC in real life. I walked by one at the grocery store last week, but didn't want to get too close, since I didn't know the owner. I was hoping for a "tour" of sorts, where a knowledgeable owner could say, "Yeah, I wish I had looked more closely at (this area) before I bought my car, because I might have noticed this problem." Or something to that effect. I look at 400's for sale daily online, but it would be ill-advised to buy a car that you've never ever ridden in. I'm sure tempted to, though! I just want to make sure that I'm armed with as much knowledge as I can before buying a car. I've searched the forums and have read hundreds of posts on just about every aspect of the car, but that still doesn't replace a good "Walk through" by a knowledgeable owner.

Yeah, I'm a bit timid asking questions on a forum that is so polite and new to me. I have learned a ton since finding this site, and I don't want to jeopardize that by asking something that I should have already found the answer to in the Archives or in the Forum Rules. I'm just a new guy who appreciates people that take the time to share their knowledge with me. There is a tendency on the internet for people to expect to be "spoon fed" information that is readily available with a simple search, then get indignant when reminded that a particular question has been asked hundreds of times before. I just want to cover my bases in case I've missed something.

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