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Tpms System- Just A Nuisance? Not!

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Hey guys,

I'll admit i've had many complaints about the TPMS (tire pressure monitoring system) function in the Rx400h, with all of its false alarms and the hassle when exchanging wheels, but i take it all back.

A few weeks ago on my way to school my "low tire" light came on in the dash. I just assumed it was another false alarm, but i got out of the car and did a visual check of all the tires just in case- none of them appeared low. But on my way home, the light persisted so i checked all the tires with a pressure gauge, and what do you know, my front right tire was a bit low, at 24 PSI (compared to the others at 34 PSI). So i inspected the wheel a bit and found a NAIL! Right on the inside edge. So the following morning i took it to a nearby tire shop and had it repaired for $15, not that bad... If i hadn't gotten the warning light, i probably wouldn't have known about the issue until the tire was completely flat!

Then, today i had a little incident... Turning into a store parking lot, i hit the curb a little with my right rear tire. I felt it a little, but didn't think anything of it. But in a matter of SECONDS, (maybe 5) the "low tire" light came on in the dash. I DIDN'T want to believe it. But when i got out, it was obvious- a 2" tear on the sidewall of the tire, air rushing out as the tire deflated completely.

So, i had to drop the spare, jack up the car, and replace it. Didn't think i had it in me, but i did it all by myself! Really didn't feel like having to wait for AAA to come...

But i thought it was pretty neat how the "low tire" light came on so quickly! I mean within SECONDS after i hit the curb, before i even made it into a parking spot. It definitely saved me from the humiliation of trying to drive off with a COMPLETELY flat tire! If it hadn't alerted me, i would have just driven off, and God only knows what damage that could have caused.

So now i've just gotta drive around with the "low tire" light still on, as the spare's now in my garage until i can get it replaced. Luckily the rim is OK (scuffed, but OK) so all i need is a new tire...

Just thought i'd share! :rolleyes:

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KLAATU BARADA NIKTO! (Would you believe this is the SECOND time today I've posted this on a message board in response to someone's Gort avatar?)

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KLAATU BARADA NIKTO! (Would you believe this is the SECOND time today I've posted this on a message board in response to someone's Gort avatar?)

Obviously we all must have a secret fear of being vaporized for being such a bad civilization! LOL

"Gort hears your command and obeys".


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