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2002 Sc430 Key Programming


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I just bought my car and the key does not have remote to unlock/lock doors and trunk. So I bought one on Ebay but I can't program the key with the instruction I found on internet. Can anyone help or I have to take to dealer to get it programmed??? Thanx.

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[These instructions are from 'John' here on the forum- 2006

After lots of tries (and failures) using the directions on the Forum, I contacted East Coast Locksmiths. Tami provided me with directions that were similar to those posted on the Forum, but a bit different than the ones I used. She said that, for some reason, people had problems successfully programming keys for this car. Might be timing?? Mine is a 2002 that was built in August of 2002 -- one of the last ones for that year. So, at least for this car, the dealer didn't block out key programming.

The directions follow.

Key Programming

1. Close all doors.

2. Insert an already programmed master key into the ignition.

3. Turn the key from the OFF to On and back OFF FIVE (5) times.

4. Open and close the drivers door SIX (6) times.

5. Remove the key from the ignition.

6. Insert the new key you want to program into the ignition.

7. Wait 1 minute. The security light will be blinking for this one minute. When it stops blinking your key is programmed. To end programming step on brake one time.

Timing may be important. I did the key on and off to the count of 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi said in regular speach -- or just about on the second. Then switched keys in 3-5 seconds. Then opened the door to the same beat.

The Security light flashed for about a minute and then went out. I then hit the brake once -- proably within 3-5 seconds of the light going out.

Then started the car with the newly programmed valet key. I assume the same thing would program a new master key. Question? Can you have more than one master key? If so I may buy one and try again. Hate to lose or break the master from what I hear.

Also, here were her directions for programming the remote on the master key. Let me know if they work.

Remote Programming

1. Close and lock all doors. Unlock and open drivers door.

2. Put key into ignition and remove TWO TIMES.

3. Close and open the drivers door TWO TIMES.

4. Put key into the ignition and remove.

5. Close and open the drivers door two times.

6. Put key into the ignition. Close the drivers door.

7. Turn ignition ON then OFF ONE TIME- this will put the car in ADD mode for your remote. (Turning the ignition ON then OFF TWO TIMES will ADD the remote but will erase all existing remotes.)

8. Remove the key from the ignition. The door locks will cycle one time (or two if you are erasing) . On the REMOTE press and hold the LOCK and the UNLOCK button for 2 seconds. On the REMOTE press the LOCK button for one second.

AT THIS POINT, the locks should cycle by themselves ONE time. This means the procedure was accepted. IF the locks cycle twice it has failed. IF this happens you must start over. Hold the remotes higher up for better reception

9. Open and close the drivers door. Put key in ignition and pull out. This will end


Thank youi Tami!!!! Saved me $80 and a big hassle. I got the key from Sewell for way less than the local Lexus dealer.


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[These instructions are from 'John' here on the forum- 2006

After lots of tries (and failures) using the directions on the Forum, I contacted East Coast Locksmiths. Tami provided me with directions that were similar to those posted on the Forum, but a bit different than the ones I used. She said that, for some reason, people had problems successfully programming keys for this car. Might be timing?? Mine is a 2002 that was built in August of 2002 -- one of the last ones for that year. So, at least for this car, the dealer didn't block out key programming.

The directions follow.

Key Programming

1. Close all doors.

2. Insert an already programmed master key into the ignition.

3. Turn the key from the OFF to On and back OFF FIVE (5) times.

4. Open and close the drivers door SIX (6) times.

5. Remove the key from the ignition.

6. Insert the new key you want to program into the ignition.

7. Wait 1 minute. The security light will be blinking for this one minute. When it stops blinking your key is programmed. To end programming step on brake one time.

Timing may be important. I did the key on and off to the count of 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi said in regular speach -- or just about on the second. Then switched keys in 3-5 seconds. Then opened the door to the same beat.

The Security light flashed for about a minute and then went out. I then hit the brake once -- proably within 3-5 seconds of the light going out.

Then started the car with the newly programmed valet key. I assume the same thing would program a new master key. Question? Can you have more than one master key? If so I may buy one and try again. Hate to lose or break the master from what I hear.

Also, here were her directions for programming the remote on the master key. Let me know if they work.

Remote Programming

1. Close and lock all doors. Unlock and open drivers door.

2. Put key into ignition and remove TWO TIMES.

3. Close and open the drivers door TWO TIMES.

4. Put key into the ignition and remove.

5. Close and open the drivers door two times.

6. Put key into the ignition. Close the drivers door.

7. Turn ignition ON then OFF ONE TIME- this will put the car in ADD mode for your remote. (Turning the ignition ON then OFF TWO TIMES will ADD the remote but will erase all existing remotes.)

8. Remove the key from the ignition. The door locks will cycle one time (or two if you are erasing) . On the REMOTE press and hold the LOCK and the UNLOCK button for 2 seconds. On the REMOTE press the LOCK button for one second.

AT THIS POINT, the locks should cycle by themselves ONE time. This means the procedure was accepted. IF the locks cycle twice it has failed. IF this happens you must start over. Hold the remotes higher up for better reception

9. Open and close the drivers door. Put key in ignition and pull out. This will end


Thank youi Tami!!!! Saved me $80 and a big hassle. I got the key from Sewell for way less than the local Lexus dealer.


I've tried this about at least 10 times but no luck.

I also tried the method that "step on the gas pedal 5 times etc..." and that didn't work either.

Dealer in Austin wants $160 to program the key. I guess I'm SOL.

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Try this- apparently one process programs the key- the second the remote functions:

Key Programming

1. Insert an already programmed master key into the ignition. Do not turn.

2. Press and release the gas pedal 5 times.

3. Press and release the brake pedal 6 times.

4. Remove the key from the ignition.

5. Insert the new key you want to program into the ignition.

6. Press and release the gas pedal one time.

7. Wait 1 minute. The security light will be blinking for this one minute. When it stops blinking your key is programmed. To end programming step on the brake one time.

Note: Look for your security light. This light will guide you during the programming procedure. The security light will go off at Step 1. It will remain off until Step 6. The security light will be come on and start blink after Step 6 until the key is programmed. If the security light comes on after Step 4 STOP the procedure and start over again.

If you perform this procedure too slowly your car will not go into programming mode. If you can not get your car to go into programming mode make sure you are using a master key and not a valet key. If you have a master key then you will probably need to perform this procedure more quickly.

Remote Programming

1. Close and lock all doors. Unlock and open drivers door.

2. Put key into ignition and remove. Do not turn it on.

3. Using the electric lock switch. Lock and unlock 5 times. (Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock)

4. Close and open drivers door.

5. Using the electric lock switch. Lock and unlock 5 times.(Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock)

6. Put key into ignition. Turn to "ON", turn off and remove.

7. You will see the door locks cycle by themselves.

If the door lock do not cycle (lock, unlock) by themselves then the car isn't in programming mode and you must start over.

8. On the remove. Press and hold Lock and Unlock button at the same time for no more than 2 seconds.

9. On the remote, press the Lock button for no more than 1 second.

AT THIS POINT. The locks should cycle by themselves ONE time. This means the procedure was accepted.

IF the locks cycle TWICE it have failed.

The most common reason for programming failure is because the car didn't receive a good signal from the remove. To fix this problem try these tips. 1) Stand outside of the car while you are performing step 8 and 9. 2) Don't hold the remove buttons down as long.

As long as the car is still in programming mode you can keep trying step 8 and 9 until you complete the programming. If you wait too long and the car exits the programming mode then you must start over.

After you get the remote to program then continue on with step 10.

10) Close and open door to end programming procedure.


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Try this- apparently one process programs the key- the second the remote functions:

Key Programming

1. Insert an already programmed master key into the ignition. Do not turn.

2. Press and release the gas pedal 5 times.

3. Press and release the brake pedal 6 times.

4. Remove the key from the ignition.

5. Insert the new key you want to program into the ignition.

6. Press and release the gas pedal one time.

7. Wait 1 minute. The security light will be blinking for this one minute. When it stops blinking your key is programmed. To end programming step on the brake one time.

Note: Look for your security light. This light will guide you during the programming procedure. The security light will go off at Step 1. It will remain off until Step 6. The security light will be come on and start blink after Step 6 until the key is programmed. If the security light comes on after Step 4 STOP the procedure and start over again.

If you perform this procedure too slowly your car will not go into programming mode. If you can not get your car to go into programming mode make sure you are using a master key and not a valet key. If you have a master key then you will probably need to perform this procedure more quickly.

Remote Programming

1. Close and lock all doors. Unlock and open drivers door.

2. Put key into ignition and remove. Do not turn it on.

3. Using the electric lock switch. Lock and unlock 5 times. (Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock)

4. Close and open drivers door.

5. Using the electric lock switch. Lock and unlock 5 times.(Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock)

6. Put key into ignition. Turn to "ON", turn off and remove.

7. You will see the door locks cycle by themselves.

If the door lock do not cycle (lock, unlock) by themselves then the car isn't in programming mode and you must start over.

8. On the remove. Press and hold Lock and Unlock button at the same time for no more than 2 seconds.

9. On the remote, press the Lock button for no more than 1 second.

AT THIS POINT. The locks should cycle by themselves ONE time. This means the procedure was accepted.

IF the locks cycle TWICE it have failed.

The most common reason for programming failure is because the car didn't receive a good signal from the remove. To fix this problem try these tips. 1) Stand outside of the car while you are performing step 8 and 9. 2) Don't hold the remove buttons down as long.

As long as the car is still in programming mode you can keep trying step 8 and 9 until you complete the programming. If you wait too long and the car exits the programming mode then you must start over.

After you get the remote to program then continue on with step 10.

10) Close and open door to end programming procedure.


It didn't work either.

Thank you.

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  • 3 months later...

For 2003 SC430: I just successfully erased all keys but the master and then reprogrammed my valet key using the procedures below:

Credits to http://www.keymam.com/ru/news_view.asp?newsid=58


Lexus Key and Remote Programming Instructions

Key Programming

1. Close all doors.

1a. lock and unlock the drivers door using the electric switch

2. Insert an already programmed master (BLACK) key into the ignition.

3. Turn the key in the ignition ON and OFF FIVE (5) times. - fast as you can

4. Open and close the drivers door SIX (6) times. - fast as you can

5. Remove the key from the ignition.

6. Insert the new key you want to program into the ignition.

7. Wait up to 2 minutes. The security light will be blinking for up to 2 minutes. When it stops blinking your key is programmed. To end programming step on the brake one time.

NOTE: You have 35 seconds to complete steps 1-5 and 10 seconds to complete step 6. If you do not do this procedure fast enough the car will not go into programming mode and your key will not program.

If the security light does not go out after 2 minutes start the procedure over again.


Erase Key Procedure

If you need to erase existing keys, in the case of stolen or missing keys, follow the procedure below. This will erase all keys except for the master key you use during this procedure.

0. get inside the sc430

1. Close all doors.

1a. lock and unlock the drivers door using the electric switch

2. Insert an already programmed master (BLACK) key into the ignition.

3. Turn the key in the ignition ON and OFF SIX (6) times. - I did this as fast as I could

4. Open and close the drivers door SEVEN (7) times. - I did this as fast as I could

Note: The security LED flashed a few times

5. Remove the key from the ignition.

I recommend doing this procedure a couple of times to make sure it takes.

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  • 5 weeks later...

The problem is the key I have is not a master key, I took my car to a locksmith and they use some kind of machine look like a computer and they hooked up to my car to program my new key. The cost was $70 inc. tax vs. dealer $213 + tax.

Thanks for all the help.

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  • 2 years later...

This procedure didn't work for me, but kept me trying. I finally got the procedure sent to me by the key seller to work (credit to mykeyless.com, standard disclaimer - I don't work there or have any interest in the company, just found them on eBay. They are very friendly and accommodating). I finally got the locking sequence to work and at least knew that security was listening to programming mode. By the way, the tips about the security light telling you where you are was super and helped me with the process I used.

step 1) - programming locks. this step can be done BEFORE cutting the key if you need to return it if the transponder is bad.

1. driver's door open and unlocked

2. key out of ignition

3. within 5 seconds insert and remove ignition key twice

4. within 40 seconds close and open driver's door twice and insert key, close driver's door, place ignition to on, then turn off, and remove key

6. within 3 seconds, locks will cycle. if not, start over

7. using new key, press LOCK and UNLOCK for 1 second, and release. press LOCK for one second and release.

8. Success if one cycle. Failure with two cycles. Repeat step 7 for additional keys or if key failed.

9. At this point you should be able to lock and unlock.

step 2) - starter

1. window up, doors closed

2. from outside vehicle lock and unlock door with master key

3. enter vehicle, close door

4. start engine, turn off, remove key

5. insert key, and within 35 seconds turn key from OFF to ON 5 times, and OPEN and CLOSED drivers door 6 times, remove key

6. within 10 seconds, insert new key and turn ignition to ON

7. leave ignition ON until SECURITY light goes off. (about 90 seconds)

8. remove key from ignition

9. press brake pedal once forcefully to exit programming mode

10. wait 15 seconds for computer to reset

11. test key by starting the car.

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  • 6 years later...
  • 1 year later...
On 4/22/2010 at 1:41 AM, ChuckSC430 said:

[These instructions are from 'John' here on the forum- 2006

After lots of tries (and failures) using the directions on the Forum, I contacted East Coast Locksmiths. Tami provided me with directions that were similar to those posted on the Forum, but a bit different than the ones I used. She said that, for some reason, people had problems successfully programming keys for this car. Might be timing?? Mine is a 2002 that was built in August of 2002 -- one of the last ones for that year. So, at least for this car, the dealer didn't block out key programming.

The directions follow.

Key Programming

1. Close all doors.

2. Insert an already programmed master key into the ignition.

3. Turn the key from the OFF to On and back OFF FIVE (5) times.

4. Open and close the drivers door SIX (6) times.

5. Remove the key from the ignition.

6. Insert the new key you want to program into the ignition.

7. Wait 1 minute. The security light will be blinking for this one minute. When it stops blinking your key is programmed. To end programming step on brake one time.

Timing may be important. I did the key on and off to the count of 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi said in regular speach -- or just about on the second. Then switched keys in 3-5 seconds. Then opened the door to the same beat.

The Security light flashed for about a minute and then went out. I then hit the brake once -- proably within 3-5 seconds of the light going out.

Then started the car with the newly programmed valet key. I assume the same thing would program a new master key. Question? Can you have more than one master key? If so I may buy one and try again. Hate to lose or break the master from what I hear.

Also, here were her directions for programming the remote on the master key. Let me know if they work.

Remote Programming

1. Close and lock all doors. Unlock and open drivers door.

2. Put key into ignition and remove TWO TIMES.

3. Close and open the drivers door TWO TIMES.

4. Put key into the ignition and remove.

5. Close and open the drivers door two times.

6. Put key into the ignition. Close the drivers door.

7. Turn ignition ON then OFF ONE TIME- this will put the car in ADD mode for your remote. (Turning the ignition ON then OFF TWO TIMES will ADD the remote but will erase all existing remotes.)

8. Remove the key from the ignition. The door locks will cycle one time (or two if you are erasing) . On the REMOTE press and hold the LOCK and the UNLOCK button for 2 seconds. On the REMOTE press the LOCK button for one second.

AT THIS POINT, the locks should cycle by themselves ONE time. This means the procedure was accepted. IF the locks cycle twice it has failed. IF this happens you must start over. Hold the remotes higher up for better reception

9. Open and close the drivers door. Put key in ignition and pull out. This will end


Thank youi Tami!!!! Saved me $80 and a big hassle. I got the key from Sewell for way less than the local Lexus dealer.



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