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Please Help Gas Problem

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i dont know whats happening but just today like 20 mins befor i posted this i realized that their maybe a problem with my gas gauge.. i went to the basketball court (witch is like less then 2 miles away) and i had half a tank of gas.. then i went home to drop off the basketball and i was on my way to to take my friend home when i noticed my gas was now almost at full!! and whats really bothering me is yesterday i put in $5 and from empty that doesnt even give me a quarter tank usually, especially with gas being 2,57 here, and when i put that in the needle didnt even move.. and i was frustrated cause i was trying to keep my gas tank at least over half witch didnt happen when i tried with my $5.. im 16 and the car is MINE, therefor i pay for the gas and anything that has to be done to it. and i really hope this isn't a big problem or is a cheap fix. i heard this car is really reliable thats why it was first on the list and its killing me knowing this is happening.. i know problems happen but this is scaring me cause i dont want it to happen where one of these days my car says i have gas but then i get stranded... since i have had this car it has never seen a full tank, so for it to be up there out of knowhere is a shocker cause i know i dont have the money at the moment to be filling it up there, my friend can't drive and my mom was not at the house all day cause she was with her sister at her house doing something. has anyone have had this problem???

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I've noticed a slow needle on several toyota manufactured vehicles... sometimes a lil chevron fuel system cleaner works on dissolving anything that may be restricting the float... its probably not going to be a cheap fix... but its not really a major problem either... just an inconvenient one... does the gas light come on accurately or is it just the needle thats acting crazy?

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I've noticed a slow needle on several toyota manufactured vehicles... sometimes a lil chevron fuel system cleaner works on dissolving anything that may be restricting the float... its probably not going to be a cheap fix... but its not really a major problem either... just an inconvenient one... does the gas light come on accurately or is it just the needle thats acting crazy?

its the needle.. and now the needle is acting like its supposed to.. slowley goes down over the period of time i drive it. but i wonder how much gas i actually have..like i just used a quarter tank today and yesterday i was at half.. so im at half a tank AGAIN.. so its like.. do i really have half a tank or do i have a quarter below it? ya know..

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