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My Es350 Got Into A Little Accident The Other Day!


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Hello all, a very infortunate thing happened to my ES350 the other day. I was pulling into traffic and as I got into the right lane, this old lady decided she was going to pull into the street and didn't notice my presence in the spot lol so she ran right into my passender rim and took the back bumper with it :cries: so yeah I was pretty mad, especially sice my car is like my baby haha! Luckily there was no damage to the metal except for a little bar behind the wheel-well, and a parking sensor popped out. I'm taking it to the insurance rep Friday (tomorrow) to get it appraised with Dad, then we're taking it straight to the Lexus dealership after that. I know a new bumper is going to have to be put on as well as a new rim ordered and whatever else. I'm just hoping the insurance ppl know what they're doing and fork up enough money for the repairs!! does anyone know anything about this or how much it should cost?? I can imagine a lot lol! Any insight would be appreciated.

Thanks everyone!






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Any drivability problems?

That might be a significant repair, lots of possibilities for frame damage...

No I was actually able to drive it home by wedging the bumper back on with the help of my Dad lol! She didn't hit it hard enough to bend anything or dent the car itself, I was very lucky indeed! Her insurance is paying for it all so it'll get fixed right, we're going to get it done next week hopefully when I get back from school for christmas break.

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Have they looked at it?

You would be surprised how lightly a modern car has to be hit to bend the frame...

We should be taking the car to the shop this week once I get home and I'll have them look at it, I didn't notice anything wrong with it but I will have them check it out and let you know what they say!

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I think Steve is right. There is obviously more than just cosmetic damage, for starters, the trunk lid looks like it no longer lines up on both sides. With the cost of the new wheel, I bet that is a $4-5,000 repair bill. Let us know what you hear.

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I think Steve is right. There is obviously more than just cosmetic damage, for starters, the trunk lid looks like it no longer lines up on both sides. With the cost of the new wheel, I bet that is a $4-5,000 repair bill. Let us know what you hear.

I appreciate you guy's input! The pictures I took made it look a whole lot worse than it was. The bumper was just pulled out from under the trunk, there is no body, frame, or alignment damage. I took the car to the shop today, a new bumper and rim were ordered and delivered to the shop, it'll probably be sometime next week before the bumper and rim will be put back on! I can't wait to finally be over with haha, I'll keep you all updated with what goes on with the repair! Thanks again!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well still waiting for the bumper to be fixed, a little frustrating if you ask me lol! The weather's been so horrible these past 2-3 weeks, cloudy and rainy and foggy ewww. This week, christmas week of course, was the nicest week, and today was yet again another cloudy miserable day so hopefully mother nature (and the shop) will allow me to have the bumper soon!

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