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Rx 350 2009 - Referral Fees From Dealership?

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Hello to everyone. Now day, salepersons keep saying "yes, we pay referral" . I referred my cousin to buy a RX 350 on April 10, 2008.

I called the saleperson asking for the referral check, he kept saying I will send it out on Monday... four weeks went by. I called sale manager, he promised to send it out the next day. A week later I still dont have it. I called again, he said, I will send it out on Monday. I guess, they all trained to have a script saying " I will send it out on Monday" I'm not happy at all; I'm in the professional career but have not seen any dealer that bad. This is dealership is location on San Pedro, San Antonio, Texas. My customers, relatives and myself will not refer anyone to this dealership anymore. Does anyone have similar issue with these salepersons from this dealer?

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Call them again. And talk to the manager. Say do you have my check, I'll come down and get it? If he says no, then ask him for the customer survey and the number for corperate Lexus as you would like to discuss this issue with them from now on. Whatever he says after that, just keep asking if he has your check, and insist on the phone numbers. Let him know you'll just call back to get those numbers, you won't be asking for the check anymore.

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