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Bluetooth Woes

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Hi everyone, just got an IS 250 last Thursday. So far we are loving the car. But trying to pair up my Treo 650 or my wife's razr have been unsuccessful. Can anyone lend a helping hand?

I have searched this forum and lexus talk and got some helpful hints, but still no go. For treo, when I try to setup new device, it detects "hands free" in lexus find and goes through the process of asking for pass key. It verifies that the key is correct. But lexus never connects to it.

On the razr it is even weirder, it discovers "hands free" but when trying to connect never asks for a pass key and lexus never recognizes the phone. It would be nice to get Treo working, but atleast razr should work pretty much out of the box right? Since it is an approved phone.



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I had the same issue with the RAZR (Verizon v3m)--I was fooling around in my car as the sales guy was doing the paper work and couldn't get it to work.

You navigate on your phone to where you see it discoving "1 of 1" devices. There are left and right keys--the right one says something like "ID number" which is your phone's ID number. You DON'T want that button--you want to press the middle button on the 5-way button on the phone (phone screen should say "OK" at the middle bottom), then it asks you for the Lexus ID number.

I dont know about the Treo.

I hope this works for you.

And if you can help me with my Homelink issues that I just posted a little while ago, I'd greatly appreciate it! :)

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