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I Live In Snow Country ...

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long list of right-wing talking points deleted....

It is because too many before me have been silent in the face of ignorance that we find ourselves in the world we have today. Therefore, I have vowed to confront ignorance wherever it finds me. The time has come to put to bed the notion that the only facts are only the ones that suit your cause.

'silvercorvette', I'm glad you like your car, you made a good choice, but your political agenda does not belong here.

/flame on/

Try swithching the channel on your AM talk radio to a Progressive station. You might be surprised by what you find.)

/flame off/

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long list of right-wing talking points deleted....

It is because too many before me have been silent in the face of ignorance that we find ourselves in the world we have today. Therefore, I have vowed to confront ignorance wherever it finds me. The time has come to put to bed the notion that the only facts are only the ones that suit your cause.

'silvercorvette', I'm glad you like your car, you made a good choice, but your political agenda does not belong here.

/flame on/

Try swithching the channel on your AM talk radio to a Progressive station. You might be surprised by what you find.)

/flame off/

I believe the moderator will make the final decision about who belongs here and I don't you listed as a moderator. I apologized in post #9 of this thread for going off topic but other people won't let it die out and to be fair the issue was brought up by the original poster in the first post of this thread and I assumed that someone with a different point of view on the topic could rebutt the statement with facts. The moderator has requested to keep the discussion limited to the car in question and other issues are not to be brought up but I didn't know that when I made the post with the opposing view because I am new here, I have honored his request although others won't let it drop. I will not respond to your comment on a topic or be drawn back in to a topic that has been ordered off limits and further debate the issue, I will continue to respect the request of the moderator.

I did not think that only one side of an issue is allowed to be expressed on this forum but if it turns out that the people that run this site have a policy to only allow one point of view I guess I belong elsewhere. I believe that I have been polite and backed up my oposing statements with links and references but the people that run this site have the final decision on that matter. If a moderator tells me I was out of line because I expressed a different opinion I will apologize and quietly leave, I have already apologize for straying off topic which is consider bad form on most forums.

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Guys, some forums have an "Off-Topic" section that allows almost any type of discussion. This forum does not, so in order to avoid animosity about a subject that was not the main topic of this post (thankfully), I think it's time for this post to end.


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