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Ever Thought Your Lexus Might Be A Lemon


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rise or what ever the hell your name is

what the HELL is your problem?

rolling in here and adding your smart !Removed! comments. You know what *BLEEP* you.

I loved this site, till dumb *BLEEP*s liek you show up and ruin soemthing nice.

Is this what ya do in portland?

Feel sorry for any lexus you get in.

Im out of this non sense.

P.S. There are some nice people on her e but dumb *BLEEP*s like rose and her stupid firend who replies on everything she writes.

Hell its pretty obvious its Sw03es trying to start up stuff.

It doesnt take a scientist to figure it out.

You can boot me or do what ever you want MR. Maneger or what ever the hell you are.

Screw both of ya.

and you can shove that bike up your fat !Removed!. Or do you like that?

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Okay buddy, you've got to calm down. By no means am I trying to "start" anything, I've simply calmly, rationally, and respectfully relayed to you why your assessment of your Lexus being a lemon despite being a decade and a half old and having an uncertain maintenance history is incorrect. How you think I'm trying to "start stuff" is totally beyond me. Show me one post of mine that has been disrespectful to you in any way. In fact I closed the other thread because I could see that it was going to degrade into nothing but a headache for you. I'm a grown man, I'm here because I enjoy being here not to start issues with people online. I don't have the time for that.

Look, I have absolutely no desire to "boot" you off of this forum. This place is an enormous resource that will help you diagnose and solve problems with your car for far less money than you would be able to without it. You however need to do yourself a favor and listen to what the people here are telling you. Rose has been hard on you, but even in her posts there is information that can help you. I look down the posts here, and yes many of them are hard on you (your original post was beyond ridiculous), but almost everybody has given you opinions and advice that you could use to make your situation better if you wanted to. You get to make a decision now, you can either shelve the personal fable and calm down and quit whining and spewing obscenities and insults like a child, or you can avail yourself of the knowledge and wisdom this forum and its members have.

I guarantee that if you list out every problem you're having and ask for help, the people here can solve your problems and point you right where you need to go. More posts like these last two you posted though and that opportunity is going to be gone. None of us want to waste our leisure time on here reading obscene, nonsensical rants like that.

Its your choice, but the only person that will be responsible for booting you off this forum is you, "Mr Member".

For the record, I deleted the BS thread you started, and I deleted your disrespectful response to a helpful post by manager steviej in another thread. If you post junk like that again, you're gone.

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but almost everybody has given you opinions and advice that you could use to make your situation better if you wanted to

whoops, sorry, i added that sarcasm/joke before the air got thick.

If he buys a German car, he'll be broke for the rest of his life. Heck, next you'll be telling him to buy something French!

that was a joke too...i wanted it to be ironic.

in all seriousness, i would not keep the car if its bothering you so much. is it really worth the headache?

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uh you dont call what rose wrote disrespect but harsh?

then what i wrote to her was harsh.

You can dl all you want.

boot me go right ahead.

I lived without this site, and aint got *BLEEP* out of it anyway.

If its people like you and your dumb !Removed! friend rose who goes around insulting people

*BLEEP* both of you im out.

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Don't worry Rx, your posts were obviously in jest. If Shayan didn't get that, its his problem not yours.

See Shayan? Nobody has a desire to "start *BLEEP*" with you here.

uh you dont call what rose wrote disrespect but harsh?

then what i wrote to her was harsh.

You can dl all you want.

boot me go right ahead.

I lived without this site, and aint got *BLEEP* out of it anyway.

If its people like you and your dumb !Removed! friend rose who goes around insulting people

*BLEEP* both of you im out.

No, I call what Rosie wrote a reality check you needed to hear.

I again defy you to show me one place where I insulted you. I've treated you with nothing but respect since you got here.

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hel i never had a single problem and was enjoying my self here until dip ship over had to write some stupid story and when the hell did i ask for anything?

so she needs to shut her mouth up.

If anyone sparked her was her stupid !Removed!. Not me

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Look, I was 17 once too. Not all that long ago actually and I know how you feel. You obviously need help with this car, and the people who can help you are here. I'm not going to take that away from you unless I have to.

hel i never had a single problem and was enjoying my self here until dip ship over had to write some stupid story and when the hell did i ask for anything?

so she needs to shut her mouth up.

If anyone sparked her was her stupid !Removed!. Not me

Dude, stop. Part of being a member here or anywhere else is dealing with opinions you might not like. Rose was hard on you, but she didn't insult you. You on the other hand have been off the wall insulting of her and the other people who have tried to help you here.

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and truly i dont care if your the president of the world, my opinions and my questions are my business, if you dont like them dont reply to them. If their that stupid it looks bad on me now doesnt it?

So you let me worry about that. I could care less what you or anyone else thinks about me, my age, my car or anytihng else related to me.

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Nor should you care, but when you post a statement out there as ludicrous as your 15 year old ES is a lemon because the struts are bad, the A/C doesn't work and a lock is broken on a Lexus enthusiast board you're going to get your legs cut off at your knees. Thats your opinion, but you gotta listen to everybody else's opinions too.

Post that sentiment on some other boards that shall remain nameless and see how friendly the response will be.

I have to admit, Rosie's got a point. Every time someone posts up a solution you post right back up with some reason why it won't work or some reason why you shouldn't have to do it. Someone posts a thread talking about sending you donations, you go out and set up a PayPal account and then whine because its not free! You didn't thank that member but then decline his offer. So while you're not asking, you're not going to refuse the offer...as long as it doesn't cost you anything at all. Thats funny, she obviously found it amusing.

You're mad at her so you lash out at me, and some "friend who always responds to her posts" who doesn't exist? What is that?

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ok so if lexus is as god as you say, why do i read 2-4 year old lexuses riding rough and fallign apart already?

and if their so sure of their car why only a 4 year warantee,

if you made the car and were so sure of it wouldent you back it up more than just braking into point?

yeah .. i thought so

go head and keep smart asses like rose on here, and you'll run off good people.

That the cirkle of living.

wow what you want?

you want the noble prize for being the what ever of this forum?

or am i supposed to bend backwards and speak french for you?

And you jsut mentioned minor things wrong with my car

I belive i mentioned thigns that should outlast the metal on the car..

sure dont point that out now do you?

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Dude lol, will you just knock it off?

As for the warranty, show me a car with a bumper to bumper warranty longer than 4 years. The powertrain warranty is longer. The reason car warranties have limits is because as any car ages certain components reach usable life, and owner maintenance starts to play a bigger role in their longevity. Its all a question of market demand. There is no demand on a carmaker to have a bumper to bumper warranty last longer than 4 years, so they're not going to do it. Certainly they could guarantee everything about the car forever, but the car would cost so much nobody could afford to buy it. Thats called business.

Look at all the people here with these cars with such high mileage with no issues, look at the dependability studies and how they result for Lexus. Are you so arrogant that you would assume your situation negates all of those experiences? Or does it make more sense that your car is just really old and poorly maintained and needs deferred maintenance?

Nothing lasts forever, even things built really really well.

Look, you can !Removed! and whine and blame everybody else for your problems or you can get the help you need to fix your car. Your choice.

Now, I'd like to go to bed because I have to go to work tomorrow and don't want to stay up any longer and babysit your posts so I'm going to close this thread. If you want to discuss this further, PM me.

Do us all a favor, don't go posting crap all over the forum when you read this. Go to bed and look at it tomorrow after you've cooled off. :whistles:

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