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Recent Flooding

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Have any of you, in light of recent heavy rains, had any troublle with stalls or other maladys due to high water??

I wondered how deep water the 400 would manuver through with out stalling, spttering or shorting out?

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a few months ago the south suburbs of chicago were flooded and i had to drive a 1 block section of maybe a foot of water,,,if u take your time,and dont create waves,,,,u can make it ok,,,there were 2 cars that died out,,a pontiac g6 and an old ford taurus,(probably ready to give out anyways)that were waiting for tow trucks cuz they could not make it,,

i was very nervous about going thru,but havent had any water damage,,maybe a foot of water is not too much but when i saw the other cars didnt make it,it calls for a reason to worry,since the ground clearance is just about the same,,,i came off of a chevy avalanche that i used to go over snow piles and drive thru the side of the road to get around traffic,,,no worries,,great ground clearance,but gas mileage :censored:

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