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Lexus 5000 Mile Service!

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Well I'm sad to say that I'm very disappointed with my 1st. (5000mile) service appointment on my '03 ES at my Lexus dealer.

Here's why:

1- They changed my oil. The dealer invoice said they put in 10W-40 grade. This car calls for 5W-30!!

2- When I came home I popped the hood open to check the fluid levels. I found oil splattered on the engine cover and other places.

3- They never refilled my windshield washer bottle.

4- They never brought the radiator overflow bottle up to the proper level.

5- My trunk was opened so they could get the key to remove the lug nuts and rotate the tires. When they put this key back they didn't put the tools into the proper place....It looked like they just threw everything back in. What a mess!! I didn't realize that they needed to get into my trunk to get my key.....They're supposed to have a master key to take off the locking lug.

6- They never checked the tire inflation.

All in all I could have brought this car to Jiffy Lube if I wanted a half assed job.

This was my free service and you can rest assured that they won't get my normal maintenance anymore.

I serviced my previous '04 ES myself for just these reasons. I knew what kind of oil, filters, etc. I was putting into the engine. I did it carefully and correctly 'cause it's my car.

Naturally I had to call the Lexus Corporation and tell them of my dissatisfaction with this dealers service.

They always get a premium price for their work, therefore I expect premium type service.

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have a discussion with the service manager of the dealership in question. I would press the issue that you get the 10,000 mile free.

If it helps, put it in writing to the GM or the dealership too.

This kind of treatment is inexcusable for the price we pay.

The 10W-40 will not hurt, so don't worryabout that.

Don't wait, call them today. They should steam you engine too.

The oil will just attract dirt and form grime......yuk. :angry:

Speak up, Lexus hates unsatisfied customers.

Since I have bought my car I have taken four surveys (2 email, 1 phone, and 1 snail mail).

Remember the spoiler.....I wonder if it was the same tech and he has a little resentment to your car....The boss may have come down on him for leaving the nut in the trunk lid.

No excuse......let the service manager know the condition of the car when you received it. You will be compensated in some way.

Good Luck Alan.

Hey, will we see you Sat in CT?


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I agree immediately, take the car back today. Leave it just the way it is. Thats unheard of for Lexus service. I also agree with Stevie, ask for the 10k service. Remind the general manager (no use talking to anyone but him, not the service manager, the general manager of the dealership) that you're driving a brand new Lexus, sold by them. And his decision will decide your future sales and service business, and whether or not you should contact Lexus corporate.

I found that when starting out with a new dealer like that, you have to do something like this the first time. Fear breeds respect. If they dont respond the way you want, walk out. You have the money they want, you have the power. Plenty of other Lexus (and Toyota) dealers around NYC. They'll all do pickup and dropoff too.

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Too late for most of the things you suggested. I already put in a formal complaint with the Lexus Corporation about their shoddy service and also spoke to the dealers service manager. He told me that the company computer system has to be updated to print out in the invoice, 5W-30 instead of 10W-40 and in actuality they put in the oil that they get from Lexus which is supposed to be 5W-30. Do you know whether Lexus uses 10W-40 oil in any of their cars in the Northeast part of the country? I already cleaned up their mess...so I don't want them to steam an engine in a new car........I hate when they have to steam an engine....... besides it takes out the anti rust protection that is applied at the factory to certain underhood parts.

This reminds me of a similar situation that happened with my previous '94 ES. I brought this car into a Lexus dealer in Minnesota to change my anti-freeze. After picking up the car I drove it a few miles and started to smell burning anti-freeze inside my car. It seems they didn't follow the proper procedure for changing the anti-freeze as Lexus recommends in their shop manual. The anti-freeze was all over the engine 'cause they filled the overflow bottle up to the top instead of opening the petcocks in the block to bleed out the air. They expected the air in the system to be expelled after the engine reached operating temperature, but it wasn't! Naturally when I called the dealer they told me their procedure and I had to tell them they weren't doing this job properly. Again, I could have done this job myself and saved a bundle of money if I wanted to take the same shortcut that they used on my car. They offered to detail my engine but I already did it myself.

In the past I did most of the repairs on my cars myself to insure that they were done right. I don't have the time or inclination to do this anymore but when I take it to a Lexus dealer I sure as hell expect a top notch repair especially when they're getting top money to do it.

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I can definately understand your frustration Alan. I have a great dealer that I use for service, same one my dad has always used for his LS. Still though, for anything that I dont need a loaner car, I just take it to the Toyota dealer that is literally right down the street. They're huge, have a nice big waiting area, and they allow customers back in the garage, so I get to keep an eye on them. Plus, its about half as expensive. Lexus has great service and all, blah blah blah, but I dont find it worth the cost.

I've also noticed that Toyota is much quicker getting the car done. My guess is time is money to them, gotta move the car out to get the next one in. An oil change at Lexus can take all damn day. Whether you're waiting or not. Plus, Lexus always wants to wash (also known as, destroy) the car, and they dont understand when I ask them not to. Toyota just pulls it around.

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I'm sorry, you just CANNOT justify paying what we're asked to pay even if you're getting a Ferrari serviced. First of all, the parts are ridiculous - I can usually find OEM parts elsewhere for 1/3 to 1/8 the price. OK, maybe you're somehow convinced that $70 brake pads are worth it. But for them to leave tools scattered about, that's just pitiful.

I'm not sure about this engine steaming thing - can you guys describe this? I've not found that anything but hand wiping to be safe. If you get a bit of steam (moisture) in the wrong places, you'll have ignition problems until you take it to Lexus and spend $650 to get it cleared up.

Here's my example of why I'm avoiding Lexus dealerships unless necessary:

I had my water pump replaced. They said "You're water pump is now replaced. Do you want us to do the brakes? They're shot." I said, "How much?" They said, "$625" Naturally I was curious, so I asked what they did for that much, expecting them to bleed them and test the anti-lock system as well as turn the rotors and lube any bearings and replace pads. "We replace pads, turn rotors, and top off fluid. Possibly lube some bearings."

Tell me why this should cost $625? Not only that, only the rear pads were worn down. The front pads still had a good 30,000 miles in them! :angry: I don't trust these guys worth a flip. The problem here is that we have high quality Japanese cars that embody the meaning of quality, but sheister american dealerships that are fundmentally no different than any other dealership! :angry:

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Here's how BMW feels about steam cleaning engines:

BMW repeats a long-standing prohibition against high-pressure engine steam cleaning on any of its vehicles. The warning was first issued in 1989.

High-pressure steam cleaning can force solutions into the engine harness sheath and associated cables, causing unusual problems that would not have occurred otherwise.

BMW engine harness multi-plugs and related sealing measures were never intended to be subjected to the discharge velocity and force of typical commercial steam cleaning units. Further, cleaning solutions with the high pressure discharge can leave conductive and often corrosive residues deep within the harness and cables.

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I never said anything about "high-pressure".

I have my engine bay professionally cleaned once per year each spring to remove salts and crap left by winter. I've done it on my past cars and this Lex. If it is done by a knowledgeable person then there shouldn't be a problem and if there is, they are insured. In 17 years of doing this have I NEVER encountered a single problem. Today's engines are even more solid state than in previous years.

However, you said you wiped it up...fine...but I still say the dealership owes you something for your piece of mind.

The dealer is not going to use a "master key" if they have access to your key, hence that is why they are in the trunk. Agreed, they should not have left your trunk in shambles. This should be brought to their attention.

I am finding that more and more Toyota dealers around me work on Lexus. I just may try them on the 30k service coming up this fall. If anything, the service rate is cheaper.

poneyboy, I agree on the parts. I asked the Toyota parts guy that I saw this past Saturday what the story was between the parts and he told me that there are many parts shared but some are Lexus only. He also told me that generally the parts are cheaper from Toy if they are the ones used by both Toy an Lex. however, he could not give a reason as to why, except Lexus owners generally pay the price and only complain to themselves. So in essance he is saying "they charge a higher price because they can".

How can dealerships improve shotty service if management doesn't know there is a problem? Alan, give the dealership a chance to redeem themselves. Go right to the GM, a letter helps. If anything, you will regain YOUR peace. If they don't want to work with you, then move your business to a new dealership.

And you did the right thing by going to Lexus Corporate, however sometimes this may take a while to settle the present issue.


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Poney- Basically any buisness sets their prices to what their customers will pay. I personally hold no grudge against lexus dealers for charging what they do. People will pay it, thats how it works. That does not mean however that I am willing to pay what I know I can get done for less. Fact is, most Lexus owners know they can get the service done for less, they just don't. Not Lexus' fault. If people will pay $650 for brakes, then all the power to the people who charge it. Nobody holds a gun to your head and says "Go to the Lexus dealer!" you chose to go there. A lot of people think people who spend as much for a car as we do are spending way too much. Thats how free enterprise works. Don't like it, take your business elsewhere.

As for the key lock, there actually isn't a master key lock. I've always been asked for mine, but thats just it, I've always been ASKED for mine. That is, they come out and ask me to come back and get it out for them, they dont go rooting through my property. That's unacceptable.

I definately agree with Steve, management can't fix a problem if they don't know its happening.

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