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What The Heck?

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hello everyone ~i'm newbi here~haha..

anyways~ i have a small problem with my baby..

i have 1998 SC300 w/40k on it...

whenever i drive my car.. i feel the little viberation from acceleration...

it's not miss firing and i'm pretty sure it's nothing about powertrain problem..

feel like exhaust pipe lose and rattle..but it's not..

do u have any ideas? please give me ur idea...

if motor mount has been weak.. does it make this problem?? it's kinda annoying me..

little little viberation(rattle) from accelerator.. damn~it..

thank you.. :wacko:

Edited by soarer_bang
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Could be an out of balance drive shaft but not likely, does it only rattle at higher rpms? What else, maybe a bad shock can you locate where the noise is coming from? Could be alot of things. but check your wheels first and make sure they are all balanced. Check all shocks see if any are loose. Check all exhaust, shake eveything and see if anything is loose and rattles. I need to know when the rattle occures at what speeds and rpms, does it rattle when you brake? If it is a vibration at higher rpms check driveshaft balancing, motor and transmittion mounts. That is what I would do.

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  • 8 months later...

Mine makes a similar sound as well, like a rattling under the shifter. Mine also vibrates b/w 1k and 1.8k. I have been told the vibrating is the motor mounts, don't think they can make the rattling though. Mine mostly comes when I slightly let off the accelerator. when I'm coasting b/w 10 and 35 mph, mine will also make like a clicking sound. Almost sounds like gears meshing together with no lubrication. I'm guessing its the drive shaft support bearings on mine? Don't know though.

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