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12v Power Source

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No not for my girlfirends hair dryer, for my radar detector. I am currently powering it off the cigarette lighter via the standard curly cord, but that means leaving the ashtray open all the time and the cord running down. Is there a close by 12v powevr source in the roof area ( there are lights there) I can easily hook up to or must i trace/trail a connection down to the fuse box or somewhere.

In my last car the dealer did a nice wire in job when I bought it new and I bought the RD at the same time ( its an awesome unit btw)

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do radar detectors actually work? and how do they work? will the detector let you know if there's any cops in the area? or will they just let you know if there's any cops in a speed trap using their radar gun? and is it legal in california?

btw, i know there's a 12v power outlet thingy in the middle console in my car (2003 ES)... i've never seen one near the roof though, i'm guessing you'd probably have to do some wiring.

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Some radar detectors use a step down transformer in the line cord to reduce the voltage to 9 volts. I'm not sure about the Valentine units though. If it's a 12 volt unit than you simply find a 12 volt wire under the dashboard and splice into it. The wire going to the cigarette lighter would be an excellent choice. Make sure that this source turns off the power with the ignition key.

Yes, radar detectors work. They do this by picking up the signal from the radar guns that the police use. If they have their gun turned off it won't give you any kind of indication on the detector. Radar Jammers are illegal in California. Radar Detectors are legal.

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wow, never knew there were radar jammers... but how does the cop know whether you have a radar jammer or not? because i'm guessing that radar jammers don't just jam the frequency of the radar if the gun's pointed at you, but rather they jam the radar for a distance. also, what's the penalty of using radar jammers? do you just get it confiscated and a fix it ticket or something?

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In Southern California if they catch you with a jammer they'll send you out to Catalina Island where you'll serve your time! :lol:

A jammer would give the cops the wrong speed information. In other words they wouldn't know you're speeding.

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Brian.....I sure have spent a lot of time in California from Palm Springs than up to Santa Monica(Brentwood) and than up to San Francisco(Marin County). My relatives live all over the place. :) I even get the Seniors discount on the Catalina Flyer. hehehe BTW: I also love Newport Beach . :wub:

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radar detectors are a pain in the a$$ here in MA. There are so many automatic door openers in the malls, stores, etc and so many alarm/security motion detectors that use the X-band, the radar detectors are constantly going off (even in city mode).

The latest craze with the MA state police is laser speed detectors.

Granted the the detectors have the ability to warn you of this, but the police have instant on. Once the point and shoot, they have your speed before you can even flinch to get your foot off the gas.

It's not worth it here. It's cheaper to drive 5-10 mph over the limit (they usually give you this) and save the outlet for the hair dryer.


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Thanks for discussion. Yes I am fully aware of the 12v sources behind dash cig lighter etc. I am however mounting the RD at the top of the windsheild - it up out of way there and has even better range. Consequently trather that trailing a wire right down below aoiund the w/s trimming I was looking for something handier up to the top level.

BTW The detectors ARE legal here and mine had been modded to remove the x-band - not used by local law enforcement types anyway & hence avoids virtually all false alarms. It also does work well on the lasers as it will pick up scatter when it is set upon others ahead of you. If you are 1st in line with no-one else around irt gets a bit tricky but I've been kept safe so far. Only danger is the fixed pole mounted jobs which work on buried wires & no radar.

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Assuming you have a moonroof there should be a 12 volt wire up at the top of the windshield. That would be the only switched power source in that area. The map light wire would be unswitched so I don't think it would be a good idea to use that wire.

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alan, lmao! :lol:

so how much do these things usually run? i wonder if it's worth it... i haven't gotten a speeding ticket yet *knock on wood* but i guess it's bound to happen from the way i drive, speeding around at 80-90 all the time, occasionally over 100, not that i have a death wish or something but because since i'm always sitting in traffic in the mornings and at night :angry: , when the road is open, i love to get all that frustration out. :)

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You could spend upwards of $399 for a Valentine Radar Detector. In my estimation they're one of the best units on the market. http://www.valentine1.com/home.asp There still is NO guarantee that you wouldn't get caught speeding. :( I think that the way technology is moving the cops will always be one jump ahead of you. The only thing to do is slow down.....that's your best guarantee. ;)

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