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I have no idea what the song is called, but Billie Gillman sings it (female country artist). here are the lyrics. I found it very touching.

Suitcase packed with all his things.

Car pulls up, the doorbell rings,

He dont wanna go, He thougth he'd found his home.

But with circumstances he can't change,

He waves goodbye as they pull away from the life he's known,

For the last seven months or so.


She said: "we found a man who looks like you,

Who cried and said he never knew,

about the boy in the pictures that we showed him.

A rambler in his younger days,

He knew he made a few mistakes,

But he swore he would have been there, had he known it.

Son, we think we found your Dad in Oklahoma."

A million thoughts raced through his mind,

"Whats his name? Whats he like?" and

Will he be anything like the man in his dreams?

She could see the question in his eyes,

Whispered "dont be scared child, for i will tell you what we know about..."



the man we found who looks like you,

Who cried and said he never knew,

about the boy in the pictures that we showed him.

A rambler in his younger days,

He knew he made a few mistakes,

But he swore he would have been there, had he known it.

You always said it was something that you wanted.

Child its time to meet your dad in Oklahoma."

(bridge, i guess thats what its called anyways! LOL)

One last turn, He held his breath.

Till they reached the 5th house on the left,

and all at once the tears came rollin in.

Once they pulled into the drive,

The man was waitin there outside.

He wiped the worry from his eyes,

smiled and took his hand.

and he said "Im the man who looks like you,

who cried because i never knew,

about the boy in the pictures that they showed me.

A rambler in my younger days,

i knew i made a few mistakes,

But i swear i would have been there had i known it.

Never again will you ever be alone,

Son welcome to your new home in Oklahoma.

I dont know why, but that song touched me more than anything has in a LONG time. It made me realize how lucky i am to have a father who loves his family and stuck it out through thick and thin, and that he is always there when i need him.

If you all dont want to talk about yoru past thats fine, but this is a reminscing thread i guess. So lets have some of your fondest memories.

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Actually "Billy" Gilman is a 12 year old boy...at least he was when he recorded that song, believe it or not.

Now he's got no job, my guess is his voice changed.

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Apparently he's still got a job lol

Here's his website:


But I was right. The intro to his new CD says "One song is about the trying time I went through with my voice change" LOL

Ouch...looks like the trying times still continue...I listened to a new song :o

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Actually "Billy" Gilman is a 12 year old boy...at least he was when he recorded that song, believe it or not.

Now he's got no job, my guess is his voice changed.

really? I assumed it was a female, sounded like it... :blink:

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12 year old boys'll sound that way. ;)

He was okay (terrible now...sheesh) my issue is, and he does an okay job with this, music is about emotion. I can't buy into songs about such serious issues being sung by kids that haven't had the life experiences to sing with any emotion.

He did have an amazing voice though. When he first came out he was everywhere, sang at the Macy's day parade etc. I have the CD that song is on.

Here it is: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...=glance&s=music

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Yep, here's the CD. He even did Tammy Wynette's "'Til I Can Make it On my Own" which had me laughing the first time I heard it.

A 12 year old boy...singing a song about a woman staying with an abusive man because she's too afraid of being alone LMAO, what could he possibly know about that?

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Yep, here's the CD. He even did Tammy Wynette's "'Til I Can Make it On my Own" which had me laughing the first time I heard it.

A 12 year old boy...singing a song about a woman staying with an abusive man because she's too afraid of being alone LMAO, what could he possibly know about that?

True, but the song above (titled "Oklahoma") could have been a personal story. maybe his mom died and he didnt know his dad. then was placed in foster care, while social services tried to locate his father. then he would know more about that situation than i do...

its a mater of perspoective, this 12 year old may have been through alot more than you or i, therfore is better able to articulate feelings associated with the situation.

i have met 12 year olds that have had a much harder life than anyone should...just a thought. :)

as for the tammy wynette song, ithink that was just a tribute or somthing, a recitation.

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At his age, I seriously doubt any of his songs have any of his influence. They're either re-recordings or written by writers to appeal to a specific audience. I've never read any reviews that have elluded to him having any ties to that or any other song, and they'd ham that up if it were true.

A tribute? Come on ;)

Its just record execs betting that people listen to music without listening to the words, which most do.

He's a good singer (or was) but he's not an artist. Maybe someday.

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