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I'm the new owner of a 98 GS400 and I have a quick question. The car has 50,000 miles and has been well maintained. Do I wait until 90,000 miles to replace the timing belt, or should it be done now given the age of the car? Is there a way to check the condition of the belt short of replacement? If the safest route is replacement, would you recommend changing the water pump and belt tensioners at the same time? Appreciate the help.

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I had my timing belt changed on my 98 GS4 at around 80k and there were some pretty big cracks in it.You may not need it now but Id do it sooner than later.

What was the age of your GS when it reached 80,000 miles? I guess my concern is whether the belt deteriorates much with age, or is it basically miles that wear them out. I know that radiator hoses never seem to need replacement on Lexus products. I replaced the radiator in my SC400 with 150.000 mile and the radiator shop said the hoses would go 400,000 miles. Just wondered if the timing belts can can go 80 to 90,000 miles irrespective of age.


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