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Beware: OBDII device causing ABS/AFS/VSC/AC issues

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Hello everyone! 

Long time listener, first time caller. This one is a doozy, so I wanted to post it just in case anyone ever sees anything similar. 

My 2004 LS430 recently lit up a BUNCH of lights in the middle of a trip (seen in the photo below, apologies for the dust), with all of the following symptoms:


  • ABS light on and ABS not functioning
  • AFS OFF light blinking *rapidly*
  • Check VSC message on info screen (where "Brake Wear" shows in the image)
  • Shifter position light off regardless of position
  • Oil temperature gauge falling to (and remaining at) fully cold
  • Emergency brake light on, even if disengaged
  • Outside temperature sensors not reporting (both on the dash and near the time above the nav system
  • Fuel gauge falling below normal level by about 1/5 tank
  • A/C turning off (fans still blow, but no cold air)
  • Occasionally: Battery light (near emergency brake light) turning on
  • Occasionally: accelerator slow to respond

This happened repeatedly after checking fuses (all fine), battery (12.4 volts when off, 13.3 on), and removing all accessories attached to the system electrically (i.e. cigarette lighter chargers). 

I finally remembered a post on ClubLexus about turning the VSC light off via jumping some pins on the OBDII port and remembered I had an OBDII Bluetooth adapter (similar to this one) attached. I removed it while driving and IMMEDIATELY solved all the issues. Some of the lights remained on until restarting the car, but they never came back on again.

This was such a seemingly large-scale issue with such a simple fix (presumably the OBDII scanner is bad, it was phenomenally cheap) that I wanted to record it here in case others encounter it. Beware of cheap OBDII scanners and how much that port can affect the sensors/computers in this car!

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My two cars each has a Scanguage OGD II reader and display. These are units that are well known and used. Neither has ever had a problem.

Our RX400h does not have its own, but perhaps it's because we've never had a problem. 
But I think you nailed the real reason for your issues - a cheap OBD II unit.

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