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Cd Changer Question

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Hi folks;

I have a '93 LS400 with the Pioneer stereo system without CD-changer. It does however have an aftermarket Pioneer Premier 12 disc CD changer installed that uses a FM modulator to play the music. My question is, in the CD changer owners manual it states that the changer can be connected to a CD controller head unit with a IP bus cable to bypass the need for the FM radio. So, I am wondering if I bought a Lexus head unit with the changer controls if I could connect it to the changer and operate it via the IP bus cable. Pionnersuby, this is probably something you can answer! B)

Thanks, Charles

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no sorry there are no aftermarket cd changers that work with the 93 ls400 or any lexus radio for that matter. lexus cd changerrs have multiple serial communication lines which no other cd changer has so no way to adapt an aftermarket cd changer to talk to the head unit. actually you should be all wired for a cd changer in 1993 . i dont think there were any 93 ls400 radios without a cd button. if your head unit is p1609 (id number on the cassette flap door)your all wired and redy to plug in A FACTORY CHANGER. when the cart was new and the factoy changer was 1300.00 new at the dealer you can see why someone chose an fm changer but now with used working changers a few dollars more than a new fm changer there is no reason not to have the best cd music possible .with a direct acsees to headunit factory changer. the advantage of direct acsess is that adio has an equalizer which only kicks he amp on high fidelity when the cd button is pushed so with fm changer you are only getting low fidelity as the radio thinks an fm station is playing.

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Thanks for the quick reply! Actually, the car has the head unit with 2 FM buttons and no CD button. I was thinking about buying the Nakamichi setup you were selling on eBay, but was more than I want to spend :whistles: . Do you have another set to sell or mabye a Pioneer CD setup?


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charles, yes just going to pioneer cd changer sound system on your 93 ls400 saves switching out the nakamichi sub and the nakamichi subamp . so you will just need to switch out to cd button radio p1609, and add the cd changer and the custom made cd changer cable. the ibus cable only has 10 wires and the wrong connectors so a new custom made lexus ls400 cable has to be run. they are nmot available at the dealer . the lexus dealer will say its not possible but i have switched many first generation ls, gs and sc sound systems to both pioneer and nakamichi cd changer systems by adding the cd button radios and the cd changer cable. the entire switch is plug in and play. the cd changer power is in the cd changer cable so there absoultely no wire splicing or p[ower tapping like switching to aftermarket and it will sound better because the factory speakers and amps are matched for lexus interioir.

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600.00 price is for switching everything to ls400 nakamichi. the switch to pioneer cd changer system means no subwoofer and subamp switches just changing the radio to p1609 cd button type and adding the cd changer cable and lexus cd changer. that switch is only 375.00. i am going to list it next.

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