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About dcasanares

  • Birthday August 2

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  1. Michelin Premier A/S Grand Touring All-Season tire is an excellent tire for for environment.
  2. I would definitely do all of above but purchasing a vehicle with transmission problems can be really risky. Did you get this car for free??? Do you have a personal mechanic where you can purchase OEM parts and have them do the work at a reduce rate? Just curious....
  3. Well it depends on how well the car was maintained. If the previous owners stayed on top of everything you will be fine. My ex has a 2003 ES300 with almost 200K miles plus she dves like she's in NASCAR and her car can easily last for another 200K miles thanks to me making sure that the car was maintained properly.
  4. I'm sure someone with a lot more expertise than me will give you the nitty gritty but from what I can see the EGR valve seems to be pretty critical for your vehicle, What is the EGR valve and what does it do?http://autos.yahoo.com/maintain/repairqa/engine/ques080_1.html http://autorepair.about.com/od/glossary/gr/def_egr-valve.htm https://www.google.com/search?q=EGR+valve?&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS527US527&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=bw95UaXLJpDC9QTphoH4CQ&ved=0CIEBELAE&biw=1366&bih=667#rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS527US527&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=egr+valve+lexus+es300&oq=EGR+valve+Lex&gs_l=img.1.0.0i24l3.35508.39665.0.41675.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45645796,d.eWU&fp=6055078d5844dc90&biw=1366&bih=667&imgrc=ca48vWr1eqVcQM%3A%3BNUj7jcInV69aTM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.clublexus.com%252Fforums%252Fattachments%252Fes300-and-es330%252F110219d1187853681-p0401-egr-flow-insufficient-how-to-egr_modulator_2.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.clublexus.com%252Fforums%252Fes300-and-es330%252F302017-p0401-egr-flow-insufficient-how-to.html%3B614%3B461
  5. You might as well get both done - or if you know a professional mechanics with all of the equipment and tools just buy the appropriate parts and supplies.
  6. Yes my wife has a 2003 ES300 with over 125K miles and I'm finally will check the timing belt but everyday I turn on the car I feel nervous driving it.
  7. Well you may want to check out Parts Geek for your timing belt. http://www.partsgeek.com/catalog/1999/lexus/es300/engine_mechanical/timing_belt.html
  8. I guess it's a personal choice but if you can find a car at a great deal I would hop on it. If you are purchasing the car getting a quality aftermarket system should be a lot easier that finding a great car. If you are leasing then I would not add any upgrades to a leased vehicle - I'm not sure if you are even allowed to do such a thing but I would never lease not unless it's for a business entity,
  9. My wife has a 2003 ES 300 with 119,000 miles, just got an oil change yesterday morning and was told that I need the following things done to the vehicle: 1. Valve cover gasket 2. Timing belt 3. Rack and pinion is leaking 4. Tune up 5. Flush the brake fluid 6. Power steering service 7. Fuel injection service 8. Rear axle is leaking Unfortunately I don't have the capital to get everything done at once but I'm going to create a gameplane to correct each of these items but I would like to know if it's OK for me to purchase some of the products myself and give them to my auto mechanic to install - my goal is to use superior products so my wife's car can add an additional 100K miles if she wish to keep it as a second car in the future. Are there recommended websites that offer excellent aftermarket products superior to the OEM products or would it be ideal to get the items directly from the dealer's service center or should I let my mechanic purchase the products through his normal support system?
  10. Welcome to the Lexus forums dcasanares :)

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