Ok you dont beleive me. I dont need to hear about it. Look around J. I didnt jump on this forum bragging or anything. Someone asked me a questin and I answered it to the best of my ability and everyone jumps in and says that it isnt true because I dont know the specifics. Im not a mechanic. I didnt build it. I dont understand any of it, true. Id dont care Id rather take it to a racing mechanic and say heres 30k. Make it fast. Call me when u run out and I want my change. Most people dont know whats under their hood or how it works. Some people dont wanna be bothered and they just wanna push a pedal really hard. So I dont have a video. What dork has a video of their car. My car is trash compared to most of my friends cars If I wanna see it go fast I drive it. Only people with an over-estimated sense of theirself or whatever they are filming, film their stuff. And if you think that someone cant take a Honda Cicic, Toyota Supra, Grimlin..etc. ANY kind of car and turn it into a 10 sec. car you'r no mechanic either.