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Posts posted by LexSC400328

  1. Hey everyone i am just posting for a few various things that have arisen...first off, what should i do about my fuel filter, its the original one from 1993 so im sure its restricting mpg's. it seems to be rusted in place, and i am too scared to try to unbolt in since i fear it will snap the fuel line and thats no fun. second, whenever i use L or 2 gears below D...shortly after driving for a while i smell burnnnnning...?? it only happens when i use these low gears, i get a burning smell. im not sure what this is but it scares me.

    Now for some positive...this car is amazing. it is the best highway car i have ever been in. its heavy enough not to be swayed by the wind, the ride is perrfect, and this car also always wants to go faster. it ran with a brand new audi a4 up to 110mph this weekend side by side and it felt like it still have MUCHHHH more to go...however my paranoia of passing by a cop holding a radar gun made me back off.

    soo if anyone has any ideas as to what might be causing my car to smell like its burning up after driving in low gear, pleasee let me know! thank youu

  2. Your parking break is probably hanging up, Set the parking brake hard and reset a few times, This will readjust them. Good Luck :cheers:

    i think you MAY have been right! because it went from severeeeee squealing to now its basically gone...every now and then i hear a tiny squeal...but now that i tihnk of it, when i was deliverin pizza the other night, i had to park on an inclined driveway where i had to really applly the E-brake up and a few times! hopefully this has done the trick because i bought pads but dont have a clamp so i cant do them yet lolol :D

    thank you for the replies ! i'll keep you posted

  3. hey i have a 93 SC400...im not sure what is going on because when and ONLY when i go in reverse...i can hear some serious scratching and squealing...im puzzled because i think if the brake pads needed replacing, they would squeal 100% of the time, not just in reverse...hmm any suggestions ?

  4. ok i know your thinking what in the world am i talking about....but here it is.

    my sc400 is addicted to Techron Fuel Injection cleaner...heres the details

    my car will run beautiful and healthy and normal when a good bottle of techron fuel cleaner is mixed with a full tank...shortly after the tank runs out and the new gas gets in from a fill up, IF IF DONT buy another bottle of fuel cleaner, the engine misfires and stutters and acts crazy like it always used to...so i know it must be a problem with the fuel injectors since they tick loudly anddd if i buy a bottle of techron fuel cleaner, the problem goes away as soon as you drive for about 2 minutes with it in the engine...so this leads me to believe my SC is addicted to the drug techron and has withdrawals when it doesnt have techron in over a week or so....someone help haha

  5. hello, well hopefully you are not too far deep into the spending because this is the exact same thing that happened to me...when i unplugged my MAF, the car ran fine..! however maybe you've noticed your gas mileage get absolutely cut in half when its unplugged...so i bought one from ebay and thru it on there and nope, didnt fix the problem...the problem was that the one from ebay was also defective, its tough cause it really doesnt make you want to buy another new one, but i did, i bought a second one and presto, no more check engine lights, no more "balking" no more engine coughing.

    the second ond from ebay was also used, however it was functional. good luck to you i remember how awful that was havin to deal with that

  6. post-54120-1235187323_thumb.jpgI've been hearing a grinding noise when in reverse while backing down a hill and out of my driveway. Thought it might be the brakes but just found out its the transmission starting to go bad. I can't decide whether to sell or spend the money to fix. She's a 97 SC400 with "only" 115k miles and in good shape. Should I sell and make money or spend money to fix and continue to enjoy the car??? Any suggestions??? I have gotten quotes from dealer and independent transmission shop in MD....both expensive. Anyone know a good mechanic in MD?? Any suggestions/recommendations???

    i recommend you invest the money into it and fix it, cause you didnt specify whether it needs a whole new transmission or whether it can be tampered with and fixed up..unfortunately im from MA and cant point you to the right mechanic, but more than likely it will cost some money :(

    however the reason i say invest it, is because i have had to go through the trouble of selling a car with a tranny problem, absolutely everyone wants the car next to free because of it...they dont even care what its worth if the tranny is anything other than perfect than they want the car for free and your SC400 is certainly worth no less than 5grand even the way it is...so my idea would be to fix it up and get it running right cause it will return the favor...

    also, tranny repair < new car :rolleyes:

  7. hello...i just installed 4 new LED bulbs in my 93 SC400..they look great, the flash on and off just like the spoiler light...however, it seems as if my sc400 is severely against every and any modification cause it threw the tail light CHECK light in the dash...how do i fix this??

  8. OK here is what happened...i pull off the highway to get some gas..once im done i go to pull out on the highway

    and by pull out on the highway i mean PULL out on the highway with ECT in PWR mode just to stretch my baby's legs a big and do a nice easy 0-80mph pull...... :(

    next thing i know i have those dreaded blue flashing lights in my miror so i pull over and go through the process of giving her my license and registration and blah blah blah...it was a state cop so there was no getting out of this one..she slapped me with a $100.00 ticket that said i was going 70-50 mph zone...

    here is my defense..i think

    the speed was listed as estimated using her own speedometer...and it is my first offense...and i deliver pizza for a living so i in no way would have a desire to tarnish my record...i wasnt racing anybody...and the punch line....!

    *all i was trying to do was get up to the speed of traffic and i guess i went a little bit too hard * i pulled over right away and had no intentions of doing anything wrong...im a good kid and im sorry. :D

    please give me tips on how to get out of this...i need it...my insurance needs it lol

  9. this is another thought of mine about what could possibly be wrong with my misfiring SC400 motor...

    is misfires in crazy amounts, and at 40 mph or so under acceleration the engine misfires and shakes violently...now i was watching on youtube, and i found 2 videos that clearly display exactly what my engine is doing...

    this is exactly what happens to my car at red lights and idling and during slow acceleration...the only difference is my tachometer doesnt do that...


    in this video, the time frame im referring to the most is from 25 seconds til 35 seconds where you clearly hear the engine stumbling..that is the closest thing to what my SC4 motor does without actually taking you all for a test drive...please give some input.

    thank you

  10. well i'll tell you one thing that traction control saved my car from being totalled...i was stupid enough to let my cousin drive my car home one night so i could eat some fast food we just got...and he went to accelerate and totally slipped on snow and ice and slush and was heading sideways directly for a pole and the TRAC came on and backed off the gas and applied the brakes by itself and the car straightend out and we were able to avoid the pole / ditch....so im glad i have it even though sometimes it makes grumpy noises. :lol:

  11. yup...absolutely..everytime i have to come to a stop i and everyone in the car can smell the gas vapor being sucked in from outside by the climate control and if the windows are open you can smell it...its horrible :(

    and once it starts to misfire, it will do it for about another 30 seconds...just driving straight and misfiring like crazy...like i said i cannot deal with this anymore...this car was running absolutely beautiful before these stupid (fill in the blank) mechanics totally screwed it up... :(

    here is what i think they did...i think they did the ignition wires or rotors and caps poooorly...something must be wrong because that is all they tried to do and now my car runs like it has a disease...

  12. ok well this is not the first time i have posted of this problem...in the mean time people have given thoughts and ideas, but the problem has so far not gotten any better...it seems as if the mechanics in my area consider working on an SC brain surgery because nobody can do it...they either mis diagnose it, CANT diagnose it, or fix the total wrong thing. im so sick of it ! im ready to go in for the dirty work myself !!!!

    ok heres the symptoms: ENGINE MISFIRE!! under light acceleration in 2nd gear (99.9% 2nd gear)

    when going up hills, engine misfires like crazy...but not on every straight away..but on EVERY hill.

    at the 40 mph range, in the TALL overdrive gear of an automatic, if you step on the pedal to accelerate, the engine seems to vibrate and shake and rumble alllll over the place to the point where it could knock a drink over.... :(

    however, under heavy and by heavy i mean HEAVY acceleration, none of this happens...it will fly up hills and cruise past 40 mph range with nothing...but i cannot drive like this on a daily basis if i want my car to last...

    next, i am HAPPY to get 10mpg on average per week....and i smell gas extremely badly on first start up, and whenever i come to a red light...and i have a lot of exhaust constantly flowin out of the back like when its cold out...that kind of exhaust..not any color or solid white smoke, but just the cold engine smoke that constantly pours out even when the engine is at mid temperature...now the last time a stupid moronic mechanic decided to work on my car, they told me it was a head gasket which its obviously not cause it runs fine most of the time..and what they did was replace ignition wires and ignition rotors n caps and the housing that covers this part...i have a feeling this is the problem since i got 21 mpg before i was stupid enough to let a mechanic touch my baby... :angry:

    i want to tear it apart and go at it myself...so can someone PLEASE tell me what i should be looking for? what would a problem look like? what would a perfectly installed wire and cap n rotor installation look like....thanks anybody who knows what they are talking about...cause obviously the mechanics in MA havent a damn clue...

  13. hey everyone when i bought my SC, the previous owner ripped off the front lip spoiler. they said the reason was cause it looked bad and was cracked or bent or whatever. so my car looks like a baby faced SC cause its an extra 3 inches or so OFF the ground up front...so im asking if anyone has a parts car or anything if they would mind letting me know if you have a front lip spoiler.


  14. lol i wish i had to make that choice...i own an SC and let me tell you my personal opinion about the two..the GS and SC

    GS: Luxury sedan, same dual exhaust as SC, bigger inside (backseat wise) still a lexus no matter what. still a sedan that could very easily fit into a line of civics and camrys and accidently be overlooked.

    SC: as old as they get, they turn heads EVERYwhere you go...they stand out like exotic cars when you park it next to anything...beautiful styling that just simply does not age, and a very convienient interior..you will hear complaining from anyone who sits in the backseat, but who cares about them ;)

    they have a stiffer suspension than the GS even though it is still very comfortable...they are a classy, beautifully engineered vehicle that makes everyone who doesnt own one envious, and they totally suck in the snow :D ..even so, it will smoke most other cars on the road who arent expecting it.

    if i had to choose, i think you know which one i would go with... :D

    just my thoughts

    (oh and hey welcome to the club :D )


  15. lol i wish i had to make that choice...i own an SC and let me tell you my personal opinion about the two..the GS and SC

    GS: Luxury sedan, same dual exhaust as SC, bigger inside (backseat wise) still a lexus no matter what. still a sedan that could very easily fit into a line of civics and camrys and accidently be overlooked.

    SC: as old as they get, they turn heads EVERYwhere you go...they stand out like exotic cars when you park it next to anything...beautiful styling that just simply does not age, and a very convienient interior..you will hear complaining from anyone who sits in the backseat, but who cares about them ;)

    they have a stiffer suspension than the GS even though it is still very comfortable...they are a classy, beautifully engineered vehicle that makes everyone who doesnt own one envious, and they totally suck in the snow :D ..even so, it will smoke most other cars on the road who arent expecting it.

    if i had to choose, i think you know which one i would go with... :D

    just my thoughts


  16. hey guys im just wondering is there any type of SC 300 or 400 enthusiast gatherings ? when my father had a G35 coupe they had a G35 gathering and it was a lot of fun...im just wondering if there was or ever will be an SC gathering ?it would be a lot of fun.

    oh and also i just installed new LED brake lights in the tail lights and they now match the spoiler and give a clean, new crisp look to the back. :D

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