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Everything posted by skyfox

  1. Just bought an RX 400h . 2008 . . . Might not have if I had driven the demo after dark. My problem is with the top cut off line on the low beam headlights. On roads that have uneven surface or small dips, the headlights dive down to the point where it it dangerous to drive after dark. I almost hit a deer last week because all I could see was it's leg. The deer's body was higher than the headlights (witch seem to be only 3 ft off the road at best). Something is seriously wrong when I can't see more than 70 or 80 feet in front of me. I saw other posts that describe how to adjust this but I am not mechanical and it sounds way beyond my abilities. Will the Lexus dealer help ? I have heard (after I bought the car) that they are reluctant to raise them. The car goes in for the first 1,000 check next week.
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