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  • Lexus Model
    2006 GS430, 2005 ES330

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  1. Mine did the same thing, but after getting a star driver, there is an opening just beneath the mirror, I tightened it up and now its fine.
  2. ANd what elctronic circuit won't allow the preprogammed key to be reprogrammed? I've had many cars with remotes that can be reprogrammed plenty. Even done one myself with a Jeep Grand Cherokee since the instructions were in my repair manual. My understanding is you hook up to the OBD system and tell the ECU to erase thew old codes for the old smart keys and to accept the new smart keys. Too bad I don't have to commands. Brian
  3. I was told 3 weeks ago they could do it for 60 dollars a key, which I had cash money in my pocket and ready to pay them. Of course I didn't expect it to be free. I just don't want to pay the dealer 330 dollars per key plus 60 more per key for programming a key in their parts room that didn't came with my car either. So how does the key in the parts room "Sense" my immobilzer? Its been there for weeks with my name on it? ANd why the change of policy all of a sudden? Brian
  4. Anyone know what automobile agency to complain to about LEXUS not programming smart keys? My dealer claims since my smart key didn't come with the car, there is a "computer" inside the smart key that looks for the immobilizer in your particular car. So since the Smart key is for another car, he can't program it. But of course you can "BUY" a key from them and "MIRACULOUSLY" that key will be for your particular car, and can be programmed. WHAT GARBAGE.... I am really upset about this and think LEXUS is forcing us to buy smart keys from them. Isn't this illegal? Needless to say, I talked with the Service Manager to no avail. So they have lost all my service repair business, as I will not ever let them do anything to my car. There are way too many good technicians out there. Anyway, anyone know who I can file my complaint to? I prefer a federal agency. (not Lexus corporation). Lexus 2006 GS4340, Brian
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