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  1. Thanks... I've seen my mechanic, I'm good for a rack & pinions change. $450,00 all inc.
  2. Ok, I'll try to explain that the best I can. When I go straight ahead, my steering wheel is straight. If I turn right, then go straight, my steering wheel is 15° tilted to the right. If I make a left turn, then go straight ahead my steering wheel is normal again. Alignment has been made, didn't fixed the problem. When I turn the steering wheel there is no suspect sound (no "clongs" nor whatsoever). If I go straight and release the steering wheel, the car doesn't move from its trajectory... Question: Is there something to tight between the steering wheel and the rack and pinions? Is it a problem with rack and pinions? Thank you in adevance for your help T7
  3. I heard SilverStar 9006 ST were good but the lifetime is very limited! Anybody got an idea or have already tested some good stuff?
  4. Thx a lot for that great file! Anyway, problem solved... in fact (ahem) I pulled out the door panel and found out the module was unplugged... Works fine now (obviously), but thanks to all of you for the precious help provided! T7
  5. Nope, no beep, nothing, nada, rien, nieks!
  6. So, what's wrong ??? My SC got alzheimer or what?
  7. I finally found some time to fix this thing! Cable was cutted inside the rubber, made a bridge, works again! Since I hate A/C this is a big relief! !Thx for the help! :) Ted7
  8. Almost a year later and still not working :D Maybe some new member's got an idea? :whistles:
  9. Yes sorry, I used the wrong term, I was speaking of the wires that may be frayed somewhere. The buzz is coming from the window panel control. So you think I should open that rubber hose that goes from the door into the car?
  10. Hello I know the reason why it's not working, obviously the cable has broken somewhere near the door. When I open the driver's door I can open both windows, when I close the door, no windows are moving (just hear a buzzzzzz). The only thing is that I don't know where the broken cable is. I'm sure I'm not the first who had this problem, so if anyone had the same issue here, I'd like to know where to investigate. Thx in advance for any help T7
  11. JW bout that u did say when u turn it on or off. Right, I was just a little bit tired when I wrote that post ;)
  12. So, what could be the cause? Compressor ?
  13. No, the lack of power is of course when I turn the A/C on...
  14. Is it normal that I feel a serious lack of power when the AC is on or off? (SC400)
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