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Everything posted by Ramy

  1. I drove my 400 the first 1500 miles with premium only, averaged 24.7MPG on mix driving, mostly short hwy trips. The next 1500 miles or so I used regular and averaged 24.5MPG on the same type of driving, and no noticable performance difference. So my experience is that using premium will improve your MPG by about 1% but will cost you about 7% more. I see no reason to use premium. Ramy
  2. Can someone explains the sense for the factory default setting to automatically trap all passengers in the car until the gear is shift to "Park"?? I've seen it in other cars as well, but the whole paranoic approach where one can not even enter a destination while driving, and at the same time significantly increasing the risk of injury or death by trapping the passengers in case of an accident does not make any sense. I know the manual states that it automatically unlock in an accident, but would you trust it? It is not hard to imagine a situation where the gear is still on drive but passengers can not escape and outside helpers can not open the doors. Of course the settings can be changed, but how many would be aware of it and bother asking the dealer to change the default settings? Ramy
  3. My Lockpick 3 basic working fine with my 2007 RX400 with the Mark Levinson DVD changer + Nav option and the latest NAV version (6 I believe). The only option my car does not have is the rear DVD but I doubt it matters. Ramy
  4. The more expensive ones which enables other functions are not suitable for the RX400h. They may be suitable for the 350, not sure. They are also a little harder to install. I found out the Lockpick 3 sifficient for me, if I want to make a phone call I can still use my phone for dialing and continue the conversation hands free. Ramy
  5. I got my Lockpick 3 Basic and installed it in less than 10 minutes. All you need to do is to lift the cover where the spare tire tools are in the trunk to expose the back of the DVD (not the DVD changer in the instrument panel). I could only lift it few inches but enough to access the plug to plug the lockpick in. A true plug and play, and it works exactly as advertised - canceling the I agree screen and enabling the destination input while driving. Definitely worth the $100 if you ever need to enter destination while you drive. Ramy Here's another thread, just below the one you clicked on. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/index...showtopic=39896 Enjoy! The search tool can be your friend. :P One of the responses shows a video. You can see it's not big deal. Even for simple folk, like myself.
  6. OK, I know the manual recommends against it, but in practice, if one runs out of fuel, can the 400 be driven slowly on electrical only for few miles to the next gas station, hopefully before running out of battery? I would like to hear from anyone who tried it, especially how far could they go and what happened when the engine tried to kick in.
  7. Sometimes it's because their email address . . . costaletech ... with an 'E' . . . gets inputted wrong, and they leave the e out. Another company owns the address without the e. At least that's what they told me. I actually managed to talk to them on my third reply. Just call during business hours. I was told that the standard LockPick 3 is the only solution for the 2007 RX400 with CD changer. I haven't order one yet since I read inconsistant results on the forums, especially for it's functionality and instalation ease, but may give it a try. Ramy
  8. Yes, the topic has been written & rewritten in lots of other threads. The search tool is a wonderful thing. However, if you don't like making a DVD (and THIS IS the simplest way) you'll not like the other 2 methods either. (1) costaltech.com sells a nice over ride device (my choice) so you don't have to punch thru the over ride menus. (2) There are speed sensors on the wheels that (if disconected) will allow you to do the over ride ... but as I've said in prior threads, you didn't hear that from me. True, there is overwhelming amount of info, but often contradicts. So here are my questions. I guess I wouldn't need to ask all those questions if costaltech web site wasn't that confusing... 1 - Will the Lockpick 3 basic works on a 2007 RX400 with the Mark Levingstone system (but no rear DVD player) and ver 6? 2 - Is it indeed just a simple plug and play in the trunck? 3 - Will it enable all the destination related functions? 4 - Does any of the other LockPicks which enable the phone will work with my car? Thanks, Ramy
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