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Everything posted by webs

  1. Finally, other people have noted the problem with the peeling chrome on rims. Mine started on my 2000 GS300 when it was just out of warranty in 2002. The district rep for Lexus claimed they did not have a problem, but a few tire stores told me it was a common problem and blamed faulty chroming. I suspect it may also have to do with the way the tire install/removal equipment rubs on the rim as it does its job. Nothing you can do except fill your tires every 3-4 days or buy non-lexus rims. I am disappointed by lexus when it comes to taking responsibility for these type problems. Due to this and another problem, I have unfortunately put them in the "just like the rest of the A$%hole car companies" group.
  2. Has anyone changed their timing belt yet? From the looks of it, you have to remove the radiator, Accessory belt and tensioner and plastic covers. Does the water pump or anything else that gets removed in order to get to the belt? Any tricks or suggestions I need to know? If I have to remove the water pump, should I go ahead and replace it as well?
  3. How do the two parts of the plastic timing belt cover come off? I tried to remove the upper part by taking out the machine bolts on top and the oil cap, but it still feels like it is attached and I don't want to damage it. Does this require removing the lower part first?
  4. Maybe I am stupid, ok I am I admit it, but do you have to remove the intake manifold to change the plugs in my 2000 GS300. Can anyone help me out here? I would appreciate any assistance.
  5. I THINK YOU SHOULD GET ONTO THE AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTES WEBSITE. WWW.API.ORG SEARCH "OCTANE" FOR ALL RELATIVE ARTICLES. YOU MIGHT GET SCHOOLED BY SOME PEOPLE WHO REALLY KNOW THE SUBJECT. I have a gs300 and my response would have been exactly what you just said. Why waste money for no real benefit. With my little 6 cylinder, I think anyone who says they get better performance is making an emotional judgement. I don't get any better mileage or performance by changing octane. Also, check the website from american petroleum institute ( www.api.org) search "octane" lots of articles that will dispell a lot of the rumors on this site.
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