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Lex_Chick _GsBGizzle

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Everything posted by Lex_Chick _GsBGizzle

  1. Doesnt sound like a good idea. I dont know much about this, but just trust there must be a good reason theat they seperated tires for rwd and tries for all.!
  2. Hey, what brake pads/rotos, pads, are recommended? I heard of this big green stuff", or whatever, but i for one am on a bugget. While were at it, what about intakes, etc. What experiences have people had, to help people avoid, and buy them?
  3. Hey I have a '98 gs, have slim to 0 problems with it until now;). Brake light out, and now the brake sqweak, mostly reversing, expecially when parking brake is on/ goign real slow. Someone tells me is is just snow. Hope so.
  4. hELLO, i agree. I just had that prob fixed. brake light burned out- on an "98. '01- ..OUch hope this isn't a sign of more bad things to come. Check, is your brake light bruned out. It is hard toA explain I small dtails icon in words. A picture would help.
  5. Hey, I am an owner of a '98 gs, and i am good and ready to spice up the interior + exterior. I luv the silver dash kit on the sports design. I hate the fake looking stuck on tacky aftermarket wood ones. anyone have any clue where? i've tried browsing millions of sites. Help! P.s all those people talkin about the pics as no one has any, these are off ebay. Thnxs
  6. PS. ( I missed the part about what that idiot dealer told you) WHat an idiot. THis is something else, you should complain to lexus "headquarters", as they should not have such low lives, cheap people on their staff. If you didn't figure it out yet, that NO OF COURSE THIS IS NOT A COMMON PROBLEM~! HE just realized that yes you do unfortunetely have a realy rare and really bad problem so to avoid a lawsuit, he attempted to brush it off with a comment that pathetic. lol. Don't beleive a word of it as i'm sure you don't . I recommend you change dealers, for not willing to adress their default being so large and dangerous, by .. i don't know maybe stating that driving it is now too dangeou period, and giving you a loaner for a while? AND two, hiring such *BLEEP* you'd think you'd only find at ... a dode or kia, or izusu, etc dealer GOOD LUCK!
  7. Hey, too bad your stuck with this problem: it just sound like your just unlucky with an unsually defect. (I never heard of such a thing, we have a '98 300, with pratically zero problems aside from a recalled alarm which wil soon be resolved. )If you noticed this and your obviously not lying, this sound like a serious, and DANGEROUS problem. If the dealer couldn't find anything, don't give up, i think you'd better find somone who specialises in this stuff, and test drive with them. Don't give up, and drive carfully! (This may be of interest, there was some kind of officialy testin g in terms of quality of all makes of models, and the GS came to number FOUR! That's right, four not of the lexus brand, or certain models in a class, but overall all models in all makes.!)
  8. Hey, we had that problem and among other problems which we just got back from the dealer, they said that for them to really fix it means actually removing the seats, and re wiring or putting lub right on it, this would be in the 4 digits...! So, apparently only put some lub all over, and if you do it well, it should be much better. (thats what i plan to do, when i get around to it.) Hope u gettin this, later
  9. Hey guys n gals , go through the other topics someone posted a nother pic which is possibly the gs new pic, bnut it looks more like an version of the es which already is out! Hope that helops
  10. HEY YOU People sure know your stuff. Another gilr here wondering anyone knows if there are soemwhere some "aftermarket cool tailights for the gs, I kow chances are know I tried lookin too, I find it weird that there are for the rx, but the gs is also sporty. They have engine stuff, a fair share of front grill, but no lights. I find that uncool!....
  11. I agree, also with the person who says this could be a version of the es. If it is, Hopefully, It might be a design or possibility as they were going through the desin process: it is much bigger and longer than the gs, it very much looks like the '03 es, for exmple the door handles. Yes, the new es is UGLEY, too. Well at least there is hope for the sc, ls, and gs copier (the "is" that is), hehe;)
  12. Oops nvm! SOrry i thought your talking about the next pic of the memebers gs! SOrry , on second thought I think that is the real model in real life, it;s not a fake photoshop like the other pic going arouind. No matter what like someone said before its so ugly; the trademark tri healights, and cool double taillgihts are lost in a mess of UGLY likettle headlights..UCH. Glad I can't afford that piece of S&*& and i get to keep my '98.
  13. What the f#$& are u all idots! It a current gen gs with dumb graphics on the side!!! LOL
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